Hi i'm back. Currently in the living room (have to look after my lil' baby brother). On the laptop and tv.
MULTI-TASKING AGAIN BEBEH! I'm watching Chinese New Year MV. It's weird. I know. It can be called as the
Ryan's Addiction. It's like everyday is Chinese New Year to him. As what my mom say 'everyday is a happy happy day to him'. Haha, very funny.
Mom and Aunt Ivy are baking pineapple tarts for their love ones, again. And as a sister, i have to do the responsibility to look after my one and only naughty lil' ryan boy. Sad case? I don't think so.
I love pineapple tarts, do you? Currently webcam-ing with Josh on msn. Quite awkward tho 'cause Aaron Lim is just right beside him. or, he's beside Aaron Lim that's using Josh's computer to chat with his beloved. Either one.
Ohkays, just went to change another Chinese New Year MV cd again. Gawd, kill me. I've been listening to these CNY songs ever since he knows how to cry and watch the damn tv.
Two more days until the Horror. Which is, 2009. How horror can it be? We'll see after the countdown. Don't get me started with the whole SPM thing again. I can go on complaining and worrying about it forever. Believe me. I can. :p
This year has been one of the memorable year to me. I lost love and i found love. The four girls reunited again. Met new friends and looses old friends(kind of). Choosen to become the secretary of Interact Club. Had loads of experiences. Good and bad ones. Went high and low, ran here and there for getting pictures for the Editorial Board. Lots of complaints, less compliments(oh shoot, i said it)
New Year's Resolutions for 2009? Nothing in my mind now actually. Will talk about it when i have one in mind(:
I'm wishing you all my loyal readers and non-loyal readers a great and memorable New Year and an advance Chinese New Year!! <333333333333333
'Cause i'm not your princess
This ain't a fairytale
I'm gonna find someone, someday
Who might actually treat me well
This is a big world
That was a small town
There in my review mirror
Disappearing now
And it's too late for you and your White Horse
And it's too later for you and your White Horse
To catch me now
great song.
Hi people/readers. Do you still want to kno why i didn't blog for these past few days again?
I guess you guessed it already huh?
Well anyways. Been to one of the curtain shops in Damai with mom and grandma.
Picked out some nice curtain for the living room. Then went to Lintas for san nyuk mee!!!!!
One of my fave food, i must mention!
Okay so today is the day of tears/happiness for the PMR candidates.
Heard there are about 49 students in All Saints managed to get straight As. That's good, very good.
And i think they might/will brag about it sooner or later. :p
Here's an advice for those who are not satisfied with their results or get really really disappointing results, your future is not gonna stop just it. Even if you are put in a very bad class, it's still okay, you can still be the Outstanding one among the others.
Parents may slaughter you in heart but they will still give you a chance to learn more in the future.
There's actually nothing bad in commerce classes or arts. They have their pros and cons, so do we sub-science/science classes too.
If you're not so a science freak, then commerce classes are the best place for you :p
But really, even how bad or great your results are, just please don't brag about it. It's really annoying, frankly. :p
If you feel like there's no one who loves you from now on. Then you must be really wrong.
There is one who loves us no matter what situation we are in. Poor, rich, wrong or right, He will still loves us no matter what. Go and figure out.
That was not a curse. It's me. I'm sick... ON CHRISTMAS DAY?!
I didn't have the mood to go online for these past few days, for some particular reasons.
I wrapped presents on the 23rd. I went to Joshua's Christmas Eve dinner on the 24th.
Had the chance talking to his parents and emberassed myself with playing PS2 infront of the kononnya 'pro' gamers.
For those who knows me well, you kno how i suck in Racing Games.
On the 25th! HO HO HO, MEWWIE CHRISTMAS! In the morning, around 10 a.m. my sis, Timothy and I went to Magellan. They have this morning christmas celebration which was held at the grand ballroom in Magellan.
Joshua performed. HE, DANCED! I was laughing, silently. I still think it was gay. Maybe because i was sitting the most back and i couldn't really see clearly what was he doing. I just saw some gay-ness moves. So, i thought it was gay.
But don't worry, i still love you, and your gay-ness. Just don't, over-do it, okay? :p
I met loads of people there. Example school friends, Selina, Farah, Kimberley, Nigel, Jonathan, Kevin, etc etc.
Talked to them. It was pretty cool.
Then around 1 something or so, Joshua followed my sis, Timothy and I to meet up with Tim's parents at DJunction for lunch.
Josh and I were bloated with food from the free buffett in Sutera.
But heck, we ate alot too when we were in this Chinese Restaurant in Djunction.
We saw um, Joshua Wong and his family and some other family friends. I think.
THEN, we went to Vedablu for ice-cream!!! Gosh, am i not fat already?!
but Josh and I didn't get ourself anything. So we sat and waited for them to finish up their ice-creams.
Later, we went to um Sutera again? yeah, Joshua's suggestion! lol.
We didn't know what to do, so Tim and Josh decided to watch 'DIE HARD' in this super lame cinema at Marina.
Oh yeah, you bet i was 'DYING HARD'. The movie was so lame. Maybe because i wasn't concentrating to the movie. Lol. My bad.
Around 430, we send Josh back to his crib and the Wong sisters went back to their own crib.
I was sick since the early morning. Non-stop blowing nose and my nose is OFFICIALLY red.
thankyouverymuch, FLU.
Not to mention, SORE TOO!! It's sore because i keep on blowing and blowing and achoo-ing and blow again and rub my nose and TADA! S-O-R-E.
Moving on. Around at 7 or so, we went to Tim's crib for christmas dinner party!
It was at the pool side. So yeah, mosquitoes were basically SUCKING MY SWEET BLOOD.
My flu was getting worse. So mom decided to go back earlier than planned. Which was 10. lol.
But anyways, my brother was crying for milk so, we had to go back.
So, that was how i celebrate my christmas this year.
IGNORE THE FLU, it was not too bad.

