Monday Monday Monday.
Freaking Boring Monday.
Gosh, I never liked Monday before.
So school was
okay I guess.
Laughed and talked quite a lot today.
Sunny and Jeremiah are SUCH MEANIES!
The reason why I'm saying this is because they hit me for being a... a....
Ball Gazer?!
Look, I don't
gaze at people's thing and I don't even have the intention too!
You guys are cheatinggg! putting that round thingy circle thingy on your thing and then some people would look at it and then you can hit them with satisfaction!?
Anyways, that was crap.
We had B.O.D. Meeting today which kind of went pretty,
confusing and
noisy at the same time.
Belle and I chose our kuli-kuli already. Hahaha.
And we couldn't decide which colour Tees should we get for IU Day!
Belle, you alone emo emo there with your black la.
Go get yourself cookies and go to the dark side.
My mom wanted me to transfer songs from the computer to her phone.
But instead, she told me to teach her so she would know and stop asking me to transfer songs for her.
So here's how our convo went like:
Mom: *gets paper and pen*
Wendy: Here's what you need to do first. Take the phone cable, and then you plug it into this *points at the cable picture*
Mom: O-kay...
Wendy: And then, you plug
this to your phone, there.
Mom: ...
Wendy: Select the 'Data Transfer' which shows clearly here in your phone.
Mom: Okay, *writing* Da..ta.... Trans....fer.
Wendy: Okay, then it will appear this Auto bla bla bla. And you'll find the 'Open Folder' and then you double click it.
Mom: Okay.. *writing* O....pen...Fol...der.
Wendy: So it appears this Removable Disk file thingy, see?
Mom: Hmmm.
Wendy: You go to Ares and then you search for the song that you want to put into your phone. Okay, example, Goodbye by Air Suply. Right click and...*mom interupts*
Mom: *writing* Ok.
Wendy: ...
Okay. After the right click, click the 'Locate File'
Mom: Uh-huh.
Wendy: Then
tada, your song is in HERE. Right click again, then click copy. (I didn't want to tell my mom that she can actually drag the song to the other folder instead of doing the copy&paste method because I didn't want her to get confused. Haha, trust me, she gets confused really fast)
Mom: *writing* Then?
Wendy: Then click the 'Removable Disk" file. Click 'Sounds' and then paste the 'Goodbye by Air Supply* in here.
Mom: Okaaaay. So click sounds ya? Okay Okay.
Wendy: Yeah... Of course, 'cause you want songs ma. Of course sounds laaa.
Mom: *giggles/laughs* (I couldn't differentiate)
Wendy: Lol. Okay. And then click 'Back'.
Mom: *clicks*
Wendy: And then close EVERYTHINGGGG.
Mom: Everything??
Wendy: Yes, everything.
Mom: *clicks clicks clicks*
Wendy: Okay. Then you see that small green arrow thingy on the task bar? Double click it.
Mom: *clicks*x2
Wendy: Then you see the stop? Click stop and then 'Ok'. Then you can safely remove your cable from the computer.
Mom: Oooooooh.
Lol. I know. I was laughing while teaching my mom.
No, wait, I'm not as mean as you think I am for laughing at my mom like that.
It's just somehow funny to see my very own mom, looking blur and funny!
Hahhaha. Well it was cute, really(:

I really like polaroid cameras too, Kahmuuuun! :D