Hold me tight , ♥
Thursday, April 30, 2009 @ Heal this Heart of mine / back to the top

Heal the wound but leave the scar
A reminder of how merciful you are
I am broken
Torn apart
Take the pieces of this heart
And heal the wound ..but leave the scar

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 @ Fly, Firefly / back to the top
School's getting on my nerves. And it's getting tougher and tougher nowadays.
People in school starting to look at my friends I in a very differently-weird ways.
Like, as though we lived in a garbage factory or had something gross stuck in between our teeth. Or probably something even worse than that.
But the truth is, obviously, we don't live in a garbage factory nor we had spinach for breakfast.

I have no idea what we've done to deserve this. This ...I don't know why am I even ranting but yeah.

So many things I've heard and they're absolutely unpleasant for my ears to hear or myself, to know.
I'm not going into details.
And I just couldn't stand how people these days act as though they rule the freaking World.
Which, obviously, they don't at all.


I just can't wait to get out of this school.
Is giving me too much dramas, TOO MUCH.
All I want was just a going-to-school-with-a-big-fat-smile-on-my-face school life.
But I guess I've learned my lessons for keeping my hopes up high.
Now it's crashed and burnt.


I wanna watch GG now, but I don't have the mood to and I don't know why :/
Wait, maybe I should. To cheer myself up.
And maybe I should stuff my face with Famous Amos cookies.
AHHH, that sounds good to me.

But no wait, it just gonna make feel miserable again because I'm gaining weight just by doing that!
Eat and Sit, for hours or so!
And I'll be collecting more and more fats!

Life is so Unfair.
Don't you think so?!


Well, I will update sooner or later.
Probably later.

Monday, April 27, 2009 @ Step your feet to the happy beat / back to the top
School's fine. Seats, changed. MM, what else?
Oh, tomorrow's the last freaking day of PEKA for Chemistry.
Can't actually wait to get over with.

I planned to watch GG tonight but I didn't.
Disappointment? Maybe.
And I finally, finally finished my 'Confessions of a Shopaholic' book.
The ending is quite awkward to me.
But nevertheless, it's a good book.
I might read Marley&Me or All-American Girl next.
Which one should I read first? Hmmm.

Exams 'round the corner and I'm obviously not prepared which is a major bad thing.
I know, I should be reading my oh-damn-boring History text book right now. Like, NOW!
Instead, I'm blogging and finding pictures of GG.
ED Westwick, or as known as, Chuck Bass is dating with Jessica Szohr! Or as known as, Vanessa in GG.
Really cute. Really really cute together.

Oh oh, I have picture(:

Toldchu they look cute together!

Gosh, how boring can I be sometimes?
Mind's blank.
Blog next time?
Sounds good to me :D

Saturday, April 25, 2009 @ Another Day Out / back to the top
Another typical day out with friends.
Good friends. Great friends.
The Best friends(:

Anyways, we had great time spending our times laughing and mostly, eating our hearts out.
Talking about eating, we sure ate a lot today. Not surprised though.
We had pizzas, cheese&tuna buns, Yee Mee and Takoyaki!
So much food, so little time.. haha.
And we tried on dresses in this Ms. Melissa boutique and I was pretty sure those workers who work there were quite annoyed by us for trying most of the clothes there and ended up not buying them.
But whoooo cares? We were having fun and that's what matters the most! :D
We were ooh-ing and ahhs-ing the whole time.
Lots of pretty things caught our eyes and we couldn't help but to stop and stare.
I thought we're moving but we were going no where (8)

And we fought over about a thing which looks like a horse to me, a dragon to Belle and a donkey to Elle.
It was pathetic. Hahah.

I'll let pictures do the talking now:
(Click to Enlarge)

We looooove Takoyaki!
Don't we, EBS?! :D

I went to meet Josh just now in Magellan.
It was good. I miss him already!
:s Geez~

Oh, and I'll reply all of y'all comments tomorrow 'cause I'm getting a lil' tired now.
The bed is screaming my name.