No. It's not 'love sick', thankyouverymuch :p


Formal and Casual = Perfect Match? :p
I look like a zombie now. Wait, no. I look like a vampire now. Oh, i like. -_-
I slept for like hours just now and i'm still feeling so dead tired.
(8) Flu flu go away, please never come into my day(s) (8)
Today, oh such a great day, no? I went for a last-minute christmas shopping today with my family. Mostly with my mom and Ryan. We went to Wisma, as usuall. My favourite place to shop. I bought nothing there. That's a big sad case, don't you think? So mom and I decided to look for something in 1borneo. Just got back actually. Bought quite alot of stuffs. Finally, i bought my very own shades that i've been wanting for so long from Vincci. It's on sale, so why not huh?
My christmas shopping is actually halfway-done and it needs to be done before christmas! Hopefully by tomorrow all the presents i bought will be wrapped nicely with red! green! silver! wrapppping paperz! Gonna go buy more stuffs tomorrow with my mom again.
Oh and btw, the new plasma tv and the brand new sofa arrived just now. Before we went out to 1borneo. The sofa is great. Much, or i'll say, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than before. It's really comfy actually. And the plasma teeevee!!! (sorry but i'm really sakai in this) the freckin' flat 42 inch screen is finally here! in our house! I might spend more time on tv now. :p
Don't worry b, i will spend more time with you too, on the phone. :D MULTI-TASK BEBEH!
So okay, i'm really excited about Christmas now. Can you say, AWESOME?!
But as i shall not forget, it's gonna be year 2009 soon. And i'm so not looking forward to it.
Why? because we form fours this year who're gonna turn to form fives next year will be sitting for our very last, HIGH SCHOOL BIGASS EXAM, SPM.
Oh i'm sorry, did i just pop your
lil' big bubbles? Well, sooner or later, the bubble needs to be pop too. :p
I LOVE CHRISTMAS SONG! I'm so in the mood now. Gosh! especially exhanging gifts! The food! The new clothes! The new shoes! The people that you're gonna be with during Christmas celebration(s)! The fun! THE EVRYTHING ABOUT CHRISTMAS! :D :D :D
Hi to all my fellow readers. Sorry that it's been long since i blogged about what happened the past few days. Reason why is, well. There is actually no particular reason but there's just one common word that's commonly used by bloggers. 'Lazy'.
Anyways, enough of proper talks. Lets talk some craps.
So i went for the
Priceless thing that held in Joshua R's youth which is in Magellan on the 20th of December which was also
Derek's sweet sixteen (
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!!). I was alone, sadly. But, Joshua kept me companied by asking some of his church friends(mostly girls) to sit beside me and started introducing ourselves. I felt so anti-social, you have no idea.
I talked to, Daniel Ronald, Jo-hanna, Joanna, Denise, Maxine, Darien, Debbie and the others i just said 'Hello' or 'Nice to meet you. I'm Wendy'.
I'm guessing you're yawning by now, don't lie. Did i bore you out again?
Well then let's get to the 'Overall' part of the youth thing, it was great. I laughed alot, I sort of
became non-anti-social for a night. The feeling was superb actually. And i got to sing CHRISTMAS SONGs with everyone! Clap clap hands and feeling the spirit of Christmas in the hall it's absolutely the greatest feeling that i've ever felt!
Oh, and btw, that night was my first time watching Joshua jamming on his guitar. Believe it or not. I never seen him play in reality before. So i think he looked hot with the guitar. Laugh Out Loud.
Seriously, no kidding. I melted. o_______o Not physically but MENTALLY.
woooo, H-O-T. hahaha. So okay, his brother was so funny! He kept on telling stuffs about Anna something(i forgot her name, forgive me). And he told me that they're gonna be married soon and he told me that Megan Fox is hot and asked me if i agree with him or not. And i told him that i don't really kno 'cause im not a guy. So he said 'Oh' and asked me if Lindan is hot. I told him that i don't think he is. And then he asked me if Joshua is hot. I laughed my freckin' butt out you have no idea.
But i secretly thinks that he has the lil' bit of the cuteness and the handsome-ness in his buh-lood(blood). Eh no, i think it's not so 'secret' anymore. Joshua Ronald Rokam aka dear, if you're reading this, teach me guitar! No kidding. Just teach me guitar and i'll give you a big panda sumo fluffy puffy sweet bunny hug. I mean, learning how to play the guitar/drum is actually one of my passion. At least play it once, or maybe twice will satisfy myself. I could practise playing the guitar and i might win the Guitar Hero!
I guess i'm done with words. Now, lets go for Picture Time! :D

