IMY!i can never stop blogging, can't i?(:
im just missing someone real bad & i need to shout.
not talking to you for a day makes me go insane.
when my heart met yours, it was allll miracle.
&that's a good thing fo' shuuure(:
mind me. i'm just blabing random words that are on my mind.
i'm sleepy. i can feel pimples popping out one by one.
oh geees, nightmare.
once again, blogspot it pissing me off. ugh.
bah, i'll just re-type what i just.. typed NOT LONG AGO.
click play! click play! cliiiiiick play!
i dare you to!
it's a dare, so you gotta do it :p
you'll never regret doing it. trust me.
i'm currently insanely inlove with this song & Taylor!
i'm not les fyi.
today was rather boring.
went out to CP, then to Asia City with mom.
CP SUUUCKS. maaaajor. AC is waaaay better than CP.
in your faaace CP!
bought alot of country-like stuffs, again. tsk.
hope you'll have a good one(:
just incase i feel lazy to update my blog tmr. so yeah, here you go!
i'm gonna be so busy tmr. i suppose.
gonna go to Elle's house tmr on the first day of raya.
gonna hang with the WEBS, on the first day of raya! awesome? awesome(:
we planned to bake cookies in the not-so-early morning.
i kno it's kinda too late to bake cookies since tmr is like the exact day for raya.
but, da heeeeck, when you're with your besties, NOTHING IS TOO LATE.
We were both young when I first saw you.
I close my eyes and the flashback starts:
I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air.
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns.
See you make your way through the crowd
and say hello;
Little did I know
That you were Romeo; you were throwing pebbles,
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet."
And I was crying on the staircase,
begging you, 'Please, don't go.'
And I said,
"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.'"
So I sneak out to the garden to see you.
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew.
So close your eyes; escape this town for a little while.
'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter,
And my daddy said "Stay away from Juliet,"
But you were everything to me; I was begging you, 'Please, don't go,'
And I said,
"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.'
Romeo save me - they're tryin' to tell me how to feel;
This love is difficult, but it's real.
Don't be afraid; we'll make it out of this mess.
It's a life story - baby just say 'Yes.'
I got tired of waiting,
Wondering if you were ever comin' around.
My faith in you was fa-ding,
When I met you on the outskirts of town.
And I said,
"Romeo save me - I've been feeling so alone.
I keep waiting for you but you never come.
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think-"
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said,
"Marry me, Juliet - you'll never have to be alone.
I love you and that's all I really know.
I talked to your dad - go pick out a white dress;
It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.'"
we were both young when i first saw you(:
just thought that i shud copy&paste the lyrics here.
gooooosh, love it!(:
Monday, September 29, 2008 @ make these wishes come true. /
back to the top
today was one of the
awesomest day ever!
well, not exactly thaaaat awesome 'cause i had tuition not long ago.
went to
Chen Yen aka
Eric's so called
sweetsixteen birthday today & it was great.
why great? 'cause the WEBS were there & also met few of my classmates.
we went
maniacly crazy over cameras. wherever we go, there's always at least a picture with some random shiz.
i fell inlove with Chen Yen's houzzze yo. it's, comfy.
it really did makes me feel like "i'm home" kind of feeling.
btw, lets not get tooo obsessed with his house first, shall we?
first of,
you are really fun to be with. just that, somtimes your acts are
like you know, making those doorbell-like sound by using my oh-so-precious name. :p
yeah, but things like these wont make me kick your ass or something.
'cause i'll laugh my butt off anyway.
kays! &if i ever did hurt your
small tiny lil' heart, i mean so-called-big-Barney-like heart. will ya accept my forgiveness?
mmm. all in all, be happy, don't be emo or start drawing emo stuffs with black/red pens on your toilet cards & just stay the same freaking way you are now! :D
i'll edit the photos later.
it's just toooo many.
oh & i got the information that we took about
360 photos.
how cool is that? yes, we ss maniaaacs.
non-stop i tell you, non-stop. especially with some cool surroundings, we can never stop.
not talking to you today 'till friday.
&.. it's killing my heart realll bad.
but yes i know, finals next week & im STILL NOT PREPARED. shiz.
so, ima start '
touching' them books tmr. yes...'t-o-u-c-h-i-n-g' & i mean it. hopefully\:
i'll go with the days like usuall. doin the same ol' stuffs.
but there's one thing that my mind
can never be erased off.
that is
thinking 'bout you keeps me smiling & dopping at the same time.
currently listening to love story by Taylor Swift. a must-watchinyoutubevid/listen/dl song!!
it's a really sweet song & it reminds me of you(:
but whatever it is, we, stay strong kays? :D
ohoh! ¬ to forget, credits to Jullll for being our photographer-of-the-day!
appreciated it alot! thanskthanksthanks!
&we will try buying something for you for giving us such cool bluuuee boxes!
ngehehe. all in all, you are awesssom dude. :D
will edit later.
if my two eyes wont start blinking like mad & half-way closing, that is.