Friday, April 24, 2009 @ So Cliche / back to the top
First of, I would like to wish four of these lucky people with the same birth date! or you can call it birthday,
And they will be, Saifuddin, Cavan Foo, Adam Sidek and Aunty Angie!

Happy Birthday and Hope You All Had A Good One This Year!

So lets see. Dramas been happening a lot lately surprisingly in my such dull life and there's no need to be mentioned here, actually.
Just, one of the dramas that I couldn't stand but to let it out here is, people actually concludes pretty fast these days, don't they, huh?
Well, just so you know, it really bugs me to just think about what have happened.

Teachers knew about our relationship(it's not like I have any intentions to keep our relationship a low-profile nor escape from teachers), friends been smiling so obviously fake to me, friends who I thought they were friends, and many more complicated dramas which are possible to guess.

"Is it a crime to fall in love with someone who's younger than you?
I don't pretty much think so, teach."

I know, I know. I felt so, humiliated today.
Oh wells.

Well anyways, I thought that was crap.
I still think it is.
My sis finally bought season two of GG!
And I've watched until epi 4 which is kinda a lot actually.
And I have to agree with Trudy, season two is quite complicated comparing to season one and well, obviously, MORE dramas going on.
Same 'ol beetch-stares and all the beetchyness you can get.

I really, seriously have nothing in mind right now.
Maybe I'll blog the next time when I have the mood to.

(I swear my blog posts nowadays are getting really weird, not that I wanted them to be)

Even this picture screams 'Weird'.
Can my life get any weirder?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 @ Turn The Clock / back to the top
Bloggers these days usually put their titles based on their favourite lines in lyrics.
I don't really know if that's absolutely true but I kinda realized it myself.
And besides, 50 percent of my titles are all taken out from my fave lyrics/songs.
Like this one, 'Turn The Clock' by Hey Monday.
Hey Monday songs are good. I love how it sounds like and all.
The music, even though it's kinda rockish but I like it.
Joseeeeey, don't you worrry.

Anyways, I felt sleepy and dead for almost like every classes in school today.
I didn't really pay enough attention to the teachers.
I acted like I understand but I actually don't know what were they talking about.
Especially during History class, which I never listen to her. Not even once. Maybe I did.. but not literally.
I'm so sorry teacher, my ears just couldn't do so!


This might be weird.
I just found out that my dad studied in La Salle before when he was my age.
No, not La Salle here, La Salle.
The other La Salle in KL.
And my mom was in SMK Raja Rizan? Something... I forgot the name of the school.
And my DEARY MOMMY likes to brag about how "innocent" they were last time.
During parties, any kinds, they don't do dress-up like we do today. They don't go expensive five stars hotels to rock that night out. They wore school uniforms and partied in their school's hall.

Okay. So now I get why'd my mom said they were undeniably 'innocent'.


(toldchu this is weird)

I really have nothing to say right now.
I might play more of Hey Monday songs and head to my bed after that.

And, I miss going out with you too, Joshua(:
Seriously, I really need a hug right now.


Monday, April 20, 2009 @ Brand New Day / back to the top
Monday Monday Monday.
Freaking Boring Monday.
Gosh, I never liked Monday before. Ever.

So school was okay I guess.
Laughed and talked quite a lot today.
Sunny and Jeremiah are SUCH MEANIES!
The reason why I'm saying this is because they hit me for being a... a....Ball Gazer?!
Look, I don't gaze at people's thing and I don't even have the intention too!
You guys are cheatinggg! putting that round thingy circle thingy on your thing and then some people would look at it and then you can hit them with satisfaction!?

Anyways, that was crap.
We had B.O.D. Meeting today which kind of went pretty, confusing and noisy at the same time.
Belle and I chose our kuli-kuli already. Hahaha.
And we couldn't decide which colour Tees should we get for IU Day!
Belle, you alone emo emo there with your black la.
Go get yourself cookies and go to the dark side.


