i didn't go to school today.
'cause ma mom didn't wanna send me to school and assume that teachers not teaching in school bla bla bla.
so, ended up staying at home.
i woke up at 9 a.m. :D
what a good sleep in a good friday morning, no?
my sis knocked my room door and was told that mummy wanna go out for shopping!
went to Segama at first.
it was hella hot! all of us was like fanning ourself all the way.
and oh yeah, my cousins and my aunty came to join us for shopping too. =D
they are so called our shopping-guides :p
went to Wisma after that.
finally! bought something after a long period of not-buying-anything time.
lol. i bought a simple tee and short pants! yeh bebeh.
okay, i kno it's not ALOT of stuffs that i bought from like 2 to 3 hours of walking around in Wisma.
at least i bought something? that's good enough lo.

around 4, i went to Belle's house and got to meet up with Sharlyn and Elle.
not long after, Sharlyn went back. boohoo :(
so, it was just Belle, Elle and I.
made some random templates for the EB work that we are told to do.
and who are we under?
The Very Powerful Perfectionist Ms Sophia Tsen.
when we were half-way designing our third template-of-the-day, and then suddenly *poof*
b l a c k o u t .
the Horror!
Belle and I were like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"
Elle was like "what? what are you guys "noo" about?"
Belle "We were editing the template and we didn't save it so....NOOO!!!!"
so yeah, we were laughing like mad, lying on the bed, talking craps and loads of funny random talks!
we had fun in the dark :p
we were talking about "laughing energy" and cars. XD
i just realise that i do not post any pictures recently.
or maybe, NOT AT ALL.
i think i shud. :/
but i'm too lazy to edit photos now.
yes, i'm THAAAT lazy.
and there's this thing about me with photos.
if i don't edit them (as in lighting of the photos and stuffs), it will look pretty U G L Y. wait, i mean ugly U G L Y.
yeah so i'm just lazy lah now.
ah fine. i'll upload the photos soon...later kays?

let me paint my love for you E>

colour the world
pretty and make
peace at the same time.


Hello Panda Craze.sadly, these are the
fake ones.
i bought it for like RM1.60 and it's fake fake fake!
tasted like shet :/
and i freckin' bought freckin' 4 packs of it! :O
wasted my moneeh. pffst.

3/4. my Best of Friends of Hello Pandas :p
Wendy. Elle. Sharlyn.
where was belle? well, she went to Church. :p
baby Ryan: *looks at jie jie* not again....
wendy: i'm sorry Ryan but you are tooo cute! so i need to take a picture with you, at least once.
and if he can talk to me like that, it would be a

my cousin(Brandon) told me to take a picture with his everyday-favourite
Ultraman mask.

this is the picture of me with my soaking wet hair and shirt.
(if you read my old posts, you will understand what i'm saying in this picture)
wanna show you my very contrast
blue pants that it was fully soaking wet!

this is the face of the not-goin-to-school-on-a-friday-morning.

i didn't buy the tee! sadly :(

there's always
always a mirror scene. :p

i can't help falling inlove with you =)

i look retarded :/
like a river flows to the sea,
so it goes, somethings are meant to be (:♥

