i can't type no more.
i mean... i can still type. like as usuall.
but, it's like i lost the passion of blogging!
sucks. i know.
but, maybe, that mood, will be back again. i hope.
maybe it's because i didn't really use the comp as much as i did before.
mm, weird feelings huh?
well anyways, about the photos that i've said it's gonna be up on my blog.
it might be delayed. hah.
i'm that lazy. VERY LAZY!!!!
sometimes holidays are great. but there are times that they are suprisingly bored and retarded.
gah, shuppit.
i was on the phone with joshua yesterday
he made a supa random story.
so it goes like this. (if i still remember clearly)
"once upon a time, there's a pair of couple. named Wendy & Joshua.
they went to a hotel which was located in the middle of the ocean.
physically, the hotel was round in shape, with 300 floors high, three times taller than the TwinTower, very wide too.
they stayed on the 299th floor. second highest.
suddenly kan, wendy jumped off the 299th floor. and she was then bald....
she's too heavy. so when she jump down the 299th floors, it has got friction between the air and her.
she was hot.
joshua then, jumped off the 299th floors too. to show wendy his love for her is true.........
when wendy reach the botton of the ocean. the impact was sooooo strong. she created a wave.
so big, till the 300th floor. a massive Tsunami. five times it's original size.
the tsunami didn't kill them both, but swept them to somewhere deserted.
they lived there for almost 20 years. they had babies & a loving family.
one day, they saw a group of cannibals were crusifing one of their memebers of caniballzzzzz.
to be a good man and woman, wendy and joshua saved the victim.
they named him, Saturday. he was then a very good slavefriendbuddy to wendy & joshua.
then, they saved the english captain from the mutineers.
after that incident, everyone supported them and so automatically they became the rulers of the Joshdyland, which they named it.
the captain who they saved, offered a passage home.
so using the captain's ship, they got to penampang, tmn fomosa.
Ryan opened the door and asked, "who are you?"
"i'm your sister! :D", answered wendy.
"no you're not my sister. my sister is..is... *grrraaarww* (meaning, hot)"
"....(8)barney is a dinosaur who....(8)"
"oh okay!! you ARE MY SISTER!! :D :D welcome in :D"
that's what you get talking during the midnights. hahaha.
funny! well at least for me it is. :D
obviously, i've watched The Cheetah Girls Movie, 3rd one.
'One World'.
i have to admit, it was nice. very colourful. not too bad(:
the Cheetah Girls kinda reminds me of the last time.
words shall not be spoken. yeah, i'll just keep this to myself.
& y'all girls kno what im talking about *winks.
so it brought me back to the ol' young memories. good one.
talking about shows and romance.
i've watched Twilight on the premiere day itself. in gb.
not too bad. i mean, the cinema.
the movie was, fantastic.
very sweet, not too complicating. just nice.
i like it, don't you?
"you are my life" these words are really amazing to me, somehow.
it's a very tough thing to say.
mm, overall. a great movie. i wanna watch it again.
don't worry Joshua. i'm gonna watch it with you. when the time is right.
'cause, i've said it and i gotta do it(:
and the EBS! if ya wanna watch it again, don't forget to give me a call.
i wanan hang out with you guys! it's been long, isn't it?
i need to change my blog look.
it's getting, yuck-ier day by day i look at it.
don't you think so too?
oh and btw, about the story that i wrote in the previous post.
i don't mind if you guys think it's weird and all.
but as long as it did made my day and made me laugh my butt out.
that's all that matters(:
so sorry guys for not updating for the past few days.
