Hold me tight , ♥
Monday, April 11, 2011 @ Annyeong! / back to the top
Guess who's back, back again?
Wendy's back, tell a fr- wait, no. keep it to yourself.
The reason why I've been MIA its because I went over to the dark side cause they had cookies and milk..
Tumblr is really addictive and I think I lost my mojo over there so I came back here. I can never stay to one thing for long, can I?

Anyway, I have a lot to talk about but I'm afraid I do not have the time to type everything down here right now. But definitely will do it sooner or later!
Stay tuned, will ya?! :D

ko-mab-seub-nida! :D

Sunday, August 30, 2009 @ Tumblr dot com! / back to the top
Okay so I sort of moved. SORT OF.
To Tumblr.com
Yeah. I think it's pretty cool and pretty. sooo yeah hahah.
I think you guys should go for tumblr too! :p
But I'm still keeping my blog though. Until when I really want to close it down then I'll tell you guys about it.

Go now, visit my tumblr! :D

Tuesday, August 25, 2009 @ BraceFace / back to the top
I'm gonna have my braces in... two hours time!!!
I'm excited and freaking out at the same time.
I don't know how I would feel like after having it.
Painful? Nothing? Or just, Miserable?
I don't know. But I prayed to God to keep me stronggggg even if it hurts so so much until like I wanna kill people, THAT much.
And I'm in dilemmas of choosing the FIRST colour ever for my braces. Haha. Yeah.
I hate choosing stuffs 'cause I suck at making decisions.

But I might go for blue, or lime green, or purple, or pink? HAHA.
I have no idea.

ANYWAYS, will update this part when I'm back from my dental appointment.
AND also, with pictures of course! :D :p


OKAY! I'm back, with braces.
BraceFace for real now. hahahaha.
It wasn't that bad as I thought it would be.
Anyways, less talking, more pictures? Sure why not.





Friday, August 21, 2009 @ baby it's fact / back to the top
Next week onwards are gonna be quite exciting, sad, and everything mixing up together in one.
I just had one of my teeth plucked today and I didn't talk much since this morning 'cause it hurtssss T_T
I'm expecting porridge for me tonight. Sigh.
Im all done with all this plucking teeth part so I'm ready for braces! :D
My appointment is this coming Tuesday. Can't wait :D :D :D
But then again, it's sad, to see my sister leaving for her further study all the way to Nilai.
Sigh. Never expected myself would feel sad for my sister's leave to Nilai because, we quarrel a lot. And when I mean, A lot, is, A LOOOOOOOOT!
Geez, I AM sure gonna miss those quarreling moments with her.
The house is gonna be so quiet after my granny and my sister leave next week.



Oh and then have to study really really hard for the forecast exam.
sigh. sigh. sigh.
You have no idea how many times I've sighed these past few, weeks? Yeah. sigh :(
I really have no idea what to write here. Sucks.
Will update you with my braces this Tuesday.

Thursday, August 20, 2009 @ Juat gotta say / back to the top
Not going school again today.
Gonna study soon. Physics and a lil' of Add Maths.
And um, well, I slept at 10-ish yesterday and I woke up at, 10-ish today. How amazing.
Such a pig lah me. Guess who's the influence? :p

Then I came down, on my laptop and I have no idea why I straight away clicked play on the 'Say Goodbye' song by SClub 7.
And again, I feel quite emotional lately.

In the years to come, will you think about these moments that we shared?
In the years to come, are you gonna think it over, and how we lived each day with no regrets?
Nothing last forever though we want it to
The road ahead holds different dreams for me and you

Sometimes goodbye, though it hurts in your heart, it's the only way for destiny.
Sometimes goodbye, though it hurts, it's the only way now for you and me.
Though it's the hardest thing to say, I'll miss your love in any way.
So say Goodbye, but don't you cry, 'cause true love never dies.

Brunch time.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009 @ Feeling a lil' inspired / back to the top
Inspired, or feeling a lil' emotional.
So I decided to write some lyrics.
Went to school today and I was observing what was happening in school and, You and Me.
Those kind of things.
That's the reason why I'm feeling a lil' emotional now and trying to figure out good words to write for my so called 'song'

Okay, so anyways, back to school stuffs, we had AGM meeting today and WELL, we seniors handed all our jobs to the juniors and we all feel quite relieved. QUITE.
'Cause I still have to do some reports for Interact and it's not only just ONE report but, A LOT OF THEM.

Then we had like talks from Sunway University and Institute Sinaran before recess.
So we had no class from the morning until recess time.
Sunway looks quite cool though and it has what I want. Arts&Design, Hospitality, Mass Comunication and so on.
While I.S., I don't really have much choices, do I?
Maths, Econs, Business, Accounting, and one more subject I forgot. XD
So I'm not quite sure which one to go. Sunway or I.S.
But high chance on I.S. though, AND if I get 5 credits for my forecast (yeah Wendy, so why the heck are you still sitting here? GO STUDY LAH YOU!)


ANYWAYS, I think I'll be writing my lyrics soon.
See ya later, Aligator.
(okay, ew)

Thursday, August 13, 2009 @ Soli soli / back to the top
I've been neglecting my blog pretty much the wholeeeee time lately.
And I kinda miss sharing what's going on in my life and so on with you guys.
Anyways, this is gonna be a short one.
I just want to tell all of you that, I'M GONNA GO PLUCK MY TEETH TOMORROW!
I don't know if I should either be excited or worried. :/
I just can't wait wait wait waiiiiiit to put on my braces and if you're lucky enough, you'll see two holes after plucking both my twisted teeth tomorrow.
Hahahaha. Gonna look weird but who the heccccck cares XD
And um, yeah. That's it I guess?

Oh and I brought my dslr camera to school this whooooooooole week.
It was kinda fun though yet tiring to bring the camera/camera bag everywhere I go.
Even to the field. 'Cause I'm really paranoid that people would steal or touch or do whatsoever dramatic actions with it so I just bring along only laaaa with me.
And um, that's it I guess.

OHEMGEE, this gotta be the most suckiest post I've ever posted.

I'm going to sleep now.
OH! Pictures on Facebook. Check them out(:

I'll get back to you.

The Girl
I'm not quiet nor am I loud. I'm cool B) HAHA.
I have great wacko friends, and people usually call us the "WEBS".
One and only love, Joshua Ronald Rokam. Love him sincerely much and I tend to fall in love all over again every time he makes my heart skips-a-beat
Finally my wish came true! Own a DSLR alreaaaady! XD haha. Come here more often if you want to know me better.

<3: 11months