that's a hella big bag of
i loveeeeeee Nougats!
they are the yummyness of the yummyness.
so, how was that?
satisfying? :p
like what Joshua Wong said,
congrats for growing older faster than me. :p
once again i would i like to wish Sunny--gay--Boy...
okay let me sing a birthday song for you, shall i?
"happy birthday to you,
you are born in the zoo,
i saw a gay monkey,
oh no! it was Y O U!"how's that for a birthday song huh? :p
message for my dearest gay friend.first of, *hugs and gives the stare*. stop being emo and get your ass out from that "emo corner" or yours and lets party like there's no tomorrow!
well, for me, chocolate cake stands for... an
emo cake :/
okay, let me continue my sorta-making-sense-facts.
chocolate cake is well, dark in colour right? and emo people love whatever that is...
so, you cut the cake. yes you cut it and it's like emo people cutting their own body parts (exp wrist, face? s t o m a c h ??)
okay moving on~ but you see, it hurts soo
good bad by cutting yourself while cutting cake, you don't feel anything but just cutting it cause the sake of...cutting it. ....
and then, you eat the cake, it means like, you eat your "emoness" up and forget about everything and be happy 'cause you just ate a very delicious cake that your so called "gang of noisy-ness" got it just for you and hope to see a smile on your gay face :)
soo, how was it? lame i know. i'm being really random right now. :/
oh! and the lame-but-full-0f-love card made by us!
and that was the reason why we were passing books like everywhere to get people to sign the card and yeah if you noticed.
and i think you did. hahaha.
Well, all in all. Don't worry & always be Happy!
go ahead, move on. live a much more gay-er life now and years to come!
even gayer friend.
oh the suprise went pretty well.
until Jeremiah almost THISSSSSSSSSSS close tryna write his birthday wishes on the card and Sunny was well, kepo? :p and went to Jeremiah and he saw...the card!
So everyone was like "oh no!" "ohmeohmy" "miaaah!" "it's a...um.. a love letter! give US back!"
yeah, chaos.
as i can remember, Sunny wanted to go to the toilet during civic lesson but unfortunately, he didn't 'cause K[cube] went.
Jeremiah didn't kno that Sunny did not go to the toilet.
so, miah went to our place and start asking belle..
Miah: give me. give me. give me. the card! Sunny's goin to the toilet now. =D
(he was smiling all the way when he was talking)
Sunny: (he stood behind miah without miah knowing) o_O
Four girls (the WEBS): .....
Miah: *turns* OH SHIIITTTT!
so everyone was like laughing pretty loud. REAL loud.
like our head could've burst by laughing soooo hard.
so that's the time when Sunny got sooooo suspicious by whatever we're doing.
even when Belle, Elle and I laugh, he will turn his head back and look at us and smile with his...trade mark smile.
as known as, the Colgate Smile!
i somehow love school.
well, of course exclude teachers and the whole bunch of works.
i'm talking about my classmates!
my gang of annoying-ness and noisy-ness.
they are the best man. well, we make alot of problems in school but that's how we roll.
wanna kno who are they? :p
Belle - The OCD Freak/ The Hello Panda
Elreena - The Hardcore/ The Strawberry Panda
Sharlyn - The Anime Lover/ The Yellow Minder/ The Vanila Panda
Sunny - The Colgate Advertisment Dude/ The Gay Boy
Jeremiah - The Jamie Dreamer
Eric - The Sarcastic Brain/ The other Yellow Minder
Wendy - The Laughing Machine/ The Chocolate Panda
we laugh E V E R Y S I N G L E T I M E.
and that's how annoying we are.
and me likey!
i'm not goin to school tomorrow 'cause ma momma don't wanna send me to school?
okay, weird.
hey guys i'm so sorry for the late update.
my last update was on friday and yeah you guessed it.
i have three friggin' days of things-i've-done to be posted.
which includes today, Monday.
hmm now where shud i start?
SATURDAYwent out to Warisan, Wisma and City Mall with my cousin and sister.
unfortunately, i didn't get myself anything.
yes, im a big fuss in shopping.
whatever it is, it's very hard for me to spend my money on clothes, bags, shoes, etc etc.
but food, is a total different story. *grins*
and you might see me complaining about my fatness once in awhile when i feel, fat. :p
girls lah bah, what to do? we complain.
at 2:30 went for Accounts tuition and i met Sharlyn.
one of my bestfriend who talks alot. you, got no idea.
but that day, she didn't really talk much to me like before.
why? 'cause she was pissed.
of what? accounts.
why so? could not balance.
so? so.....yeah she was pissed.
and so did i.
if you study Accounts and you will kno why.
but gotta admit that account is fun =)
finished at 4:30 or was it 4:00?
followed Sharlyn's car back to her house and bathed and changed and dressed up and waited.
we were given 4 tickets of
UK Norfolk Symphonic Band Concert for....
by one of our Interact Club's rotarians,
Mr. Cornelius.
one ticket for me. one ticket for elle. one ticker for sharlyn. one ticket for....the missing belinda.
she couldn't join us 'cause she had to go to church.
but it's okay, God loves you, Belle. :p
and so where did the one-and-only ticket go if you ask, it went nowhere.
we were trying to ask around for people to buy the one-and-only ticket from us.
and sadly, we failed. haha. so we gave up.
overall, the concert was BEAUTIFUL, SUPERB, WONDERFUL, MARVELLOUS, anymore?
just PERFECT! the drummer was cuteeeee. okay wait that's not the word to describe him.
hottt, yes hott. he is soooo hot!