My mom wanted me to transfer songs from the computer to her phone.
But instead, she told me to teach her so she would know and stop asking me to transfer songs for her.
So here's how our convo went like:

Mom: *gets paper and pen*
Wendy: Here's what you need to do first. Take the phone cable, and then you plug it into this *points at the cable picture*
Mom: O-kay...
Wendy: And then, you plug this to your phone, there.
Mom: ...
Wendy: Select the 'Data Transfer' which shows clearly here in your phone.
Mom: Okay, *writing* Da..ta.... Trans....fer.
Wendy: Okay, then it will appear this Auto bla bla bla. And you'll find the 'Open Folder' and then you double click it.
Mom: Okay.. *writing* O....pen...Fol...der.
Wendy: So it appears this Removable Disk file thingy, see?
Mom: Hmmm.
Wendy: You go to Ares and then you search for the song that you want to put into your phone. Okay, example, Goodbye by Air Suply. Right click and...*mom interupts*
Mom: *writing* Ri...ght....Cli...ck. Ok.
Wendy: ...Okay. After the right click, click the 'Locate File'
Mom: Uh-huh.
Wendy: Then tada, your song is in HERE. Right click again, then click copy. (I didn't want to tell my mom that she can actually drag the song to the other folder instead of doing the copy&paste method because I didn't want her to get confused. Haha, trust me, she gets confused really fast)
Mom: *writing* Co...py. Then?
Wendy: Then click the 'Removable Disk" file. Click 'Sounds' and then paste the 'Goodbye by Air Supply* in here.
Mom: Okaaaay. So click sounds ya? Okay Okay.
Wendy: Yeah... Of course, 'cause you want songs ma. Of course sounds laaa.
Mom: *giggles/laughs* (I couldn't differentiate)
Wendy: Lol. Okay. And then click 'Back'.
Mom: *clicks*
Wendy: And then close EVERYTHINGGGG.
Mom: Everything??
Wendy: Yes, everything.
Mom: *clicks clicks clicks*
Wendy: Okay. Then you see that small green arrow thingy on the task bar? Double click it.
Mom: *clicks*x2
Wendy: Then you see the stop? Click stop and then 'Ok'. Then you can safely remove your cable from the computer.
Mom: Oooooooh.

Lol. I know. I was laughing while teaching my mom.
No, wait, I'm not as mean as you think I am for laughing at my mom like that.
It's just somehow funny to see my very own mom, looking blur and funny!
Hahhaha. Well it was cute, really(:

I really like polaroid cameras too, Kahmuuuun! :D

Sunday, April 19, 2009 @ Green Makes Me Happy / back to the top

In The Process...

This was totally candid.
This picture can actually put in my kerja kursus Pendidikan Moral man!

Minnie and Junior...


The SS-ing...

More SS-ing...

I deserve a good sleep, don't I?

Chen Nam took this when I was sleeping.
I slept like a big fat pig so I didn't notice anyone who went into my room.

Okay, so Sharlyn came to help my sis and I paint our bedroom walls yesterday.
Which was so tiring yet, so fun.
My sis painted hers pink and mine, well as you all already guessed, GREEEN!
And I'm pretty satisfied with the colour that I chose.
My room looks so, bright now. Brighter than before of course.
I'm so happy! Green makes me Happy!

Wendy: *painting on the other part of the wall**wipes sweat**continues painting*
Sharlyn: *standing at the door* Wah, that part looks like mango oh.
Wendy: Mangooo?! Oh man, I want mangoes now.
(silence awkward moment)
Sharlyn: ...Mango juice, mango ice-cream, mango...

I was craving for sorts of stuff!
Like, starbucks hot choco with caramel! or maybe Greentea frap. Mangoes, mangoes, mangoes! 100Plus. Savoury food.
God knows I craved more than that.

Hmm. My room was in a mess, newspapers everywhere, so I didn't get to online.
I was in a full of determination! I painted from 11 morning until midnight.
Tell me how can that show that I'm not determined enough?!
I painted my door white and I like it really much!

