Um Hm.
I'll blog later.
I'm gonna go stuff my face with BK now! :D
You have no idea how
super duper humongous fat I feel right now.
I consumed so much
unhealthy food today!
I had KFC, Burger King and Chocolate Swirl Cheesecake. And
no, I'm not happy nor proud of it at all!
I only had,
AN APPLE for today. Not even a big one. It's a cute small one.
I feel so obese. Oh damn.
I shall eat more apples tomorrow and no more fast food or junk food for three to four days!
I really hope I can keep my promise in this! *crosses fingers*
The reason why I had junk food is because there aint
nothing healthy or a
proper meal for me to consume at home. And I still have a lot of Chinese New Year biscuits at home that are never been touched before, so I always ended up eating them to keep myself alive for 30 minutes or so while waiting for some good food drop down from the sky or something.
This is not healthy at all. Eating
too much biscuits kills. I swear it will.
'Cause well,
Mrs Lim told us about how biscuits nowadays can actually kill us if we consume it too much. It was during one of those PE classes.
Or maybe it wouldn't kill, I was just in the mood to
Um okay. Lets talk about something else, like for instant, my
omg-lah-it's-so-boring day.
Our chemistry project is almost done! Just a teeny weeny bit and we're done! :D The feeling of relieved!
I LIKE THE FEELING OF THAT, don't you too?
But I'm still screwed with Moral and Physics though.
Ugh. Thinking about it makes my head
spin right round right round~
It was the
second time of my life playing
LBP(Little Big Planet) today at Julian's place.
It is still so freaking cute and funny! And again, I laughed a lot. As usual.
We went to the next level, and the next level, and the next level.... until Elle's car came.
So, we had to leave. T_T
So long, LBP. I will see you again, somehow,
Um, so my partner finally came.
So we dance, dance, dance. Shake it out, Shake it out!
It was
raining and it smelled like
But, WE DIDN'T CARE ANYWAYS. So we continued our dance and yeah.
Then it was about time for us to go home and take a
super duper long warm bath.
Ohmamamia~ Don't you just like taking a warm bath and play with the water for like a
half and hour?!
Maybe not that long, but, don't you wish you were in a warm bubble bath with really nice aroma smell just like you're in one of those spa. Where nothing is in your mind but relaxation.
(Stops dreaming)
Anyways, so I was on
A Shopaholics Dent and then something caught my wonderful eyes.

This is a ring made out of
gold brass.
Pretty unique huh?
So yeah. It actually caught my eyes. And so I clicked on
Soak Republic and explored
this site all the while when I was downstairs using the Desktop.
Seriously, this site has a lot of goodies! You guys should really check it out.
Recommended for those who are so
super addictied or has an interest for earrings/accessories.
I shall post up some of the pictures here of accessories that I
fell in love at first sight with.
You girls should really scream your lungs out when you see these cute earrings! So freaking adorable!
& Really pretty vintage-ish necklaces/rings too!

These dollies somehow remind me of LBP.
I know they has this weird looking faces and bodies but, aren't they cute that way?!
I guess, that is the whole point. Of, looking weird and
weirdly cute at the same time.

really unique rings, aren't they?!

These are rings too.
I love the far left one. The one in black colour and a small part of a golden side.

Just keep on drooling, keep on drooling.

These are my fave!
No need for me to say much for these bunch of colourful and pretty earrings huh?
Just go on, click on that dang site!
Oh, and btw, I've changed from
twitter to
I think Plurk is,
cuter. hahah. I don't know about you, but that was just my thought.
And it's easier to manage. 'Cause, I still have no idea how do you customize twitter.
I know I'm slow and dumb okay. You don't have to tell me. It's pretty obvious already.
I'm off now. Nights!