yeah he's hot but doesn't mean that i will go for him right? 'cause i don't kno him personally.
infact, i have one deadly hot-at-heart guy who loves to eat
Freshmint everytime.
sad to say,
Freshmint is somehow his very addictive "drugs" for the moment.
now i have an idea what to buy for his birthday, next year. :p
SUNDAYi never really like Sunday.
'cause it's the last day of the only-two-days weekend and i have to use it w i s e l y.
which sucks la, and the next day is School DOOM Day.
but anyways, lets talk about what happened yesterday.
had breakfast in the morning around 9 something in Warisan.
so early?!?!?!! yes i know. sometimes, i even had breakfast at 8 a.m.
i was with my....popo, uncle, aunty, brandon boy, jie jie, mummy and baby ryan.
in one car, we went to alot of weird places.
not exactly weird or shud i say nice? =)
went to this random "Country Homes" somewhere in Dongongon.
a place full of so called 70's & 80's furnitures, stairs and so on.
more like the only cowboy-looking place in Kota Kinabalu.
it's a suite. and i wish to stay there someday.
yep, that's the kind of place i need.
away from busy works, chaotic town,rest my mind and think of nothing but peacefulness.
we had nothing better to do.
yes it's true. we even checked out the halfly renovated aiport.
it looks great and huge and high class now compare to last time which looked like...i don't kno how to describe about it :/
went back to Warisan. no wait, we had lunch at Waterfront.
Port View that is.
weird huh? lunch in a seafood restaurant. hahaha.
then in the middle of my meal, Joshua called.
joshua: hey Wendy, look back.
wendy: hmm? *turns*
aaaah. it was him! stood right infront of the place where those people put their fishes and swim swim swim. yeah there.
and i was well, shocked of course and happy at the same time!
joshua: do you want me to go over there?
wendy: eeek. uhm er. no wait. stay there for a while. we're almost done.
joshua: okay okay.
paid and off we go.
well, didn't expect him to say hi to each and everyone that sat on the same table with this girl named, Wendy.
and yeah i went for movies with him after that.
we watched
Meet Dave and it was soooooo damn funny!
some people say it's kinda lame, which is kinda true too.
but it's still a nice hilarious movie!
i was laughing my butt off from the begining 'till the end of the movie!
i wont blame him if he says i'm annoying but fortunately, he did not complain :D
but yeah you have no idea how annoying my laugh is/was until you meet me in person and if i get high you will run. :D
so after the movie which ended at 3 something p.m., it rained.
lucky unlucky could that be?
we were in Cathay if you must know.
and we had to rush back to Warisan for some reason.
it was raining of cats and dogs. very
and another unexpected moments, he actually unbotton his so called "formal" shirt and cover my head with it.
and btw, he wore two shirts so yeah he was wearing a white tee when he took of his other black formal shirt just to cover my head to prevent me from falling sick.
but hey, im making him more sick!
he got nothing to cover his head. man, i feel bad :/
but anyways, thanks Joshua. *hugs* =)
we reached safely and we looked like we just had a nice refreshing bath....in the rain.
all eyes were on us and yeah, awkward lah.
we were freezing! so we went to look for some place to warm ourself.
ended up in Secret Recipe. we had cake and mushroom soup!
chit-chated and ALAS warmed up. sorta.
my jeans was still soaking wet tho :/
then we took taxi to Sutera and this time it's only 10 bucks which they decreased two bucks.
the last time we took taxi to Sutera it was 12 bucks and so yeah.
actually, i was suppose to stay in Warisan and wait for my car to come but Joshua didn't want me to wait alone in the mall.
so, i followed him to Sutera and we waited for our cars to come.
went back at 6:30 p.m. and i was sneezing like hell.
it was a chaotic yet sweet day lah i must say =)
MONDAY aaaah, at last. Today, monday and SCHOOL DAY.
which makes each and everyone of us feeling lazy to get up and go to school.
i was still in the holiday mood and planned to not wake up this morning.
but, i had to or my mum will slaughter me like a dead duck.
my eyes were like half-open when i was walking into the school.
and well nothing much happened after that.
Sunny was sooo emo and i told him to buy himself a very dark chocolate cake for himself to eat.
random, i know.
we laughed and talked almost for like the whole day in school.
teachers were annoyed by us and so did our classmates :p
oh and i almost forgot.
i am suppose to be in Belle's house right now for the tanglung.
unfortunately, no one wanna send me so, yeah only three of them doin NOW.
sighs. but anyways. this is a very very very LONG post that i've ever....type? lol.
till then. Bah.
OH! and yeah pictures will be up soon, i hope.
Joshua accidentally brought my camera back home and now i have only my handphone.
and btw, i'm too lazy to upload pictures now.
so, yeah... :D
yesterday was the daaaaay.
or shud i say the NIGHT.
Prefects' Annual Dinner that is.
it went pretty good than i expected =)
i'm happy for it.
buut, yeah the day before yesterday.
i had some conflict with some people that were incharge for this thing.
and yeah it sucked lah kay.
but whatever lah, i got my reasons.
so okay not gonna talk much about the night tho.
i'm gonna fill this page up with some pretty photos!
oh! and the theme was 70's 80's so all the girls were dolled up with pretty retro outfits and yeah you name it.
and the guys, VEST-ANISM. :p

mirror mirror on the wall.
who's the fattest of them all?


Hi, Bestfriend. =D

i look doped. :(

Winn nie . Moi . Belle . Affiq .

bottom left: Dunstan . Cavan . Affiq . Belle .
top left: Teoh(i love his aviatars!) . Ben . Winn Nie . Moi.

Moi and the oh-there-got-camera-lets-take-picture guys.

Belle . Moi . Affiq (interupt ni bah) :p

The 4 Cemerlang proud Prefects!
pftt. :p

"you're my endless love"

oh and i forgot to ask them where they bought the cake :/

Dancing Queen, young and sweet only Si-ix-teeen.


this, was r a n d o m.
Olivia pulled me in to join both of them.
so yeah, it was totally random! but i had fun XD
we sang "I'm not Missing You" & "If I ain't got".

Olivia & Moi.

Girls from far left: Winn Nie . Fiona . iforgothername . Olivia . Moi . Belle .

we love each other babes!

my always-come-late-for-duty partner.
Moi & Roxton. or issit Raulston? gah, just call him Mr. R.

Tze Ming the Poser & Moi the other Poser.

Moi . Esther . Belle .

Belle . Cynthia . Moi .

Belle . Winn Nie . Moi .

Belle . Tey . Moi .

Moi . Patricia . Brindha . Belle .

haha! so cute lah her.
she was trying to spoil the picture but luckily my face was captured perfectly! :p

the only showing teeth picture of the night!
Sad man.

Moi . Amanda . Belle .

Belle . Derek . Moi .

Belle . Johan . Moi .

Ben . Belle . Federick . Moi .

you're on my heart just like a tattoo, ♥.

i love youuuuu Babe!

Moi . Tall Guy (Hannafi) . Belle .

Belle. Vivian . Moi .

Belle . Emily . Moi .

Belle . Niva . Moi .

Vera & Moi.
gonna miss you Vera!
your smile your laugh your everything!
take care alright? =) *hugs*

Wendy: come take picture.
Miraen: yay!
hahahaha :p cute la. haha.
Belle . Kerry . Miraen . Moi .

Belle . Moi . Apple .

Moi & Lu.
I love her earing XD

Tania (winner of Best Dress) & Moi.

Moi . Lisa . Jane .

Belle . Lisa . Jane . Moi .

us with Teacher Cynthia.
Happy Birthday Teacher! =D

Peace ^^V
hahaha. Moi . Michelle . Belle .
omg my arm look so fat here :s :(

Belle . another Tall Guy(Chan) . Moi .

Belle . Luqman . Moi .

Belle . Jon Cheah . Moi .

Moi . iforgothername . Belle .

Moi . Jane . Hannah .
O_O ohmeegosh.
so many photos!
i'll continue with this post tmr/later.
it's 12:27 and i'm still awake!
not good, so ima sleep now. Bah.