photographer&editor: moi(:
so mad. reallly mad.
i typed a real long post not long ago.
&now it's alll freaking goneee?!
that's it. im goin to sleep now.
btw, i love
combination of macro + photos.
it's cool like that.
stress like mad.
EB is killing me softly by the minute.
i was panic when Belle told me that her bro forgotten the CD that we were supposed to take it yesterday/today.
but unfortunately, we waited for teacher, he didn't show up & we didn't go to school, today.
cursing is bad. so i'll take the hard way.
being cursed by.
i was searching for phone numbers. &i got it, finally. so i texted teacher to send the pictures to my/belle's email adds.
i was waiting for his reply & i checked my mails.
it gives me the bad feeling that we're gonna be
dead duck slaughtered by teacher):
&i will try my best to not make
that happen. hopefully. sighs.
we are actually half-screwed by him & it's bad.
really bad. i might break down & cry any minute, any time now.
Mr. Stress, i beg you to please go away! leave me alone. i need
Mr. Happy, immediately.
sigggghs all the way.
i was out the whole friggin' day. didn't manage to do my moral essasys -_-
aaaah darrrn it.
i took these when i was bored.
& well.. was amazed by the beauty of the pot of pretty flowers :p
so. yeah.
here you go~!

not bad ey? i love macro. it makes photos like these looks so good.
will update tmrw.
finals in the second week & i'm still
not prepared. i feel like killing myself.
i'm gonna fail so miserably
bad. pray that i wont.
kays kays kays.
lets start the
nerd-mode on this coming Monday. or maybe Sunday.
good enough, no? just hope that i will do what i just said, determination!
ha. yeah.
my tummy hurts bad again. it's a
sudden pain.
&i hate it this way. i think i'm starting to be like Elle? 'cause i'm burping alot too, these past few days\:
*rubs tummy*
not goin to school tomorrow.
not goin to sleep early tonight. (maybe)
not goin to wake up late tomorrow. (gyah?)
not SOOOOO goin to start doin my moral essays tomorrow.
IMMEDIATELY. when i'm done shopping with mom in the morning that is.
mm, talking 'bout
mah mom. she's unpredictably turning into a
Country Mom.
why? she began to buy loads of country homes stuffs. like ya know, yellow-ish brown-ish flowers with cute lil' pots. antique ducks? & so on.
& we're shopping for more tmr. -_-
guess i'm out of words to say.
on deviantart & photoshop now.
later, gonna sort puzzles. again.
would you
dance with me on top of the world?
would you do
silly faces when i asked you to?
would you
look me in the eyes & tell me that you love this moment?
tuition was fine. add maths hard like hell.
i'd be dead doing it. but i'm lucky enough that i'm still alive.
school was fine as usuall.
Chen Yen & Sharlyn annoyed me to the
max. seriously.
they used my name to the fullest of it. i can't blame them 'cause they're just damn bored.
&i wasn't pissed fyi. i was laughing like mad and at the same time annoyed la.
Mr. Pain-in-the-Stomach had a visit to my school today. just for
me. only
thank goodness it wasn't a serious one. minor pain.
so, anyways. i came to a random so called
online shopping in
Friendster not long before.
i saw pretty dresses & tops & lots more.
i need 'em!before that, lets take a look at my purse. mmm, naaa~ gonna pull all my hopes down for this time\:

price: RM49.9
be kind & buy me this, pretty please?(:


& *gasp gasp* *drools drools* thiiiis!
im suddenly addicted to shopping now. i mean, shopping WITH buying something.
lol. &i think it's a bad habit\:
i ain't got enough monehhh dude. gyaah.
when i hear your name, my heart beats fast,
when i see you, my heart beats faster,
when you look me in the eyes, my heart stops beating,
when you said 'baby, i love you', made my heart alive, again.
lmao. kays, lame. hahaha.
ima go sleep now. my eyebags are getting
bigger & panda eyes getting
which is not good! i sooo need my beauty sleep now.
at least, have to keep myself looking panda eyes-less before Raya?
country home, take me home,
to the placeeeee, i belongg.omg. my head is gonna explode soon enough. having a
major headache.
it started when i was looking for this shop named "RainTree" aka Teak.
right after school, mom went to this shop full of house decos in Beverly.
im inlove with anything that's gotta do with decos(:so yeah. i saw big pretty mirrors & i told my mom to consider on buying it & what i got from here is a "see first" -_-
then she told aunty Ivy that there's this shop that sells alot of these kind of stuffs too. in where? in
Putatan. yeah heard me right, P-U-T-A-T-A-N.
&so did we go. went so faaar just to look for home decos? tsk.
but the problem was, my mom didn't kno nor remembered where the shop located..
we were looking for it here & there. i called the
BES, exclude W which is me, & asked if they know
what/where the flying fruitcake is RainTree.
failed, miserably. so i gave up in calling people & passed the job to my mom :p
finallllly, found it. went in. searched for stuff that we need. in the end. nothing.
NOTHIING?! it took us an hour or half to find that so called
unknown place from Beverly, searched here & there for it but... nothing? gyah.
went back & that's the time where
Mr. Headache came for a visit into my brain.
by that time when we were on the way to RainTree/Putatan.
i passed by some houses. & it reminds me of
we're so far away. but, i felt the feeling that you were
close but yet, still so
imy today. do you, too?
hear me, hear me.
this is for my baby.
there will never be another.
there's so many ways i love ya.
&that's just for the record babe.
i need you, need you.
i can't wait to see you.
i so love when we're together.
can't nobody do it better.
&that's just for the record babe.tomorrow's Tuesday already? ngaah.
Sunday, September 21, 2008 @ great love brings happiness. /
back to the top
i've just finished watching
Moonlight Resonance.
episode 39&40. last episode. &again, i shed tears.
tears of happiness.
absolutely a great show, i have to say.
as a conclusion, family brings great love. great love brings happiness. happiness brings joy. joy brings
you to a brighter place(:
that's a fact. &i wish to accomplish it &i kno i will. i
believe i will.
i've learned alot of things from the show.
i've learned to think more
positively. believe in myself & others.
i've learned that a
small tiny lil lie, sooner or later that small lie grows
bigger &
i've learned that highly educated person with no heart gives us nothing.
i've also learned that, in a family. we shud always be
Ka Ho Yuet Yuen(:
--a great happy family--
sighs. i will surely miss that show. for sureee(':
it made me appreciate
family&love much more than before(:
we must love them no matter who/where/what/when.
they resemble other half of my heart. without them, i'm
if you're reading this(
yes you, b) i'm sorry for everything, anything.
we can predict things but sometimes, they're never gonna happen.
i can't predict the future & so are you. so, live life to the fullest & make this love happening & fill it with great joy & happiness.
do not let anyone or anything let you down. even if i did, i'm here to apologise to you for everything.
but right now, right here. i'll tell you whatever it is, whatever it takes, i will always be right there for you. & fo' sure, you will be right there for me too, no?(:
i just got the feeling to tell each & every of my beloved ones.
i love you(: & you kno that's true.
family, the WEBS, jr & all of you.
you deserve a biggie hug(: yes, i'm talking 'bout you. come here you!(:
nothing beats the greatest joy of happiness

suddenly, i have this feeling to post up old photos.
maybe 'cause i was viewing Belle's blog & saw some of our old photos.
which they look retardedly cute :p
sighs. miss those days. those i-don't-care & i-love-being-a-retard moments(:
&i've realized, i used fresco editing on most of the photos.
which is, lame\:
anyways, i was supposed to go to Gaya Street this early morning.
but, i overslept. again\:
goin to City Mall for brunch now.
kaaaays. the new hair cut is looking really retarded on me, i have to say.
mm. lets see, what happened today?
i woke up
super late than usuall today. 11+ a.m.
whoah. late much? yeah. i slept pretty late last night too.
so yeah, that explains everything why i woke up late :p
went down & the first thing i saw is
Chen Nam.
as i remember, my hair was messy, my shirt was huge & with short black pants. o_o
he was there to have a duo maths study with my sis? lol. yeeah.
theeeen, mom was like.
mom: look at this. i wanna buy shell.
wendy: huh? shelll? o_o
mom: yeah shell.
wendy:...*looks at the computer screen/pics* oh. shelfffff la mi. S-H-E-L-F.
mom:...shelf. k, shelf.
so yeah, we were like browsing thru the home deco's infos and all.
mostly me. i found some cute cabinets and pretty flowers deco for our
home sweet home.
the problem is, we need materials &
moneeeh. which is
major hectic.
my mom always assume that whenever we go shopping with her, we daydream. -_-
which is so nooot true.
sis gave a suggestion.
1borneo. to find furnitures & all.
so we got ready & off we go. went to
Living Home to have a look.
we bought ourself,
nothing \:
next, we went to
Living Cabin. ooooh, i love that place very much.
they sell alot of pretty stuffs.
went to
Jigsaw World Puzzle after that. we spent like almost
half an hour deciding which one to buy.
at laaasst, we bought one & mom wants it for the living room.
i saw some which are really prettty nice & i wanna buy it someday.
if i have enough cash
that is.
that's a big lie :p
went to
new york new york for a drink & had some deserts.
mom & i had rootbeer float, sis had..
the desert was the
BOMB. seriously. no kidding.
what a goodie goodie day(:

