well oh well, got tagged by matahari again.
this time, 100 questions.
what, issit tagging season now?
Full Name : Wendy Wong Kwan Lai
Birthday : 18th Dec
School : All Saints High
Residency: somewhere that i don't wanna let you kno.
Family : mom dad lil' baby bro & big sis.
Physical appearances: round in shape. thick black hair. big round face. 2 hands 10 fingers 2 legs 10 toes 2 ears 1 mouth 1 nose & un-countable pimples.
Personality : laughs almost at everything. sensitive. easily touched. happy-go-unlucky.
Good Qualities : laughing all day long.
Bad Qualities : laugh too much it becomes annoying to other people.
Hobbies : laughing, eating, singing, dancing, movies, sleeping, talking & many many more!
Religion : buddhist.
Height : 168cm. wanna grow a lil' more taller tho.
Weight : as heavy as SUMO loo.
Blood Type : O type.
Shoe Size : between 6 and 7. depends on cutting.
Favorite Genre of music : i suka alot laaaa. i'm universal. except for hardcore metal. so bising that.
Favorite Singers : current ones are Jordin Sparks, Jesse McCartney, Jason Mraz & got la.
Favorite Season : any seasons will do as long as i'm not freeze to death and burnt to death.
Favorite Food : SEMUA.
Places I want to go : around the world in 80 days. yep, thats my goal and yep, that's never gonna happen.
My ideal lover: not too short, not aneroxic, not a smoker, not a drinker, not a model-wannabe.
My worries as of now : Editorial Board's works.
First Love: cinta yg numbah one.
Alcohol Tolerance : i don't take alcohol. but is Shandy counted?
Drinking Habits : and again, i don't drink.
Most important friends : the EBS.
Prized Possesion : my beloved ones.
When I look the best : is when i'm feeling great.
When I look sexiest: is when i'm dreaming.
What's in your pocket : rubberbend.
First time drinking : 18th December '92, that's when i tasted milk for the very first time.
Favorite colors : all la bah. but current fave is yellowmellowhello.
Thing you want from your significant other : love.
Age you want to get married : before 30. so i'm guessing 26?
What you do when you're home alone : hunt for food & when i'm finished, i go hunt for more.
Habits : can't . stop. eating . rice .
Highest placement in school : vice president for badminton club. if they have a specific club for food, i would be the president! muahahaha.
Difference between men and women : men watch Paris Hilton 'colouring', women drool over Brad Pitt.
If you were born again, man or woman : if YOU were born again, man or woman?
What you think you were in your previous life : i was the fattest sumo alive living in Japan & enjoying sushi every single day of my life!
If the person you loved cheated on you : get more food & stuff myself with it sampai explode.
Favorite show: i don't have a fave.
What you want to do when it rains : dance & be able to kiss someone in the rain without falling sick *grins*
If you were on a deserted island, what you take : all the people in KK. muahaha. i want you all to suffer with me!
How many kids : too early to think.
Who do you want to see the most: EBS and him.
Favorite snacks : HelloPanda & Pocky & TeddyBears & the heck, EVERYTHING!
Allowance : RM10 per day.
Favorite restaurants : restaurants that provide never ending good food.
To be dumped or do you dump: it depends. 'cause why shud i still hold onto something/someone that's not worth my time/life? & who wants to be dumped? do you?
Why did you write the answer to the question above : because i think it's logic?
What I want right now : FOOD! other than that, my friends and him.
When do you think you’ve grown up : when i think i'm grown up.
Country you want to go to : (8)we go all around the world, we go zamzam......wth???
What you think about other people : i think they are humans.
What would you do if you confessed to a girl: why would i even wanna confess to a girl anyway? i'm not les i'm not gay i'm not bi-sex :O
Place you want to go with your other : somewhere on planet earth.
Ideal vacation spot : Hawaii bah tu. but kan, got volcano. so, Rome la.
Favorite TV show : no fave.
I feel happy : if i eat rice.
Most recent movie watched : HSM3
Movie watched with the most feeling : tonnes.
Could you marry someone else for the person you loved : well, COULD YOU?
What you want to do for the person you love : anything that i could possibly do.
I want to die when : God thinks is the right time for me to.
You think you’re a player : nope.
If you found 100k in the road : i'll walk away. you'll never kno if it's a trick or something bad will happen to you or maybe a trap?!?!? :O
When you were most hurt : when i got hurt.
I hate guys that : are self-centered, selfish, talk big & thick faces.
I hate girls that : i don't like laaaah.
If you were to become invisible : i would use my invisiblity to fight crimes! HUHA!
When someone makes you mad: i feel annoyed.
Favorite saying : to love and to be loved.
If someone you met for the first time were to ask for you number : do the Chicken Run!
Nicknames : dy, wen, wenday, lai chee, sopo, gay.
First thing you do in the morning : look at the time & go back to sleep.
The most important thing in the world : fams friends him and FOOD!
When you were happiest : i laugh non-stop.