O_O OKU face. hahahaha.

80 wordsSpeed test
You type 415 characters per minute
You have 80 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words
(okay i was/am too bored)
whoaaah! i beat mitraaaaaaaan!
yay! hahahahaa XD
yesterday was great fun!
i had great time with great friends and great food and not to forget, GREAT BIGASS HOUSE THAT I ENVY SO SO MUCH!
Derek!!! during new year, open house ah!!
ahahahahah kidding XD
okay so we(belle, elle and i) went there around 3. we(us including mitran) were the early birds.
we played guitar hero!!!! oh yeah bebeh!!!! i SUCK at it. seriously no kidding.
i played this song um, Slow Ride, also can lose oh! how come?!
oh wells. to cut this short, we had dinner and the food was great!
we had
tuaran tamparuli mee. got char siew!!!! SO YUMMY.
then um, we had FOUR PIZZAS. i kno there was um, pepperoni, and the other three i don't kno what was it. just eat only laaaa.
we chit chat-ed all the way. we even talked about lizards and future too.
oh yeah! there were laptops, Ps2(was it ps2? correct me if im wrong) and three SLRs.
'teens' these days. hahaha. all about high-tech stuffs.
i brought my
gweengwass inspiron, alex brought his
blackacer, mitran brought his
XPS and vera brought her
pinkypinkpink inspiron!
alex and vera played their fave games. mitran kena hacked? XD and myself, was watching russell peters all the way. laughing my butt off too.
now, pictures time!!