couz justina. moi. couz jasmine(:

moi & jasmine.

justina & moi.

before daaaa haircut.

been never been to new york o_o

deliciouzsz float(:

MUD PIE!!!!!!!! the
bomb the
heaven the
earth the..
a must-try desert(:


afteeeeeer. yummyness to the max.

LOL. i'm sorry Ryan.

somehow, i want my front hair to grow long again\:
gaah. sometimes, being a girl is so damn complicated.
back to sorting out puzzles(:

goin out now.
i'm online! that means i'm school-free!
Friday today, as you all know. Belle & I planned to not go to school today.
but i'm not so sure if she did go or she didn't.
anyways, i had my yogurt & it was goooood.
tell me, who doesn't love yogurt?(:
Joshua's not in school too. we msged for a lil while.
he's studying now. so yeah. gambaaaaaateeh b!
talking about "
studying", i've not started anythiiiing yet.
i feel so... hopeless. i could not put my hands on books!
like what belle said,
it's like the books have disease or something.
which they surely not. lol.
so... since i'm so free today.
not that i don't have tuition tonight. i do & it's a freaking replacement\:my mom told me to go get a hair cut.
this time, is the
front hair.
shud i really cut or shud i not?
so frustrating. if i cut it. then the WEBS will be like
sharlyn was always fringed since, ever.
elle, she fringitized since um before IU Day. :p
belle, she fringed hers not long ago.
& now it's
my turn? gaaah.
but yeah, maybe a good start?
see how will i look like after that then.
don't faint when i put up the photos(:
kays, the words combined together looks like.
exam sex am. o_o
scratch that yellow minded.
gonna go get ready now. tsk.
no no no no bebeh
no no no no don't lie~just finish watching
Moonlight Resonance.
today is one of the
best episode in the best evvvvvver!
those of you who watch it, i kno you'll agree with me too :p
cried again. damn. i am so sensitive. good or bad?
current fave tv show: MOONLIGHT RESONANCE, DUUUUUH.
anyways. i don't feel like going to school tmr\:
siggghs. but i guess i have to. tsk.
school today was, well... cold.
yeah, cold. freezing like mad. raining cats & dogs.
no oral today yay. physics, i was half-dead.
i'm currently drinking leong cha. man, i love this thing.
i have it almost like everyday? & it's addictive.

colour my life & put a
hurricane in my world.

we are familleeeh. momma don't let us watch teevee.
daddddy's birthday(:
mom was the photographer.
gonna go catch some sleep now.
tuition tuition tuition!
waiting for food now tho.
moooom, is the fish ready yeett?!anyways, will edit later with some photos.
mmm, sounds good?
if i'm
not lazy then maybe i'll consider(:

the party just ended. um, the goodfood i mean.
lol. the food was not so bad. i'm loaded with various of food right now.
burping mad like Elle. :p kidding kaays? :D
my neighbour is sooo cute & creative & kind & really friendly.
i love their house man. so colourful & sorta vintage-ish looking? idk.
but im loving some of the decos(:
aunty actually made her own homemade cute art that has a retro looking design with a lil' cute help by her lil' cute beloved sons as well!
aww. so sweet! didn't manage to take a pic of it tho.
i was, shy :/ kays, lame.
my bro was happy with the surrounding?
he didn't make any noises. which is a good thing.
my sis & i pretty much took our time analyzing their decos & all.
livng room, kitchen, teevee room & so on.
both sisters(us) planned to make some changes for our house before CNY.
dad will only start to change everything only when it's near cny. don't ask why. it's just his rules.
so, i was planning to like change those old chinese-looking sofas, curtains, wall colours & yadda yadda.
mmm. gonna go make some phone calls now.
*yaaaawwwwn* i'm sleepy.
very sleepy.
neighbour's son's birthday today & we're
so im wearing a really plain tee & shorts.
it's my
first time wearing super simple to a birthday party.
my first time feeling
soo comfy(:
just woke up from a half an hour sleep.
mom knocked the door as loud as possible to wake me up.
& i did :/
gimme some peace mom,
moving on. i always seems to recall what i did today in school/wherever to people & to myself.
i totally
ignored someone after school today & it's bad.
if you're reading this. i'm sorry kays?
well, if you terasa la.
mmm. my friends might be supporting me by ignoring that
but i feel bad you see.
well, that
someone never really do anything wrong towards me
'cept that, that
someone still talks alot with another someone. lol.
but it's kays with me now. so, beloved WEBS. don't feel mad or be mad or wanna..mad?
you get me right, no? lol.
will edit later.
yaaoz<-- this will be my 'see you later' or 'chaoz' or 'byees' word.
it's weird but i like it? kays :p
so as you can see. i've
changed my layout again?
yes damn. Wendy is so free, no?
"you update almost like EVERYDAY""why you always change your layout ahhh?"these two things that they always mention & asking me the most.
annoyed much? the
answer is, i
love my blog so much!
i have to like everytime at least take a look at my blog before i go do some other stuffs.
my blog is too
tempting o_o
though the colours that i always choose are, dull.
sad to say. but i couldn't find any layout that fulfill my needs.
&it is very
very frustrating.
no school tomorrow
meaning? i can sleep late tonight,no?
i can wake up late! yes that's right.
& have to start studying my butt off. as i promised.
anyways. i'm gonna go take a short nap & edit later. maybe?
kays. i'm
officially bored.
my sis recommended me a song by
Jordin Sparks.
"just for the record"it's nice. download it.
goin to City Mall later for groceries.
& gonna have dinner soon!
i'm gonna have chicken, soup, pork, prawns & my beloved RICEEEE!
random comes when boredom strikes :/ mind me.
kays. here is the lyrics.
JUST FOR THE RECORDI can't help myself
If I don't wanna be with nobody else
I don't wanna leave my baby's side
And I don't wanna kiss another guy
I'll pass any test
Cause nothing in this world or in the next
Could make me second guess
Could make me change my mind
Could make me not protect what I'm feeling inside
Cause I'm smart enough to know that this is a good thing
Please believe it, please believe it
And I'm smart enough to stay right where I belong
And I'm faithful enough to know that this is meant to be
And if it's not, the don't speak
Don't ruin it, let me dream
Hear me, hear me
This is for my baby
There will never be another
There's so many ways I love you
And that's just for the record, babe
I need you, need you
I can't wait to see you
I so love when were together
Can't nobody do it better
And that's just for the record, babe
I can't be perfect
No one is flawless
But rest in mind
I'll be there through the good and the bad and the ugly and worse
So if it's something that you're lacking
Go and tell me first
Cause I'm smart enough to know that this is a good thing, yeah
Smart enough to stay right where I belong, oh no no no
And I'm faithful enough to know that this is meant to be
And if it's not, the don't speak
Don't ruin it, let me dream
repeat[ Chorus]
So if there's any way to cheat
Don't tell me 'cause I don't wanna know
And if there's any way to leave
Don't tell me 'cause I don't wanna go
I don't wanna go to sleep 'cause I don't wanna miss you
This is team and I love my position
Lead me anywhere, I'll go with you there
I'll go with you there
kays. edit later.
i was browsing through Googles & i found pretty pretty pictures!
sadly, i still haven't watch
CampRock yet which is a total bummer.
Elle's being kind to borrow her pendrive to me that contains
songs + camprock movie!
thankyous. thankyous. thankyouuus!
ima post alooooot of Demi Lovato photos now.
so sweet.
totally sweet.
VERY sweet!
i'm still waiting):
this is
not Demi Lovato but
Taylor Swift.
she's pretty too! more like
i love her barbie-curls.
with the
Jonas Brothers.
many are inlove with Joe Jonas but i prefer Nick.
it's proven that i like younger + cuter guys. :p
how was that? mmm,
i love it. i love Demi's hair.
now i have the urge to cut my front hair.
kays. be patient wendy. maybe i'll cut it after KL trip or maybe before.
gaaah. decisions.
i'm lacking of nice + hot brand new songs.
i need to keep myself up to date.
anyone? tell me in my cbox & i'll download asap.
'cause my ears are getting bored with the old songs that i keep playing on repeat.
i'm currently craving for

you know you want one(:
gimme gimme more!
itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini♥