Overall, I'm Lovin' It.


I think I need a rest right now, I'm tired.
You know, from all the painting and all.
Going up and down on that friggin' tall leader.
I'm so used to it already, I'm not afarid of heights.
Bonus for me! Haha.
But I don't really like going on rollercoaster though.
Now that's not fun!
I'm actually missing all those crazy fun rides! Too bad, I just don't have the guts to go on them.
Yeah I know, how emberassing.

Anyways, lets cut the crap.
I need to sleep.
Nights! :)

@ The feeling that my heart don't want to feel / back to the top

Where are the people that accused me?
The ones who beat me down and bruised me
They hide just out of sight
Can't face me in the light
They'll return but I'll be

Sometimes it's hard to just keep going
But faith is moving without knowing
Can I trust what I can't see
To reach my destiny
I want to take control but I know

Friday, April 17, 2009 @ Dilemma, again? / back to the top

Greens or Yellow?
Which colour should I pick and paint for my small freckin bedroom which looks retarded but it's 'aight.
I still have to sleep in it so, yeah.
Less complaints will do :D

Anyways, yes, I'm currently in a dilemma of choosing between green or yellow for my bedroom walls.
WELL, I don't really know which ones best.
I have some yellows on my room walls now which, I'm kinda bored of it so I think I might go with lime green.
But the thing is, does lime green matches brown furniture?


Be back soon.

@ Emotional / back to the top

I need strength.
I need hope.
I need more than just 'i love you'.
I need someone to mend my complicated heart.
I need Him.

Why is everyone putting all the blame on me?
What have I done wrong lately?
I did what you told me to and this is what I got from you?

This is just way too unfair for me.
Too much, just too much.

Thursday, April 16, 2009 @ Hahahehehahaho / back to the top
YAY, NO DARN BORING ASSEMBLY TOMORROW(not that I'm looking after one of the classes or something, I'm only standing at the gate.)

I like rain. Only at certain times though.

Coke, anyone?

@ Set Off Your Alarms / back to the top
Today was the Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang where nerds were all about the hall.
Sitting coordinately to their achievements.
Students-yes, there's a 'S' in the 'student'. Which is super-d-duper rare because all these years there were only ONE student of the year. But I guess they're making a change starting from, this year? Idk man-of the year are Edrea R. Pan and Affiq Iskandar.
Congrats to both of you! You guys deserved it, at least I think so :D

And well, like anyone else, it was one of those boring events that you can have in school.
Sit, Listen and Yawn?
Speeches, speeches, speeches.

Talked to Joshua and I am satisfied that we took some pictures together with our retarded uniforms.
And as for the seranta crew/peeps, they did it again!
Kaaaaaaren! Haha. You know what I'm talking about.
And Daphne too! Funny man you guys.
hahahaa. Damn, damn.

Not going into details.


-Klik to EnLARGE-

The book that I've been reading ever since, ...I forgot when was the first time I read it.
I was too busy with school activities and I left my book untouched. So, I need more time, spare time to finish reading this book. Hopefully, ASAP.

Don't we just look weird? :D

Darnit, should've went in front to take a better and CLEARER picture of him shaking Elizabeth Emannuel's hand :/
Regrets, regrets.

Haha, I actually like this picture.
Our eyes are sepet and our teeth, gosh, need I explain more?

Blur but Good memories :D

I know, I know. We look so wrong with our school uniforms.
At least I think we do XD

Wendy: Don't want! Got teacheeer baaah..
Karen: EEE-Ishh.. *Walks off*

lol. :p

I'll get back to you.

The Girl
I'm not quiet nor am I loud. I'm cool B) HAHA.
I have great wacko friends, and people usually call us the "WEBS".
One and only love, Joshua Ronald Rokam. Love him sincerely much and I tend to fall in love all over again every time he makes my heart skips-a-beat
Finally my wish came true! Own a DSLR alreaaaady! XD haha. Come here more often if you want to know me better.

<3: 11months