When you were saddest : have a talk with either mom or him.
Does anyone hurt you before: got.
How : various ways? :O
Then : i eat more lor.
So : i gain weight again la.
Define FAMILY : Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind.
What are you planning for future : to be a succesful mom & have a succesful job!
Your afraid of : insects :O
If your about to die now : i mau alive now!
Would you consider Plastic surgery : originality is the best!
Who you wanna be : Wendy Wong Kwan Lai.
Things you wanna do now : eat my kuih UFO.
Most embarrassing moments: can't recall.
You can : do anything that's possible for me to do. haha.
You can't : stop eating.
You really hate it when : someone ignores me.
You'll judge a person by : their personality.
People mostly judge you : by their first impression.
3 words to describe yourself : friendly. loud. fat.
3 words of how people describe you : sot. loud. happy?
Are you on diet : nope and i don't want to.
Last thing you want to say : what a long damn survey. you are gaygaygay.
saya mau tag:
now, do it!
i wanna make you guys suffer! like how i did previously.
now, do it! do it! do it!
oh wait, you can't copy here.
so do the hard way, again!
i totally forgot today's the
'night of pumpkins!'i mean,
yipee yipee yak yak!
kays, nothing special about Halloween in Malaysia.
'cause people here don't dress up like a witch or a big orange pumpkin walking around the neighbourhood for trick or treats.
"huh? apa itu trick or treats ohh? eeee, org gila *slams door at face*"something like this would happen in Malaysia.
believe it or not?
may tonight be the fright of your life.
p/s:don't forget to hang those smelly onions around your house. Vampires are coming fer you! *evil laughter*
what's with me and weird titles nowadays?
so it's 10.54 a.m. now & i'm bored to death.
the heck? this is not right, not right at all.
i'm currently listening to Chinese New Year songs.
on the last day of the month October. weird enough?
that's what you get when you have a brother(like mine) who only stays at his place when the cny song plays.
it's either Barney or CNY songs. (=_=")
i slept pretty late last night.
around 1 in the morning?
was playing Memoria with elle on skype.
a very supa dupa addictive game.
things that i wanna do now:
go out for a movie, or two. better, MOVIE MARATHON!
take more photos?
edit my vids(but Mr. Lazy don't allow me to)
text msg with Joshua(he's still on pig mode :p)
clean my room(and again, too lazy)
write more lyrics
waiting for Ms. DramaMama to come my way now.
so boring gila.
will edit later.
Thursday, October 30, 2008 @ bf-tees & lovers for eternity. /
back to the top
i couldn't think of a suitable title for this.
this one's cool, mind you.
so anyways, elle wanted to see the picture of Vanessa in one of Zac's tee.
well, here it is.
-click for full view-AWH-DOOR-A-BURR.
i like to spell words that i don't pretty much understand.
but this one's obvious enough. it's ADORABLE.
look at them. sweetest couple so far.
all i wanna do
is be with you, be with you
there's nothing we can do
just wanna be with you, only you
no matter where life takes us
nothing can break us apart
you kno it's true
i just wanna be with you♥
today was...almost close to hell.
i suffered pretty much from bad sore throat in the early morning.
or shud i say,
terrible sore throat.
& i totally forgot today was the BIG FREAKING LAST CHANCE that our english teacher gave us to once and for all finish the english oral.
the big mistake that elle and i made was not bringing our english articles.
we felt dead. well, at least i am.
then elle and i decided to write down what we had in our mind on a piece of paper.
trying to come out with something simple yet interesting articles/speech/whatever you call it.
sharlyn sat next to me. looking at both of us suffering from finding sentences and, titles\:
she started touching her drawer & felt something
no, it's not what you think people....it's not anything bad.....
really. seriously. it's like God read our complicated minds.
i was screaming in my head
'WE NEED BOOKS. ANYTHING THAT COULD HELP. EVEN A STORY BOOK I DON'T MIND'and WUAALLLA, sharlyn found an english workbook under her drawer.
& suprisingly, the owner of the book is not from our class.
but whoever that is, i wanna thank YOOOUUUU so freaking much for leaving your english book in our class.
now, what else do you think we did next?
yeah, then went down to the teachers' office and i voluntarily read mine first.
during reading, i felt like i was goin to have an
asthma attack or something.
'today......(breathe)i would........(breathe)like...(breathe)to.....talk(breathe)about......'
that's how you read when you're damn sick.
moving on.
other than bad news, chaos, suffocating in the morning?, school was rather boring.
same ol' same ol'.
we got the chance to paint the murals in the school hall.
it was fun at first then elle and i got tired in the end. so we stopped.
belle was having fun painting her part very IN DETAILS.
elle and i gave her the stare (=_=")
i'm lacking of words to type\:
guess i shud stop. this is a supa dupa long blog entry.
have fun reading ^^v
or shud i say, have fun scrolling ^^v
O_O(stares at the comp for 10 seconds)
^_^v paipai(byebye)

-click for full view-there i go again.
pictures of Zac & Vanessa. course, only A pic of Ashley.
i have this sudden urge to curl my hair.
but, my hair is too short & it'll definitely looks fugly once i curl it.
i imagine alot.
anyways, here are some photos of me.
being vain again.

-click for full view-THIS . IS . HEAVEN .
agree? a pic that i took in Belle's house.
did i mention about pineapple tarts before this?
my couz & aunts came to help us out with the baking.
it was greaaaat!
i didn't get to help out with the baking tho. big bummer.
plus, i can't taste the oh-so-gooodie tarts yet!
i'm still under bad sore throat & constant coughing.
i'll bring some to school tmr.
so, come & see me if you're craving for it :D
i'm feeling lazy nowadays.
literally lazy.
too lazy to walk.
too lazy to blog(only if i got the mood to)
too lazy to vlog.
too lazy to go to school(hell yeah)
too lazy to write.
& so on.
but there's one thing that i'm never ever never never ever gonna end up being lazy about.
is to,
sometimes, i wonder:
first, we love it.
then, we eat it.
later, we curse it.
see? not a right equation.
but it's very rare to see me complaining about how i curse the food here.
'cause i did all that on the phone.
& someone had no choice but to listen to my complaints every single time i call, no? :p
i'm busy doin something now.
talk later.
Your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
cry. eat more. keep myself busy so that i wont let this sad case playing on repeat in my head.
What will your dream wedding be like?
at the beach; i love romance. or maybe, just a simple and memorable wedding(:
On your wedding day, what would you like to see?
of course, family will be the first. the EBS & close/good friends. & most importantly, him(:
Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
well, yeah. curiousity kills. but at times, i'll just put it aside.
What's your ideal lover like?
i don't have high expectations on this. when you wish too much, it may not turn out to be what you've wished for. so, i'll leave it for God to decide.
If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
nothing. really.
Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
yeah. i'm living in a life with unbalanced ups and downs. so do you(:
How do you see yourself in 10 years time?
longer hair. working. married. last but not least, every women's worse nightmare....wrinkles :O
Who are currently the most important people to you?family, the WEBS & him.
Would you rather be rich and single or married but poor?
rich and single-free and happy life of my own with no hesitations.
married but poor-without materials is no big thing. is love that matters the most.
conclusion, it depends.
What's the first thing you do every morning?
hit the snooze button and stay asleep for a lil' while, or maybe more.
Would you give all in a relationship?it depends on what. if it's something stupid and foolish, then no.
If you fall in love with 2 people simultaneously, who would you pick?the one that i believe the most. the one that trust/love/cherish me the most.
What type of friends do you like?trusthworthy. caring. understanding. always there to lend a big hand when i'm in trouble. humorist.
What type of friends do you dislike?
two-faced. backstabbers. use me for their benefits.
Are you a virgin?
Have you ever lied to your parents?
well, who doesn't? but i always feel guilty after doing it. & regret.
What did you lie about?
can't remember.
Currently, are you having any crush on anyone?
more than a crush, a lover(:
Hint about him / her?tall, dark & pixie eyes >.< :p
Do you think the guy / girl knows?hah. definately :p
What phrases you usually say when something unexpected happens?WHUUUUUT?!? damn. serious bah? haaar? huhh? oh damn. O..H.....MY......G...AA...W..D. shit. O_O(silence)
What annoys you the most?
fake people who are so convinced. be soooo damn good to want something that benefits them, then, leave and pretend they don't kno you.
What is your current obssesion?the colour yellow.
Who do you short text the most these days?
one & only Joshua Ronald Rokam. hahaha.
Who do you miss alot now?Joshua Ronald.
Which secondary school friend you miss the most right now?course, the EBS.
Who do you idolize now?hm. maybe Vanessa Hudgens?
Best girl friends?
the EBS. jasmine. justina. (cousins counted? lol)
Best boy friends?
Sunny. Jul. Gary. Dunst. (these are the ones that i talk to the most)
Biggest fear?
losing my fams friends & him. basically, losing everything.
Favorite hang out place?
rumah manis rumah looo.
If you were to go out with a group of friends, who will you choose?
the EBS, cousins & him.
Made any new friends recently?
i have memory loss.
What kind of mood are you in most of the time?hyper+laughing mood.
Do you like the person who tagged you?he is gay. what more can i say? :D
let me tag:
don't tell me you got NOTHING to blog about now, TAGGERS. hahaha.
oh btw, i just found out that you can't do the copy&paste thing in my blog.
damn. now, you needa do the complicated way. hah.
click for moreclick and copy them questions yo.
sigh, i miss you(':
youknowhoyouare :D

if this was forever
what could be better
we already proved it was
but in two-thousand one-hundred twenty-three hours
abandon the universe
it's gonna make everything
in our whole world change
and you kno that where we are
will never be the same
right here, right now
i'm looking at you
and my heart loves the view
'cause you mean everything
right here, right now
i promise you somehow
tomorrow can wait
some other day to be
but right now there's
you & me
right here, right now by Zac and Vanessa.
layout colours changed. ONLY.
but i like it this way now. do you? :D
it only looks better if you view it with i.e.
btw, i don't use firefox. that's why. hah.
i'm feeling much much better now.
i'm glad(:
but then, i still decided to not go tuition tonight.
gotta go reply msgs and watch
27 dresses now(:
oh! mom is making pineapple tarts again.
cousins are coming over at 2. can't wait(:
it's gonna be neutral today.
sorry for not updating for the past few days.
i didn't have the mood to\:
i didn't go to school today.
i'm sick. a major one.
cough, bad sore throat, high fever.
i haaaaaaaaate being sick.
but the good thing is, i can skip school la :p
we're suppose to have Peka today in school for physics.
buuuut, ended up all the four WEBS not goin to school.
i'm not goin, it's pretty obvious why. but the other 3, idk why. hahah.
i might not go to tuition tonight again.
this sickness is giving me a bad headache.
but there's this thing that i have the mood to blog now, when i'm damn sick.
moving on. i thought like when i'm sick, i would not eat anything that much.
but, i got it all wrong.
i ate alot. THAN USUALL.
so, i'm sick & going fugly anf fatt.
damn la. sigh.
i needa re-design my blog layout again\:
i'm getting bored of this layout.
but, we'll see when.
for a sec, i feel like vomitting right now.
help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, anyone?
i've got no mood to post photos now.
i'm dying. :O
Saturday, October 25, 2008 @ take my hand, take a breath. /
back to the top
i was too exhausted to update last night.
lots of things to do in school and watched HSM3 right after school.
bathed, of course.
i'm not gonna say much about EB now.
it's, killing me by the minute to just think of it.
High School Musical 3 is the
those who have a 'hate' thing about this movie.
but, nah lets not be rude now shall we?(:
one word. AMAZING.
one word. WONDERFUL.
one word. SWEET.
one word. ROMANTIC.
one word. LOVE.
it's an
all-girls-awwing movie. yeah.
it's worth it. im lovin' it.
i couldn't help talking about how romantic Zac & Vanessa can be.
they're the cutest couple kay? and also,
one of my fave songs in the movie is '
can i have this dance'.
download it.
listen to it.
love it.
today, went to Belle's house.
met elle sharlyn sunny julian gareleos dunstan and belle herself.
it was,
great. undeniably fun & tired.
took about, 200+ photos. WHOAH, alot.
it's like catching lighting
the chances of finding
someone like you
there's one in a million
the chances of feeling
the way we do
and with every step together
we just keep on getting better"
photos will be up soon.
alot of things happened today.
lets make it straight to the point.
EB was ...what's the word to best desribe?
yes, hectic.
first we were walking then running then chasing then breathing then run again then sweating, like mad.
i was basically complaining the whole way thru. if i'm not mistaken.
it was a
great exercise, yes Belle? :p
Belle is my partner in EB just so you know.
so teacher Sophia told us to call teacher Azzhuri to ask if he's gonna be in tmr.
we called. we were nervous. like heck.
didn't find him(teacher) for 3 months+, what'd ya expect for a come back?
his caller ringtone was, '4 minutes'. featuring Madonna & Justin.
it's like he's telling us 'YOU GOT 4 MINUTES TO SAVE THE WORLD"
screw that.
but good thing is, he sounded humble(:
so we are/were consider save, i guess.
that's all i can think of what had happened today in school.
my mind is seriously blank. seriously.
currently Skyping with Belle & Elle.
didn't kno skyping is actually thaaaaaat fun. hah.
yeah, i'm new in this.
i got a new headphone with built-in mic today in CM.
just 'cause coincidencly my Mom wanted to go to CM to buy ...
sambals for tonight's nasi lemak.
nasi lemak, again. i had it once in school during recess.
now i'm getting more? haiyaa.
tuition tonight.
edit later? maaaaaybeeh.
just got back from tuition.
that means? i have plenty of time do re-design my layout.
i'm out of idea! gah.
but anyways, Belle forward me a msg just recently.
& i'm out of credit.
oh, bummer.
the msg goes like this:
"kindly pass this prayer to 12 people including me. 'LORD JESUS CHRIST WALK THRU OUR HOUSE N TAKE AWAY ALL OUR WORRIES N ILLNESS AMEN' This prayer is so powerful."so i decided to pass this msg here to these 12 friends of mine.
they are:
1. Joshua b
2. Belinda
3. Elreena
4. Sharlyn
5. Shereen
6. Mom(she's like my friend. haha)
7. Karen
8. Sunny
9. Miah
10. Julian
11. Gareleos
12. Selina
May God Bless You!
not gonna say much.
i'm gonna go watch 'Gem of Life' now.
86 episodes. like cyeaaah.
86 is heck alot!
but it's a great movie(:
about diamonds. blah.
*dying constantly*
do you feel the horror?
do you? do you? do you?
i have bad news.
belle and elle told me that we're
compulsary to hand-in our EB works.
MORROW......(my attempt to do the echo)
& well, i'm screwed.
big time.
i'm waiting for Belle to sign in on msn so i could do all the crappy stuffs.
sigh, please help.
wait, no one can help me in this.
oh wells.
obviously, i'm not in school now.
didn't i mention about getting myself
self-holidays from the past posts?
yeah. i'm not goin to school from today until... tomorrow.
oh daamn!
i almost forgot that i need to wrap all
16 text books! :O :O :O
gah. so annoying!
but anyways, ima go edit photos now.
again, it's so boring.
i'm lacking of photo editing skilszz.
i need to catch up the new skilszz.
anyways, i'm really reaaaallly hungry right now.
i need food!! i need food!!
i'll edit later.
not a promise.
'cause i might be busy doin my add maths hw soon.
tonight, tuition. gaah.
Dancing Queen?
not near to that.
lets see.
had my front hair cut & went to Elle's house met up with the same ol' buddies.
danced like there's no tomorrow. yeah.
it was fun & exhausting at the same time.
overall, i had fun. again(:
then, back home.
done nothing but subscribed people on Youtube ^^V
so yeah. talking 'bout Youtube.
i shud give you guys ma link now.
don't click it when you're bored. 'cause my vids will maximize your boredom level, & die!
kays kays. enough.
say hello & subsribe to Wendy!!click it. comment it. subscribe it. happily ever after.
so, i'm working on a video of my own.
but, i don't really kno what to do in my video.
then, i was trying to wrtie some lyrics.
however, my mind was blank.
so, i gave up today.
and, continue tomorrow.
bad combination.pictures? soon la.
i'm gonna share another video with you guys.
found this video
it's John's blog. Timothy's eldest brother.
the main topic is about the lil' girl in this video.
indeed a heart-touching video.
i shed tears while watching it.
for only few minutes watching it, made me realize that i, we, shud be thankful to God that we can see with our very own pair of eyes.
& living in a great life.
i'm amazed & inspired by this lil' girl named Ye Eun(':
do you now love & appreciate your life much more than before?
well, i do(:
okay. so i was on the phone with Joshua.
we were talking 'bout our young times.
&also, photos. how fat and hideous we looked like for the past few years.
we did a dare to each other. (not him la, me. :p)
put both of our HORROR picture in our blogs.
i put his & he put mine. lol.
if ya wanna see Wendy's Horror picture.
go to
SUMO!!here, is a picture of Joshua's Younger Time. :p

very chubby! very not-him! :p
it's nothing wrong to post it up, right? lol.
as long as i love it then that's ENOUGH. :p
click for retardedness!!mind the shouting. it's just me when i'm on High Mode.
the real me yo. high on Sand! :p
lets talk about yesterday's outting.
it was
Marion's Sweet Sixteen ..at the beach! :D
indeed a wonderful day, i have to say.
once again, Happy Belated Birthday Babe!
i love the spaghetti!
anyway, as usuall. the WEBS were there.
cam-whoring throughout the party.
annoyed? don't think so(:
we took 150 pictures! :O very lot lo.
not gonna talk much about it due to some brain memory loss problem. hah. :p
today, as usuall. went out with my family.
i had an awful stomach-ache that made me
moody today\:
it was
not healthy at all.
went to Warisan. reached. & went to La Manila to have our brunch.
once we sat down, the whole Warisan was
blacked out.
like, WTH MAN.
so, we decided to go other shop to have our brunch.
which is Hong Kong Recipie. we had
CHOPPED pork & duck
yeah, everything was
CHOPPED. since they can't cook anything by that time.
suffer much? & i was still having bad stomach pain. ugh.
Warisan is seriously damn boring. really.
& this thing that pissed me off is that, by the time when we're in the car and about to go off.
the current came back.
i know right? so bikin panas tuu.
but anyways, i didn't have the mood to shop. so yeah.
came back & here i am! :D
i'm waiting for food la. so hungry eh.
i could eat up a horse. heh.

lets start this with food shall we?(:

Ipoh Hor Fun. i rate 4/5.

Belle's Roti Kahwin.

Elle's Polo Bun with Chicken Ham & Cheese.
now, presenting you, THE WEBS:





mess with one; mess with all.
then, Marion's Sweet Sixteen!(:
btw, Happy Belated Birthdaaaaay Babe!
thnx for the invite. very much appreciated(:

The Queen of the date 18.10.08'

oh i love this.
model: Elreena.
photographer: Wendy.

with love, Wendy.

credits to Ben! :D

do you love it? i do(:
today's outting was aweeeeshum.
i had so much fun walking & talking & looking at pretty stuffs that i couldn't afford buying it.
i bought two nail polishzz, nail polishzz remover & also a red beltzzz(forced by friends)
literally been forced by them lah. i wanna buy it myself anyway. heh.
so elle got
green, sharlyn got
eletric blue(lighter tone compare to belle's), belle got
electric blue too & i got
all of us got one. some kind of friendship belts? :p
it's our
favourite colours btw. my fave is yellow! i wanted to buy that yellow belt but, red is fine too(:
our eyes were like glowing glowing here and there lo you know.
we saw one tee, apa itu ah... Rolling Stone? kisses? so hella expensive. RM139 EACH.
want me to commit suicide meh? Meh.
& they sell alot of scarfs there.
belle bought one. it's Teal in colour. i wanted to buy one too. BUT, nah~ save it for next time.
heard that in KL they sell like um RM10 each? it's RM8 cheaper than in Kay Kay.
lets see. what else ah.
ah, shutter shades. we were Ke Ra Zee over it. the
pink(<- that is not pink. blogger don't have pink colour for fontt?!!?) one was cute, right Elle?
but once we wear it on, it looks funny. so we didn't get it.
plus, it cost like RM30?! yah-uh.
we had brunch in
Old Town White Coffee.
it was great. we pretty much satisfied what we ordered.
i had Ipoh Hor Fuuun. wei nice lo wei.
drinks? as usuall, Honey Lemon Ping.
promise will edit later.
with photos of course(:
today's outting was aweeeeshum.
i had so much fun walking & talking & looking at pretty stuffs that i couldn't afford buying it.
i bought two nail polishzz, nail polishzz remover & also a red beltzzz(forced by friends)
literally been forced by them lah. i wanna buy it myself anyway. heh.
so elle got
green, sharlyn got
eletric blue(lighter tone compare to belle's), belle got
electric blue too & i got
all of us got one. some kind of friendship belts? :p
it's our favourite colours btw. my fave is yellow! i wanted to buy that yellow belt but, red is fine too(:
our eyes were like glowing glowing here and there lo you know.
we saw one tee, apa itu ah... Rolling Stone? kisses? so hella expensive. RM139 EACH.
want me to commit suicide meh? Meh.
& they sell alot of scarfs there.
belle bought one. it's Teal in colour. i wanted to buy one too. BUT, nah~ save it for next time.
heard that in KL they sell like um RM10 each? it's RM8 cheaper than in Kay Kay.
lets see. what else ah.
ah, shutter shades. we were Ke Ra Zee over it.
pink(<- that is not pink. blogger don't have pink colour for fontt?!!?) one was cute, right Elle? but once we wear it on, it looks funny. so we didn't get it. plus, it cost like RM30?! yah-uh. we had brunch in
Old Town White Coffee.
it was great.
we pretty much satisfied what we ordered.
i had Ipoh Hor Fuuun. wei nice lo wei.
drinks? as usuall, Honey Lemon Ping.
promise will edit later.
with photos of course(:
woke up pretty early for '
exams-over-&-hello-fun!' day.
what to do?
i have a lil' baby brother & i have to take care of him.
my parents & sis were out. so i have to do the responsibility.
he's currently laying his head on my lap now. awsh, how cute(:
PMR is officially over. &i bet those people that i kno is putting
off their studying caps for the moment.
define TOUGH define STRESS is when you get your butt to form 4.
sorry i couldn't help it but to tell. lol.

BUT WHATEVER THAT IS, go enjoy life now dudes & dudettes!
it's been a long time, isn't it?(:
oh how i miss those PMR-IS-FREAKING-OVER feelings.
&now, i'm worrying 'bout form 5 already? not healthy.
TODAY is gonna be so
packed up.
i can tell.
my beloved granda is coming over for dinner!
can't wait! can't wait for
the food to be served my granda to come & spend some family time with us.

i am craving for sushi right now!
Starbucks Green Tea Fraps.
ayaaaa, apa buleh buat oo. i'm in need of sugar right now!
so i could at least get HYPER for a lil while at this time.
will edit later, yaoz(:
i was on facebook. & whoah i had a hella updates.
too many friend requests & annoying applications.
that explains why i dislike facebook at the first place 'cause of those applications that just come in non-stop.
like, every minute? damn they are free.
it's been long since i log onto fb. can say, ages?
was randomly clicking on my friends on fb, like usuall.
&i came across to my cousins' profiles.
man, time passes fast & they're all so big boy & big girl now!
i miss those days where we bullied each other & i went like
"KUKU(aunty), YOUR SON IS BULLYING MEEEE!!"&i miss those days where we were crazy over
Jesse Mccartney. sing & dance to the song "Say My Name"
now, they're all grown up. we've parted our ways.
they're far in US, &I'm down here, in Kay Kay.
oh yes i miss the ol' us(':
anyways, let's keep that for the next time(:
i asked my mom for the last time if i can hang around with my friends tmrw.
finally! she said YES.
i'm jumping with joy now. do you see me?! do you?!
heard that those shutter shades they sell in CM is expensive. &i might not buy it then.
we'll see how.
you say the sweetest thing(:
you made my day.
tho, to everyone you're a
but to me, you're a
hero & THAT'S for sure(:
i have both good news and bad news today.
which shud i spill out first?
kays, lets go with the bad news.
bad news:i might not go out with my friends tmrw to City Mall nor to 1borneo.
i might just stay at home. dazzled.
i might kill myself with Boredom.
moving on.
yellow shutter shade B)
i talked to Joshua on the phone!
i have so much time to spare! :D
lets talk abit about the bad news.
i asked my mom so if i can go out tmrw to have a hang with my friends.
& her answer was no.
i am not satisfied at all.
i wanna get 'em shades & maybe some earings in City Mall.
(earings are one of my huuuuuge obesessions, fyi)
maybe God is giving me a sign. a sign of my mom screaming "NO!" to me.
*nods* yeah, i shud save money for now so i could spend all of it when i'm in KL. :p
nononononono. i need 'em
YELLOW shades!
but but, gah. decisions. dilemma on shades now huh Wendy?
did i mention that finals are over and done?
Nerd Mode is officially OFF, for now.
i'm having
Shopaholic Mode.
not good! not good!
today's papers were HELLA BAD.
people. what'd ya expect me to say?
paper 1 & 3 were quite OKAY. on the other hand, which is paper 2, is DEAD MEAT.
i can already predict what i'm gonna get for my physics.
wanna know?
it's Z TO THE O.
let's not talk about exams now shall we?(:
so well as you can see the title above, yeah. Obsessions.
this month & the upcoming months are alll about OBSESSIONS.
why so?
obsessed to hang out! i'm
obsessed with shades now! i'm
obsessed with video camming!
obsessed with the colour
obessed with my honeeeeey! i'm
obsessed with clothes!
obsessed with colourful outfits! i'm
obsessed with PHOTOBUCKET(wth?!) i'm
obsessed with bloging!
&the obsession goes on.
it's waaaaaaaay too much & it's NOT undercontrol!
anyways, i shud stop for nw.
edit later(:
oh & before i leave. here's a picture of cuteness!
Ryan Wong:
-click for full view, hearts-♥
Chemistry was
it was hard shiz. i can't believe but i answered all the questions.
not that i kno it's correct but at least i didn't leave it blank?
that's all about today's papers. all about chemistry chemistry chemistry & more chemistry which made me go
TWO MORE DAYS LEFT TO FREEDOM.oh, i can smell it(:
i'm gonna say what i'm gonna do during my so called self-holidays.
let's leave it to that.
things to do:
1. gonna go all the tuition days that i missed out for the past few weeks.
2. cut my front hair.
3. catch up some sleep that i've used for burning midnight oils for the past few days/weeks.
5. meet my beloved Joshua(:
6. go Gaya Street with mommy.
7. feed my fishes.
8. wash my fishy's tank.
9. take videos of myself.
10. take more random videos.
11. bake!
12. more sleeping.
13. more EXERCISE!
14. wrap my text books. (gah)
15. save money.
16. movie marathon with bffs!
17. Shangrila with friends.
18. spend time with my beloved fams.
19. take lots of pictures.
20. more blogging.
...& the list goes on.
this is so not right.
i'm planning what to do right now when i still have upcoming subjects to worry about.
like, Physics.
it's on Thursday(last freaking finals day!) & when the clock strikes 1:30p.m. the whole class/school is gonna shake.
like an earthquake got hit in KayKay.
i'll be waiting(:
"i promise you
you're not alone
when the lights go out at night
when you're feeling lost inside, you're not alone.
you're not alone
when the world is falling down
i will be the one around, you're not alone"i'll be back. wait for me, hearts(:
weird names! yes, indeed.
wendy: hey look mi! i named my fishes. the blue one called Meekey & the purple one called Twinky^^
mom: ...why don't you name it Wendy & Joshua. :p
wendy: ...
lol. yeah, mom can be really
sarcastic at times.
my mom is cool. hahaha.
once again, i went to Gaya Street with both mum & sis.
my sis bought turtle!
again. it's a male turtle, to accompany the other female turtle that she bought previously.
too tempted to those colourful fishes, bought another fighting fish.
yeah, fighting fish. AGAIN.
it's pretty! i took alot of pics of it & video cam-ed it, too. lol.
the video is kinda dark. i'll post the pictures first.
i'm soooo gonna finish my moral project today & start memorizing them moral values!
yes, tmr is the
2nd week of finals. & it's starting with Malay(II) & Moral.
daaaamn hard subjects? yes indeed.
my head is gonna blow up anytime soon.
the 2nd week's subjects are waaaay harder than the first week. ohman.
i can feeel the BAD FEEELING OF IT.
kays, lets just stop it with exams. it's scary to mention about it everytime on my blog.
Meet Meekey


not to forget the very great Owner of these two fishes:
*drum roll*


owner & fishes.

this pic has got nothing to do with fishes.
i was bored, so i took a pic of flowers again.(:
Twinky aka Wendy;
Meekey aka Joshua.