my cousins from kl been attacking the comp like, everyday. everytime.
so, as a
"good" cousin. i shud be humble/tolerative and let them use it.
so anyways. omg! ahhh!!!
i forgot to wish elle on my bloggie!
here i am. wishing my beloved one and only
elreena nasip i know,
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!!!you and belle and sharlyn are getting olderrr!!
soon, i'll join y'all gangzzzz. hahahaha.
you've been a great friend to me for the past few years and still is, a great one!(:
bffs for almost 8 to 9 years! and still counting!
you're pretty; don't need to explain more :p
you're smart; you kno you are.
you're straight; HAH! xD
you're funny; yes, sarcastically. lol.
all in all, my beloved sista from anotha mothaaa!
today's activity was. goin to the island with my cousins and aunty.
Manukan Island!
yeah, the most common island to visit.
it was, rather fun! exciting! marvellous!
yeah, all that.
went for parasailing, banana boat ride & also snorkelling!!
woooooohoooo! it was great fun.
pictures will be up sooon.
don't rush me ehhhhhh.
i'm so bored right now.
i wanna play ps2 but it hates me, real bad.
it's not freaking worrrrking & i have no idea why it isn't!
yaoooza peeezio.
p/s: my layout still sucks. so ugly lah the background. gonna change it as soon as possible!!!
was back here in kaykay on the
23th of november.
which was last night.
i was
miserably sick. like gonna vomit in your face sick.
but now i'm all good(:
anyways, lets talk a lil' something about my trip in kl.
*clears throat*
it was... chaos. hectic. bad. haze.
the surroundings were soooooo UGH.
besides that, the shopping was great!
wherever you go, there's always a
red sign with big black letters saying "SALES"
or big fat numbers saying "70% 50% 20%"
yeah. that made my day. and yes, i bought alot alot alooooot of stuffs.
i think my closet is goin to like collapse soon. i need a new and widder wardrobe, thankyouverymuch.
but still, i'm not satisfied.
bought only a few accesories. 'cause accesories there are not cheap at all!
well some, but not those that i wanted.
dang bad right.
lets not talk too much.
pictures will be up soon.
tonnes of pictures, i promise you.
i'm leaving now.
crap. that sounded sad.
woke up really supa dupa early man today.
like what, around 6 something in the MURNING bebeh.
damn early. i might sleep during the flight. mm.
oh yeah! i brought my cube along.
incase i couldn't fall asleep\:
hahah. something to keep my boredom away.
well peepz, im goin now! "
once again, wendy saved the day!
i've changed everythaaaaang in this layout.
it's not easy, trust me.
yes, i've changed my layout once more!
& i kno it's quite annoying.
but, i kinda dislike the dullness of my previous one.
anyways, tomorrow is the day!
the day for me to
fly high and
say goodbye and
touch the sky and
you'll be mine.
aihs. cut that.
i'm going to kayelle tomorrow ppl!
i might and might not get any specific presents for you guys.
(crosses fingers in this)
incase you don't kno why'd i say i might not get any specific presents for you guys is because i might have this problem what they call, TEDA DUIIT maao chien mou chin.
or in english, NO MONEEEY/lack of currency.
sooooo, you get my point, yes?
i might change my blog layout another time.
still not that satisfied with this one. mm.
what do you think?
so i told myself(and you guys) that i'm not gonna blog for eight days!
damn straight. but the heck? i am
too bored and i
miss my deary bloggie.
anyways, i don't feel like talking much tho. so this entry is gonna be only pictures, pictures & more pictures.
incase you're wondering what kind of pictures you're gonna see next, is me.
CURLY SWIRLY MAGGIE MADNESSH!(okay, so i didn't exaclty do what i said in my previous post. mm. look what boredom can do to you.)

this, is just too blank.
need more pictures?
okay let me tell you what i'm
addicted to the most and also, part of my

okay hi people(:
first of all, i'm really tired right now\:
planned to not blog for
eight days.
yeah, that's how lazy i am nowadays.
why so longg?!??!! you may ask.
'cause i need to rest my eyes and my body starting to ache like mad!
damn right.
anyways, update for the past few days:
i permed my hair o_o
ya heard me right. i
PERMED my freaking hair.
pictures will be up soon, which is when?
after my KL trip. on the 24th of Nov.
i'm too lazy to put them up now.
and the reason why i permed my hair is 'cause my mom said my
old hair looks like
'org sakai'.
i don't kno how to explain
that in english. but you get what i mean, no?
hmm. so, now peepullzzz. don't tell me that i look like belinduuhhh!
'cause she's way more SIZZLLEZZ than i am. thankyouverymuch.
*grins widely* :D:D:D:D:D XD
oh gawd. i need to rest.
a l o n g rest.
this headache is killing me
Dear (the last person who left a comment on your blog).I don't really know how to tell you this, but ___1___.I think I realized it when ___2______3___ and I saw you ___4___ ___5___. I'm sure you're ___6___ enough to understand ___7___. I'm returning ___8___ to you, but I'll keep ___9___ as a memory. You should also know that I ___10___ ___11___.___12___.
Loves;-Your name-
P/S: You are so lifeless, ___13___, -The name of the person that tagged you-.
1. What's the color of your shirt?Blue - Our romance is over
Red - Our affair is over
White - I'll join the monastery
Black - I dislike you
Green - Our horoscope doesn't match
Grey - You're a pervert
Yellow - I'm selling myself
Pink - Your nostrils are insulting
Brown - The mafia wants you
No shirt - You're a loser
Other - I'm in love with your sister
2. Which is your birth month?January - That night
February - Last year
March - When your dwarf bit me
April - When I tripped on sesame seeds
May - First of May
June - When you put cuffs on me
July - When I threw up
August - When I saw the shrunken head
September - When we skinny dipped
October - When I quoted Santa
November - When your dog ran amok
December - When I changed tennis shoes
3. Which food do you prefer?
Tacos - In your apartment
Pizza - In your camping car
Pasta - Outside of Chicago
Hamburgers - Under the bus
Salad - As you ate enchilada
Chicken - In your closet
Kebab - With Paris Hilton
Fish - In women's clothing
Sandwiches - At the Hare Krishna graduation
Lasagna - At the mental hospital
Hot dog - Under a state of trance
None of the above - With George Bush and his wife
4. What's the color of your socks?Yellow - Hit on
Red - Insult
Black - Ignore
Blue - Knock out
Purple - Pour syrup on
White - Carve your initials into
Grey - Pull the clothes off
Brown - Put leeches on
Orange - Castrate
Pink - Pull the toupee off
Barefoot - Sit on
Other - Drive out
5. What's the color of your underwear?Black - My best friend
White - My father
Grey - Bill Clinton
Brown - My fart balloon
Purple - My mustard soufflé
Red - Donald Duck
Blue - My avocado plant
Yellow - My penpal in Ghana
Orange - My Kid Rock-collection
Pink - Manchester United's goalkeeper
None - My John F. Kennedy-statue
Other - The crazy monk
6. What do you prefer to watch on TV?Scrubs - Man
O.C. - Emotional
One Tree Hill - Open
Heroes - Frostbitten
Lost - Scarred
Simpsons - Cowardly
The news - Mongolic
American Idol - Masochistic
Family Guy - Senile
Top Model - Middle-class
None of the above - Ashamed
7. Your mood right now?Happy - How awful I've felt
Sad - How boring you are
Bored - Santa doesn't exist
Angry - That Sour pimples are at the last stage
Depressed - That we're cousins
Excited - That there is no solution to this
Nervous - The middle-east
Worried - That your Honda sucks
Apathetic - That I did a sex-change
Ashamed - That I'm allergic to your hamster
Cuddly - That I get turned on by garbage men
Overjoyous - That I'm open
Other - That Extreme Home Makeover sucks
8. What's the color of your walls in your bedroom?White - Your ring
Yellow - Your love letters
Red - Your Darth Vader
Black - Your tame stone
Blue - The couch cushions
Green - The pictures from LA
Orange - Your false teeth
Brown - Your contact book
Grey - Our matching snoopy-bibs
Purple - Your old lottery coupons
Pink - The cut toenails
Other - Your memories from the military service
9. The first letter of your first name?A/B - Your photo
C/D - The oil stocks
E/F - Your neighbour Martin
G/H - My virginity
I/J - The results of your blood-sample
K/L - Your left ear
M/N - Your suicide note
O/P - My common sense
Q/R - Your mom
S/T - Your collection of butterflies
U/V - Your criminal record
W/X - David's tricot outfits
Y/Z - Your grades from college
10. The last letter in your last name?A/B - Always will remember
C/D - Never will forget
E/F - Always wanted to break
G/H - Never openly mocked
I/J - Always have felt dirty before
K/L - Will tell the authorities about
M/N - Told in my confession today about
O/P - Was interviewed by the Times about
Q/R - Told my psychiatrist about
S/T - Get sick when I think of
U/V - Always will try to forget
W/X - Am better off without
Y/Z - Never liked
11. What do you prefer to drink?Water- Our friendship
Beer - Senility
Soft drink - A new life as a clone
Soda - The incarnation as an eskimo
Milk - The apartment building
Wine - Cocaine abuse
Cider - A passionate interest for mice
Juice - Oprah Winfrey imitations
Mineral water - Embarrassing rash
Hot chocolate - Eggplant-fetishism
Whisky - To ruin the second world war
Other - To hate the Boston Celtics
12. To which country would you prefer to go on a vacation?Thailand - Warm regards
USA - Best regards
England - Good luck on your short-term leave from jail
Spain - Go and drown yourself
China - Disgusting regards
Germany - With ease
Japan - Go burn
Greece - Your everlasting enemy
Australia - Greetings to your frog Leonard
Egypt - Fuck off now
France - In pain
Other - Greetings to your freaky family
13. What is your favorite activities when hanging out with mates?Gathering for drinks - Ugly pig
Foosball - Silly duck
Shopping - French kisser
Dulging for food - Cranky banana
Movies - Smelly armpits
Snacks - Horny wolf
Snooker - Tiny nipples
Bowling - Sexy grandmother
Outdoor activities - Vain pot
Having a long talk - Nose plucker
Taking pictures - Dumb bitch
Other - Burn yourself
Dear Jamie.
I don't really know how to tell you this,
i'll join the monastery.
I think I realized it
when i changed tennis shoes at the mental hospital and I saw you
drive out Bill Clinton. I'm sure you're
ashamed enough to understand
that i get turned on by garbage men. I'm returning
your love letters to you, but I'll keep
David's tricot outfits as a memory. You should also know that I
always have felt dirty before Oprah Winfrey imitations.
Greetings to your freaky family.
P/S: You are so lifeless,
Smelly armpits, Jamie.
Laugh Out LOUD man!
this tag is interesting!
i shall tag:
a) duh duh belin Duh
b) na na elle reee na
c) joshuaaronald! (you kena tagged liaozz)
d) joshua ho!
e) marioon
f) sherwheeeeee~ (shereen)
do it(:
aku menyesal t'lah membuat mu menangis
dan biarkan memilih yang lain
tapi jangan pernah kau dustai takdirmu
pasti itu terbaik untukmu
janganlah lagi kau mengingatku kembali
aku, bukanlah untukmu
meski ku memohon dan meminta hatimu
jangan pernah tinggalkan dirinya
untuk diriku
aku bukan untukmu by Rossa.
tho i kno not many of you like to listen to malay songs that much.
but i promise you, this song will not let you down.
tho it's kind of an old song. yeah. was released since last year?
it has good meaning. i like it.
a song that can, make you cry. when you're in emotionally deep situation.
though we might fall from the
highest to the
lowest at times, we still need that
strength to be able to stand up and go on with life.
deep much?
lol. 'till then.

so i went to melanie's house to have a look at those cute lil' chi hua huas.
i wanted to take one of them back home!
but too bad, my mom didn't let me.
why? you may ask. 'cause i have a baby brother who crawls around the house 24/7.
and pick up stuffs that it's
'unknown' to him & he might just eat it! :O
and it's gonna be bad!
but but, i so want a chi hua hua so badly!
it's so darn cute!
too bad i'm not Paris Hilton who can have tonnes of different kinds of chi hua hua's in her big bag(s).
&no, i so do not want to be like Parizzz. lol.
so kays. i'm currently craving for two things right now!
1. psp(yes, lol right?)
2. chi
all i can do now is just sigh all the damn way.
i am so addicted to this song man.
together by Neyo that is.
aahhhhh~ so sweet.
anyways, i woke up really early today.
about 8-ish in the morning. yeah,
THAT early.
went out with my sis to fetch my cute popo. lol.
we accompanied our dearest popo to curl her hair.
yeah, we're good like that. :p
so here i am. back at home.
doin n'thing but listening to
this song over and over again.
today is such a boring day, yes?
i like this blockquote thing
'till then.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 @ you're my numbah one, babe /
back to the top
so i've been tagged again.
but this time is waaaaay different.
tagged by the same-blood sister from the same motheeer!
yeah, here goes.
The last person to tag you is? shereen wong kwan yee.
What relationship of you with him/her?
sisters for life!
Your 5 impressions towards him/her.1) smart sungguh.
2) creative.
3) blurcase.
4) laugh-really-loud kind of person.
5) my big sis(:
The most memorable thing that he/she had done for you.
alot. i think o_O i can't really remember. but whatever it is, i will still treasure her memorable sacrifices! hahahaha (??)
If he/she becomes your lover, you will…WHAT? my sis? lover? me her? o_o
If he/she becomes your enemy, you will...i will be really sad. MISERABLY SAD ....for no reason :p
If he/she becomes your lover , he/she has to improve on..um hmm. next question please?
If he/she becomes your enemy , the reason is...borrow stuffs from her/me without permission! or or, some other random sisters fights la.
How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
a quiet person. friendly? crazy?! a loud person. easy to be bullied? T_T
The character for you for yourself is?
a loud person. friendly. laughing machine girl. & i don't kno :s
The most ideal person you want to be is?
i want to be someone who can talk with no fear. i want to be someone who can make people around me happy & feel comfortable with. i want to be someone who success in life. i want to be someone who receive/give love from/to everyone in this world. i want to be someone who understand complicated hearts.
For the person who cares and likes you, say something about them.
you guys are both caring and insane. caring cause you still care about me. insane is because you like me. that's totally insane?! how could you like someone like me? haha. kidding. well, i just wanna say. i care for you and i like you too(: & a big thanks hug!
Ten people to tag(whoah teeen?! you crazy or what?)1. belinda ann
(tho you've been tagged by my sis, but i still wanna tag you lol)2. elreena
3. joshua ronald(:
(same as belinda. haha.)4. jamie lee
5. sunny cheong
6. jeremiah vun
7. miraen
8. vivian
9. apple
10. selina
(sorry guys.......fogive me, no? :p)Who is no.2 having relationship with?
uhh, idk. she has alot of celebrity crushes!
Is no.3 a female or a male?
if no.7 and no.10 be together would it be a good thing?
i would never imagine them being together!
How about no.5 and 8?ahhhh. hmm maybe it's a good thing?
they are GAYS btw. according to their "Gay Famileeeh"
so, i think it's not that bad for them to get along, no?
What is number 1 studying ?
same as i am.
When was the last time you have chat with them?since when they're on & off msn.
Is number 4 a single?muahahahahahaha. i dare not say a word.
Talk something about no.2.
(8) reeeena reeena reeeena eh eh eh under el-re-eeena eeena eeena eh eh eh (8)
ELLE! yes, best friend for 8 years and counting!
next year will be 9 years of great hardcore friendship!
she's creative, friendly, straight forward, loves having celeb crushes!
all in all, bffs for life yo.
kays! finally done.
that's not so bad wasn't it?
i kno you guys are bored. i kno! :p
so, to be kind *cough*, here are something for you to keep that boredom away.
gonna go sleep now.
so hey people!
the blog has changed it's layout once again!
i know i know.
it's dull and emo-looking kinda of blog still.
i like it this way. don't chu feel the same was as i do too, no?
so fine. i might change colours next time when i feel like it's time.
i need to rest from all these changes.
AHHH!! i just noticed that i didn't copy&paste the counter strike from my previous layout!
ah dang. now, lets all beging with ZILO visitor again\:
btw, my sis made a new blog.
not only it's new, it is BLOGGER/BLOGSPOT!
muahahaha. now everyone is on blogger.
that's good, pretty good(:
oh btw, joshua and belle, my sis tagged you.
so, do visit her blog & do the tag! :p
OBVIOUSLY. i've changed my layout.
again. yeah, again.
that's how bored i can be.
i like this one. it's plain simple and not complicated.
go download
together by Ne-yo peeps.
i put it on
repeat in my Ares.
that shows how much i love this song so damn freaking much.
ah damn, i might get over it soon tho.
but i still love any songs that i already got over it :p
mind me. i don't really kno what im trying to say?
since i'm in a happyyippie mood.
i'll share with y'all about what kind of photos i like.
i like photos like this

& this

baby, this!

this this thiiiiiss

more of this!

hah! it's proven that i love
sunsets & macro photos are love!
lovelovelovelove. twit!
i'll share with you guys more about myself next time.
'till then.
supa hero is on her track!
my popo cook the best meal ever! :D
so i was in my relative's house not long ago.
my cousin, Brandon boy, borrowed me his psp for just a while.
i played metal slug!!!!!!
ho yeah babe. i love
metal slug. don't ask me why, i just love it.
made me want a psp too!
it's so expensive! it cost like what, thousand+ or more??!
my hope for psp is now in a really l o w state.
my lil' baby brother was basically enjoying his time walking all about the house.
brandon was like
"i put the baby in the fridge, k?"
popo and i went like
"noooo!! don't dont!"
so brandon was playing um, sega race? yeah.
i watched, he played.
& i asked
"later let jie jie play okay?""..i play first. i drivee. you can sit behindd... popo and gung gung can sit behind... mommy sit behind.... baby sit behindddd", said him.
"..........", replied me.
if i could buy a psp(nintendo wii is waaaaay over my budjet), i want
yellow! ^^
okays. fine, maybe pink? hot pink?
or lets just go with simple plain black/white.
mm, sounds good.
my sister thinks blogger looks uglier than xanga.
and though we both made our mistakes
and some we never wish we made
but we'll be okay if we just stay together
oh! i almost forgot to share with y'all about my freaky nightmare.
so it's like this.
i was playing this game i don't kno what's it call.
'person' in the game became alive in reality.
i was one of the
victim that the
'person' was aiming for.
to kill, of course.
i ran my butt off far away from the
'person'. took a gun shoot shoot shoot!
'person' was still alive. not dead.
even how many zillion times i shoot the
'person', the
'person' still stood straight and laughed away with his great common evil laugh.
"muahahahahahaha you are going down, Wendy", he said.
my mom was somehow in the dream too.
we were all screaming our lungs out for help.
"AHHHH!!!! HELP!!!!!!! ANYONE?!?!?!?!"
policemen came and what do you kno, they didn't help us.
they were just useless for us. instead, they were deadly shot by the
'person' i am talking about somehow looks abit like
if anyone of you ever watched that movie before, you kno how freaky it is alright.
imagine him in your dream? hah! i know how it feels like now. *shivers*
i woke up.
then, slept back. wth???
amazingly, the horrible dream continued.
i don't want it to be continued! jam jam jam!
this is soooo unfair.
whenever we have like a sweet bootiful dream, they seemed to go *poof* when it gets to the climac part of the dream.
on the other hand, bad dreams. they never seemed to go away.
how shitty can that be?
*breathes in and out*
okay, i'm all good now.
bye folks!
hello people in the whole wide world!
i iz bored. i needz food. but foodz iz not here. i iz dying.
went to the children/baby's clinic today.
waited for almost like an hour or more?
cartoon stickers, barney shows, soft toys, legos, small club house and whatnot.
everywhere! all toys and those kiddy stuffs, everywhere!
it made my day tho. haha.
planned to go to 1b but too bad, we didn't make it.
i wanted to buy more stuffs in Daiso!
like i said, that's the only place i could afford buying :p
so um what else ah?
nothing much la today.
i'm bored to death and i'm in a hunger strike!
it's weird that i have this sudden urge to play ps2 o_o
too bad i gave it away to my cousin.
oh yes! one more week and i'm off for a
shop-till-you-drop mode.
goin kl soon!
uuu, i can't wait for my birthday, jingle jingle bellz, New Year! & red packets!
but how i wish i could stay being a form 4 like forever.
next year i'll be facing alot of stressful moments.
so, wish me luck will ya?
"just dance. gunna be okay.
just dance. spin that record babe.
just dance. gunna be okay.
dance. dance. dance. ju-ju-ju-just dance"i'm off to find more songs.
yaaaaaoze peeps.
peace up, A down. (??)
-click for full view-

elreeeeeena & beliiiiindaaa.

jereeeemiah with the Shell fan.

young coconut......very very young coconut??
BBQ Wars in the making.

sunny with his small useless so called sword?

it may look ugly to you but trust me, it's deliciouzx.

one of the couples in our class.
Chia & Josephine.

the happy people.

isolated friiiiies.

julian & damien enjoying their
burnt sausages^^

elle: ben get the plate eeeeh.