I got to spend the whole night with the one that I love.
It's like,
"Jai Ho". Haha(:
(speaking of Jai Ho, I've just recently watched
Slumdog Millionaire and I will talk about it later)
His birthday cake was so deliciouz'ue~! Blueberry Cheesecake!
No doubt that, his mom is a great baker.
I had so much food last night and my stomach
still feeling a lil' bloated!
I was entertained by most of the cutie little kiddies last night. Mostly Nicole though, Josh's cute lil' God Sister.
She's such a cutie! I can't wait to see her again some other time!
Anyways, I'll leave you with pictures.

The crowds were singing not only just
one happy birthday song but, THREE TIMES! to all three of them!
First would be Uncle Ronald.

Then, Mariel Ronald.
Last but not least, Joshua Ronald!(:


18th and
16th birthday to the Ronalds! :D

Chocolate Cake, Honey (Something) cake I don't remember :O and the best! Blueberry Cheesecake!

The boy who's behind the cake is Nicole's eldest brother, Brandon (ooh! Same name as my cousin!)

I think you might know who this is.
If you don't, he's Joshua's youngest brother, Danial Ronald.
Showing me his
everyday-blur-face face.



Joshua, I'm gonna need to make you bend down a little the next time when we take photos together 'cause you're toooo taaallll!
Giant! XD

I love this picture, somehow.
They look so,
so, sweet!

I think I might be running out of Awws in this post. Haha.

The card that I've made for him!
I forgot to take a close-up one! Oh weeeellls, next time then.

The shirt that I gave him. Heh.
Oh and btw, yes,
I know, I don't have good skills in taking a good and non-blur photos,

Josh and his other birthday gifts.
Funny though, 'cause his friend gave him Two,
yes two, Herbal Toothpaste! XD
*clears throat* Eh Joshua, be appreciative okay?!

Emily and Danial.
Emily's a sweet girl and no doubt, a shy girl too!
She didn't want to take pictures so, I'm sorry but you gotta take at least one for the night!

*teeth* *teeth*

*teeth* *not showing teeth*

Seriously, look at those bigass eyebags!!

A random one.
Just-woke-up look. :p

Hahaha. Just doing his own thing(:
So cuuuuute!
I just love love looooove babies!
They brighten up my miserable days. Don't they brighten up yours too?(:
(mother's day pictures will be up on the next post)