there are more pictures in elle's mitran's apple's camzzz.
gonna upload it soon once i have them!(:
i'm already SIXTEEN?
well, it is. so i have to accept the fact that i am GETTING OLDER!
i doin't feel special but im feeling old.
i wanna thanks everyone for wishing me!
Selina was the first one.
then Sunny. Joshua called me after that.
and he sang me a happy birthday song!
skyped with derek, belle & elle.
they wished me too. and i sounded like a chipmunk! :O
whoah, i'm soooo happy!
i love you b(: i really do. TRULY MADLY DEEPLY IN LOVE, with one and only. joshua ronald.
all in all, love ALL OF YOUUUU!!
:D :D :D
anyways, i'll blog about things that happened the past few hours by tmr.
i'm too tired right now. don't think my mind is working.
nights people!(:
i'm feeling so happy right now.
i finally have my own official laptop and better, A GOOD built-in KEYBOARDDD!
now i don't have to go all around the world to find good keyboards(due to my brother's naughty lil' fingers that takes out every single thing he sees)
yeah. but i'll still be using the Dekstop at times tho.
just incase i miss it. haha :p
i bought myself a Dell laptop.
colour: green. apple green.
gawdd!! GWWEEEN! why green? you may ask.
i had my brain washed by these three adults.
first, my mom. then, my uncle, later, the guy in the shop.
i told them,
'what about red? red is nice."
they said,
"noooo noooo. red is too dull and it doesn't look that great as the green one'and i said,
'oh really? why? fine'they told me again,
'yellow is nice too actually. but we're out of stock. they do not have any stock in KL too'and i said,
'EXACTLY! i wanted the yellow but i guessed it already that they do not have any stock here and there. sooo, thats why i chosed red' they said,
'but red is really not nice leeeeh'last but not least, and i said,
'okay. then i'll go with the green'see!!! brain-washed literally!
hahaha. but i kinda like the colour of my laptop now.
it's kinda sweet(:
oh! not to forget! i have a shout out to my DAD!(tho he NEVER come here nor use the computer!)
a really big thanks to my dearest dad!
tho i didn't ask to have a laptop for my birthday this year.
i mean, i decided to have it once i'm all over with SPM.
well, i just couldn't believe that i'm touching it right now.?
they told me, 'wendy, must get 8As for SPM ahhhhh'
it's just sooooo/tooooo pressurize! don't you think so?
oh boy i can feel all the heavy burdens right on me right now.
hmmm. but no matter what, i still need to make them happy and i need to have a good future too.
so, i'll do my very best in everything, next year!
don't get me started with thosefreckindamnplans in year 2009.
i don't want MYSELF to start ranting and blabing and cursing and yeah, you get it.
all in all, thanks dad, mom, sis and my lil' baby brother.
you guys are great, wonderful. and you kno that's true!
*huggies and kisses*
oh, and don't forget Joshua too.
hehehe. you pulled me up when i was down, you blew the strong wind when i'm in danger.
i just, love you(:
went out with belle and elle. we were looking for derek's birthday present. you can be HAPPY now derek and keep on guessing what we bought for you. we're not gonna tell ya 'till the day you madly tear off the wrapping paper(yes, we wrapped it like you TOLD us to).
i bought some stuffs. earrings and a tee. can anyone tell me, will a 100% cotton tee loosen up when you wash it for several times? tell me if you know kays!
oh and um yeah, earrings. yay! i have the best company now to go for earrings hunt!
she is, BELINDUH! :D she gots them holez in her ears now.
you have no idea how funny it was to look at her expression when the lady in the shop pierce her ears. even the other lady laughed at her. hahaha. funny times(:
to make this short, it's been long since we hanged out and it was still great as how it was(:
according to Mr Derek's wishlist, he wants to know what's my secret magical powerful posion that i used for curing pimples. so here goes, look at these pictures and... go buy them yourself!

Eskinol bottle. only cost RM7.80
i'm currently still using a big bottle of this. you can buy a smaller one to try it out first.
incase this method does not go well on your skin.
use/try this at your own risk.

Dalacin pills.
if you're using a big bottle of Eskinol, you must at least have three of these pills.
DO NOT put the whole solid thing in. take out the powder that's in the pill.
it's not that hard, trust me.
direction of using:-make sure your face is oil free(wash face with H2O and also, make sure your face is dry)
-shake the bottle before use
-put some of it onto a facial cotton(depends on how much you want)
-wipe it all over your face(for the bigger pimpz, put the damped cotton onto it for more than 5 seconds)
-do this method for at least twice a day(day and night time)
-leave it until the next morning and wash it CLEAN with H2O
-time to recover, estimately, will be around a month or two(it depends on your skin)
and this would be your result:

oh! and btw, i am no longer with CURVES anymore!
my mom told me that i looked old and um, fat with curly hair :O
so, i decided to REBOND my hair by myself(with a lil' help from my mum too)
it's really easy. since i don't want my hair to be soooo STRAIGHT and soooo FLAT.
so here it is! a wavy-er hair look of wendy!(:

now shall i get some beauty sleep?
oh yes you bet i shud.
picture marathon, anyone?
okay. so this post is about laptop bags that i searched on Googles again.
man, do i love Google.
oh, and some laptop skin desgins too.
you will be WOWZA 'till the end of this entry. enjoy(:
laptop's bags: