sick sick sick!
*coughs coughs coughs*
uhm. actually, i'm not having sore throat or anything that's gotta do with coughing.
I'm having flu!
and tomorrow's like Prefect Installation and im like this?!
someone put a curse on me.
and like this morning my left eye was like soooo itchy!
someone put a curse on me.
and then, my pimples starting to pops out more!
someone put a curse on me.
annnnd, i went to City Mall (i didn't go tuition for some reason) to look for new black school shoes and they only have size 5 but not 6!
someone put a curse on me.
*cries* today is a very bad bad bad day.
oh, i have my very own installation dress already and it's
White in colour.
i'm suppose to be the 'Autum' butttt, white is the only colour i could fine, sadly.
soooo, shoes. Went to hunt for pure-white dinner high-heels in City Mall just now with my mum and sis but failed~!
someone put a curse one me, again.
and i was like blowing my nose for like i think hundered times!
walk *blows* walk *blows* stop *blows even more*
*emo-ing* i never really hunt for shoes or anything like nowadays.
'cause i never really go out which is a sad case that needs to be solved. XD
but yeah, i might just wear back my own silver high-heels then. *sighs*
Revolution (something something) is tomorrow! and also on Saturday.
and i hope i can go! i hopeeee i got transport~
i wanna go! listen to christian songs (eventho i'm not a Christian) and also being with mah friends! =)
this is the second time that i mention in here about i'm not a christian. lol.
i'm despo again. but i wanna go! T-T
oookay, major despo.
such a busy busy year this year.
i couldn't even have a peacful time to get a rest or something.
well, anyways just wanna wish you PMR candidates a very very berry merry jerry advance Good Luck! =D
Do your best and God will do the rest! (Principal's motto)
i saw elle in City Mall just now.
she was drinking Pepsi. or was it Cola? whatever that is.
she made me jealous! i couldn't drink cold drinks x(
remember, i'm sick. dammmmit.
so, i'm gonna have a very headache month again.
wish me luck~
Monday, July 28, 2008 @ I Can Eat Another Bowl of Rice; Endless. /
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okaay, i don't kno why did i put that ^ as my title of this entry.
anyways, lets talk about yesterday which is 27th of July.
went to I.S. for the Open Day and also the Enviromental Designing Boardgame Competition.
it went pretty well in the early morning.
bought ABC with elle at the Open Day stalls.
slurpped it up and WHOAAH.
tasted so damn good! i wanted to buy again but it seems like, Sharlyn and I were too busy and we didn't really left our game booth to search around for food.
sad enough to say that, our group lost :( boohoo.
Well, at least, the other 3 groups won something, Congraaaats!
But i gotta say, a good experience =)
As for todaaaaaaay, same as usuall.
Boring Monday, agree?
then when it comes to the afternoon, we went to the hall for this UNI debate thing that held in our school.
it was niceee tho. haha.
then Elle, Sharlyn and I talk talk talk again.
talked alot this time. mostly on guys and trust.
hmmm nothing happened after that.
i'ma post some pictures! =D
but before scrolling down, here's a BIG WARNING of the pics that i'm gonna post it.
wuahahaha. pimple-bombs! beware~

are you scared?

how about now?

um...don't ask me why i did that pose.
it's, weird i know.

so, i had two papayas today.

i'm such a sad lil child.
stare . deep . into . this . pic . and . you'll . see . ACNE .
okay, i'm ahbeng now? lol.
cute trees! oh yeah, we made that (Sharlyn and I) with tissue paper!
recycle bins tokens! cute or not?
and yes, we made that too!
My Teamates!
Velerey . Kriss . Mark . Hui Jade . Yii Chyng
*including Sharlyn and I! =D
we explained about the board game from 7 something a.m. till 1 p.m.!
Wendy: this is Pulau Sipadan. as you all know, it is the best diving spot............
as you can see, i did not really edit any of my photos.
Due to mah lazyness~
and my pimples, i just don't wanna hide myself no more. =D
i don't think you get what i'm trying to say here.
i wanna go to 7k 7k 7k 7k 7k.
please oh please?
oh yeah, i sound so desperate.
sometimes, i think whats the use of me being there anyway?
i'm not gonna run, my friend aren't goin and it's just me.
only me. with sunset.
that's sad!
but i still wanna go!
somehow, to think about it, being alone doesn't mean that your life is The End.
....cons for it is, there's no one to take picture with, no one to walk with, no one to share my feelings with, no one to laugh with and no one to hug with.
can you imagine world without your love ones (including your family members, friends and lovers)?
oh yes i can.
world without them is like there's no point in living this life, right?
But, i always wanted to say this but i'll always feel weird saying it out, especially in public.
God will always be in our heart forever. gives us mercy, love and freedom to be the right person. Though our love ones will come and go, but God will remain his place. And though you're confused in everything that you've done or doin, pray to God and have a peaceful heart to overcome every single confusions.Your day will be blessed and it will go smoothly when God's in your heart.
though i'm not Christian (i'm a Buddhist just so you kno), but i respect otherss' religions and all.
as i can remember, last time, i used to like don't really give respect to otherss' religions but only to mine.
it was bad, very bad.
but when i started to listen to more Christian songs, i feel more calm, patient and maybe a lil overcomed-heart.
i didn't kno songs like
that would calm my heart, my mind and my soul.
though i've been facing alot of problems that i couldn't cope with, but i found that, it's just life.
this is life.
i shud not complain much but do my very best for it.
for love, it's really really complicating.
love is like a
you can turn it off whenever you don't want it, and you can turn it on when your despo for it.
in my point of view, i think that's more for the guys part.
my love life is
average. (though i'm still single)
i don't go around telling people who im with or in love with.
i don't go around telling people about how good my boyfriend can be or my crush is.
i don't go around telling people i have a lover or im despo for one.
i don't.
but if only they ask, i'll just tell.
do not over-do it.
to think about the past, my characteristic was like what i just mentioned above.
it was really bad, really childish and really show off-er.
i mean, why do we need to let people kno about our love lives when all they do is just commenting (good and bad, mostly bad) and judging the book by it's cover (they judge mostly on looks).
it's not healthy yo.
but, what to do. life mah.
p/s: do not, do not lie.
gawwwd, why did '7k run' topic jump into love topic?
oh yeah, im so random.
recently, i've been really tight with what i'm doing.
or maybe not.
being around with elle and sharlyn is
real fun.
everyday in school, dramas between the three of us will never stop.
i love you guys to the fullest of the fullest fullest!
and yeah, you too Belle =)
oh yeah, we have school tomorrow which is totally uncool.
'cause ima have chem class tomorrow, which
he would change mine, elle's and sharlyn's seats to different places.
that means, we're no longer gonna sit together anymore!
Sad sad sad.
they are the only people who i can express all my feelings out with naturality. lol.
without them, im in screwed.
and oh, talking about tomorrow, 7k run it is!
it's gonna be in Sutera, as usuall.
i might and might not go there, well, due to the problems of transportation.
siiigh. if im goin, im gonna meet Joshua and maybe May Kei(joshua's cousin) and maybe Nicole!!!(joshua's Godsister).
and maybe Sharlyn too and maybe Elle. ahhhh! i don't know T-T
but hopefully, i can make it so i can take more and more pictureeesss of the sunset.
have i told you before that sutera's sunset is amazingly the best?
wahahah. maybe not the beeeeeest lah. but it's one of the best sunset in KK.
and whatmore, sunset in Sutera gives a romantic feeling when you can walk on the pathway where there's a harbour in middle and all.
i don't think you get what im trying to say.
i suck in explanation.
....yeah back to the explanation, you only feel the 'romantic-ness' when you're with someone that you love ^^
and 27th, which is this coming Sunday will be the Open Day!
that will be held in I.S. (Institue Sinaran)
where all the boardgamess' participants will be there for our presentations and all.
explaining about how do you play the game, what issit like, what issit about and all.
which, i will be a sucker for that 'cause i suck in explaining stuffs!
and after all the hardwork, they'll announce the winner!!
i'm soooo excited! can you feel me?! can you feel me?!
don't think so :/
i'm craving for Hello Panda.
give me......strawberry!
i always get this 'sudden feeling'.
which is not cool at all. so not cool.
why do my mind keeps turning round and round like a tornado?
why do my heart keeps bleedins and mended back again and again?
why do i loose control when i know something that is not even my problem?
why and why and why?
the list of questions will go on...
Wounded Hearti've been wonder, wondering
you took this heart of mine
you mended with your faith
you mended with your faith~
you made me feel alive
thinking if you are mine
you took me by the hand
you told me not to be afraid
but i, have doubts
whether all this be working out
but you, told me, to believe you with all my heart
but i guess i couldn't do that
to put my trust and love for you and..
you kept me waiting here
sitting like a fool
thinking only you
having all my thoughts of you
still i don't understand why
i couldn't feel the love
between us
but there is one thing
all this feeling
was like a wounded heart..
you made me feel the differences
sometimes, i don't kno when
you made me feel so cold
you made me feel oh so cold
you didn't understand
the words i said and then
you cut me like a knife
that cuts me really deep inside
hurt, love, blessed and faith
these things have got my feelings came
i, trust, you and pray
for this heart of mine not to bleed agaaaaaaainnn~
so lame kan.
(8)how wonderful, how beautiful
Name above every name, exalted high
how wonderful, how beautiful
Jesus your name, name above every name, Jesus....(8)
I'm deeply inlove with this song =)
It never fails to calm my heart. It's kinda weird that i always listen to Christian songs nowadays.
Especially Hillsongs. hahaha. They are great!
SOOOOOOO sorry for the late update guys. Well, as you all know, i had this 3 days exam in school. So i didn't bother to at least update a post. And was really busy with the boardgames and all.
Oh, talking about boardgames, we're finally done with it! Yeeeeehooo! Felt so released after sending it to Teacher Kuit.
But.....not to forget, i still have like Installation Night to manage and yeah work hard in selling those tickets! Makeeeee sure you guys buy, if not. HURMPH! hahaha. :p
naaah, im not gonna like persuade you or something. Just hope you guys can make it =)
Anyone who wants ticketsssss, find me aite? But yet, we still have got no approval from the Principal for the Installtion Night. Soooooooo, it's still gonna be a stressful week for me! and my friends~ :p
Times passes by sooo fast that i could not even get a glimpse of your heart.
Love flies by, you said. But could that be a lie?
Give me the key and i'll show you the way. Give me your heart and i'll show you how much i care.
You lifted me up so high 'till i touch the sky.
You brought me down so low, there's nothing i could say no more.
Lets hug. Love gains, roses will bloom. The sun will shine our days, the stars will shine our night. Let it rain for it will create the rainbow of happiness. Though time flies, but remember always smile =)
i'm so random.
My entry explains
Schoolworks are really making my life goin round and round.
never stoppin'.
yesterday was the darkest day of my life in school.
not to say, Sharlyn, Elle, Sunny and Miah had it too.
well, okay. i don't wanna start it all over again.
but one thing, ONE DAMN THING you all need to know is that i dislike my accounts teacher very very much.
She's like an oldhag!
Okay, yeah, i kno im not suppose to swear, especially to teachers.
but this time, i don't give a damn.
could you believe that? even other classes in my school, my form wanted to protes her.
well, luckily i didn't think of doin that if not, she'll be real dead.
and yeah, i'll be real dead as well.
School principal will kick me out and blah-d-blah.
so i better not.
ugh. talking bout it makes me wanna kick her in the ass.
school was okay today.
but it was still, dark.
less dark.
went to Sharlyn's house and did some gluey-ewey trees using tissue paper! =D
it was sticky yet fun.
and we're gonna continue the stickiness tomorrow at her place.
=D =D
Beeeelle, when are you gonna be back dude?
oh yeah, 27th of July ^^
Blossom - Wendy
Bubbles - Selina
Buttercup - Joshua
Professor? - DAVID?! hahahaha.
teda teda this bah got David.
(8)du du dudududu du, du du dudududu du(8) - powerpuff's theme song [thats all i know]
One way! Jesus! You're the only one that i could live for! (8)
OOOOHlala, i love that song =)
Well, today, things went pretty well in school.
Nothing much happened.
And yes, i haven't did my Malay Oral yet. Which suck cause i hope it end faster as i already memorised everything.
I'm gonna have tuition tonight again.
& gonna wake up
super-d-duper early tomorrow for my appointment in QE.
I'm gonna get crazy with tight schedules that i'm gonna have soon.
Events/projects that make my life more hustle than before:
Editorial Board
Designing Enviromental Board Games Competition
Moral Project
PJK Project [like what?! we even have sports project?! theeeee hell. you must be kidding me Teacher Walter]
Installation Night
Can you see the 'sort-of'-long' list of my busy busy work!
Dammmmn. i could
curse now.
haha, but it's alright.
It'll all end pretty soon enuf. I hope so.
Oh and anyone of you who wants to go for the Installation Night, which it will be in PanPacific, Sutera,
Hibiscus Garden.
Please tell me and i'll arrange your tickets =)
[i'm promoting here, so lend a hand and be generous to buy all the tickets! haha. kidding kidding ^^]
And many many of the upper forms in my school didn't pretty much like the theme for the Installation Night that we decided.
But, who cares! It's gonna be a fun night fo' shuure!
I need more time to heal my brain. haha.
It's not in the right place, nowadays.
It's like my
left brain turned into
right brain, and for my
right brain turned into
left brain.
Whaddahell im talking about? O_O
Live by faith, not by sight =)
LAUGH OUT LOUD.yes, laugh out loud!
Well today, school was okay.
woke up reaaaaaaaally early today cause Tim was the one who send me to school cause my mom was in Sandakan.
and now she's back.
SOOOO, nothing interesting about school today whereas there is SOMETHING
chaos yet
hilarious happened
after school.
Sharlyn followed Tim's car [he send and fetch me to/from school].
Sharlyn didn't wanna go home thaaaaaaaat early so instead, we went to look for food.
there was not much choices tho.
so we ended up in
Burger King.
Im kinda
sick of that place already. hahaha.
I don't pretty much like fast food tho so yeah. haha.
instead of having our meals in
BK, we ate in the
[Sharlyn & I] waited for Tim to come back in the car from Multibake.
It took him sooooooooo long till he was back.
Sharlyn then moved to the
backseat to sit with me.
And once she moved, she noticed that the drink [another take-away meal for my sis] tilted abit so she went and fix it and bring it to the back.
the coke was leaking from the plastic bag hole.
Small Tinny Little Hole.
then, at laaaast Tim's back and he asked what happened? so the
dialouge goes like this :
Sharlyn:*fixing the drink* I hate life! I hate life!!
Wendy: *laughs*
Sharlyn: OMG, the coke is leaking!
Wendy: *chews burger* whaaaat? omg *puts hand under the leaking part* Hold my Burger.
Tim: *opens the door* Heeeey, what happened?
Sharlyn: the coke is leaking from the plastic bag hole!
Wendy: yeaaaah.
Tim: huh? really? *puts plastic bag of bread on the seat and the milo somewhere near his elbow* *holds the the plastic bag that contains coke and BK lunch* oh nooo. *accidentally push the Milo drink and spills everywhere on the seat* OOOOH NOO!
Wendy & Sharlyn: *hanged*
Wendy: omg! THE MILOOO! *shouts and screams*
Sharlyn: *Screams*
Wendy: tissue! tissue! oh wait, i got tissue! *takes a packet of tissue out*
Tim: *faster grabs loads of tissue papers*
Wendy: *looks down at the carpet, where she put her legs on* OH SHIIIITT! The milo drink flow till here! *paniced*
Sharlyn: *laughs & paniced at the same time*
Tim: oh sorry sorry! *laughs too* *gets the tissue paper and wipe all over the carpet*
Wendy: *laughs louder*
Sharlyn: [out of the blue] THE MOUNTING BOARD!!!!
Wendy: *blured* OH MOUNTING BOARD!!!!! OH NOOOOO!!!!!
Tim: huh? Chocolate pudding?
Wendy & Sharlyn: MOUNTING BOARDD!!!
[the mounting board was on Wendy's side and it was abit damped by the Milo]
Tim: *still blur* *wipes more and more*
Sharlyn: *takes the mounting board to her side*
Wendy: Omg, this is such a bad day man. hahahah! CHAOS moment man! BLAME SHEREEN'S [my sister] drink! *lol*
Sharlyn: Wendy, is this your burger? *points at the burger on her lap*
Wendy: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH YESSS!!! omggggg hahahahaha.
Sharlyn: *laughs too*
Tim: yuck! yuck! Chocolate Pudding...!Yuck. *throws tissue outside the window* Luckily this is not Australia. I'm littering man. i tell people not to litter but me myself litter. oh maaan.
Wendy: hahaha!
Then it ended with a smelly odour of the Milo from Tim who bought it from Multibake.
hahaha. After that, we went to pick my sis up in
I.S. [Institue Sinaran].
We waited and laughed sooo much! VERY MUCH.
Very higgh. hahaha!
Then Tim asked why did we say 'chocolate pudding!'?
And we were like huh? when? NOOOOO, we said Mounting Boardd!!!
Then Tim was like, OHHHH!! hahahahahah!!
so, thats about it. the end.
hmm, something is not right.
I felt like, your another person.
Second post of the day!
Well, yeah just got back from my Additional Mathematics tuition.
It was hella
tiring and hella
I was sweating like hell while i was doin my hard-shiz exercises.
I was
Yeah, why? Cause of the heat and i was daaaamn sleepy!
Couldn't concentrate much tho :/
*sighs* But anyways, Tim & my sis came and pick me up like what, 15 minutes late?!
I was soooo damn tired and sweating soo much and yet they came late?!
Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Chill Wendy, chill.
So then, i was okaaaaay while I was
at last in Tim's car. --cyheah, aircon-- So went to Southern and bought bread.
White English Bread.
Came home and TADA, here i am.
unchanged clothes and
unchanged pants.
Whoah im
dirtaaay. [in a positive way]
I was still, well, abit, sorta, moody when i first came back.
Sat on the chair, stared at the
big square screen with no smiley face on my face.
I went up talked to my mum about my tuition and stuffs.
then, i my phone raaaaaaaaang!
i quickly ran down and *Swwwwoshp* grab my phone and 'Hiiiiii :D'
I was smiling all the way,
damn? haha.
his voice was like,
whoah. hahaha.
Omg, i feel so :s
obsess right now. haha.
But yeah, like whoaaaah. No one put a smile on my face until he let out his
'wonderful powers' on me and TADA i smiled =)
Tho it was not a long hour call but it's still worth it.
Why didn't we talk longer, you ask?
Well, his phone died [credit-less] and i called his cell phone using my house phone cause my phone died too [credit-less too].
*credit-less - phone out of credits/money.
I was
'credit-less' ever since last
last week. Whoah.
So, i called, and he told me not to talk too long and all, using my house phone cause it's expensive. Very
i couldn't resist not talking to him. But then, what to do. He wants me to say 'Bye Bye' (8), so i did.
Andddd, it was hard.
Both of us had to say tons of tons of bye byeSsSs 'till we hung up.
It's never ending, i
thought at first. haha.
But yeah, we managed to put down the phone lah
Well, lets see. My mind keeps spining round and round.
But everytime he's here, it will be healed.
Whoah. like, Amazing.
You're the only friend that i talk to soooooo much and our conversation never will get bored =)
and not to forget, my other friends too. Or shud i say, Best Friends.
They're always there for me whenever i need them. I love you guys heaps.
*sighs dreamly*
Tomorrow's school again and i haven't prepare nor memorise my Malay Lisan!
OHMYGAWD.i smell
Well, lets hope and pray that i can get to memorise a lil of the malay passage tomorrow morning.
IM SO FREAKING TIRED NOW, i need some rest!
Goodnight people.
This is a
crazy world
These can be
lonely times
It's hard to know
who's on your side
Most of the time
Who can you really
trustWho do you really know
Is there anybody out there
Who can make you feel less alone
Some times you just can't make it
on your ownIf you need a place where you can
runIf you need a shoulder to
cry on
I'll always be your friendWhen you need some
shelter from the rain
When you need a
healer for your pain
I will be there time and time again
When you need someone to
love you
Here I am, hmmm
If you have
broken dreamsJust lay them all on me
I'll be the one who
take my hand
If you reach emptyness
You know I'll do my best
To fill you up with all the love
That I can
show someone
I promise you you'll never walk
aloneWell if you need a place where you can
runIf you need a shoulder to
cry on
I'll always be your friendWhen you need some
shelter from the rain
When you need a
healer for your pain
I will be there time and time again
When you need someone to
love you
Here I am, oooo
Everybody needs somebody who
Keep a
heart and soul in two
Well if you need a place where you can
runIf you need a shoulder to
cry on
I'll always be your friendWhen you need some
shelter from the rain
When you need a
healer for your pain
I will be there time and time again
When you need someone to
love you
Here I am,
Here I am-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
hmm, songs, that always speak out my heart.
Well, here's a lil message from me.
Sometimes, i feel like you're there, and sometimes i feel like you've taken my other half and never come back.
But, as you all know, no one is perfect.
I miss you.
Is that what you wanna hear from me?
Is this sincere, you ask?
Yes it is. Well, before you guys think the other way, this three words, you can say it to anyone okay.
Doesn't mean you can only say it to one precious person. [which is your lover]
But yeah, i miss you =)
Anything you need anything you're fear of or whatsoever things that you can't handle alone.
I'm here for you, everywhere, anytime.
Here I Am. =)
If you must know, the song sang by Leona Lewis - Here I Am.
5th of July
The briefing held in the I.S. lecture hall.
It was greaaaaat. The place is soo big [well, bigger than my school's] and wuuuuu, the aircon was soo freaking icecold!
Luckily i wore jeans if not, i'll be dead.
So, it started with the icebreaker; it's something like bingo but it's in nature style.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention about that we were seperated into groups.
I was, in the, Hyena. :/
So yeah, Hyena laughs alot, in the Hyena way, so i think it really suites me, alot. haha x
In my group, that are from All Saints were Teoh, Fion & Wong Zin Wai.
Had three long presentations for two or three long hours.
Damn my butt hurts.
Suprisingly, i actually paid attention to their presentation.
I gain some knowledge of knowing .....flora&fauna.
Yay me.
Then, after for all those 'long talks', we were then told by the MCs to go down for titbits.
I love custard tartttts. Especially when the toppings are fruits!
Around 3:45 we were then approached by the IS students to go back to the Lecture Hall.
and noooooow, the details of 'How/What Should We Need to Do/Have/Design with/in/the Board Games' has given out by one of the 'organizers' by presenting a simple presentation.
and im sooooo urge for that! XD
I have a game set in my mind already. *winks winks*
Then, we were given green lights to play those Board Games that are from Germany.
It waaaaas nice. Very nice and interesting.
I like 'That's Life!' & Cartogen.
Tho i didn't have the chance to play them cause since all of the games were filled with students from diff schools.
So yeah, pity me. haha.
Then around 5 p.m., sis came and sent Elle, Belle & Sharlyn to BK.
I couldn't join them cause i had dinner and i had to get ready very soon.
So yeah.
Went to Promenade for dinner with my family and Tim's.
we had buffett!
Yippeeeeee, my dreams came true.
haha, it was not thaaaat bad lah.
Came back around 10 ++ p.m.
Theeeeeeeeeeeeeen, went to sleep.
6th of July
Woke up around 5:30 a.m.
Bathed, brushed teeth, wore my clothes and off we go to the town.
Gaya Street.
Why wake up so early when you can go there abit later, you ask?
Caaaaaaaaaause, my mom have this like 'need-to-be-punctual-so-that-there-will-be-more-nice-parking-spaces-for-me-to-park-my-precious-Kenari'.
Yeah, like everytime my mum and my grandma wanna go to Gaya Street, they'll wake up super early.
Earlier than 5:30 a.m.
So the air was fressssh. Very fresh.
Bought flowers and Chinese-cooking-stuffs.
I was tooooo free, so i took pictures of some pretty flowers that i found there.
I'm really seriously hungry right now.
I'm dying.

This has got nothing to do with the dates above.
ohhhh. i love this picture.

Belle & I at Beach two; playing with Karen's aviatar.

Cousin Justina and I.

Sis and I in Promenade.

preeetty preeetty flowers ♥

Mommmmy and maaaamaaaaa!
Hamtaro! xD hamsters bahh.

Pretty Origami =)
hahaha. a very random shot.

..once in a while, when you
Not gonna talk about school today cause it's just the same damn boring schooling day as usuall as the other schooling hours.
But gotta say, the
English Drama was not that bad.
Except for the fact that the sound system was bad plus couldn't really hear anything that came out from the actors' & actresss' mouths.
But then, some scenes
touched my heart and i almost
I have a very
sensitive side of me that i
might show it all the time, and
might not show it all the time.
So, appreciate it. haha. :p
*releases a big sigh of relief*
ALAS, found a new simple yet nice blogskin for my blog.
It's time for me to change cause my blog is getting duller day by day.
Didn't kno finding layouts for my blog was thaaaaaat hard and tiring at the same time.
My eyes were like popping out while i was searching for some layouts on the comp.
*rubs eyes*
Anyways, i'm gonna go for this
Enviromental Designing Board Games [something like that] tomorrow at
I.S. [Institute Sinaran] with the
usuall gang, Elle, Belle & Sharlyn. I hope it's gonna be as if 'fun' listening to their speech about what we shud use to design the board games and what shud we not use. So yeah, thats about it for tomorrow.
Oh yeaaaah, talking about
tomorrow, I'm gonna have like this
family with family dinner with Tim's family and My sis's family, and that includes me. Damn.
I hope it wont be awkward as i always assume it will. x)
& we will be in Promenade.
So anyone of you guys goin to Promenade tomorrow night, come find me! :p
i wanna
i wanna
i wanna
J . R . R . =)
We had
Chemistry yesterday. It was craaaaaazy.
We weren't told to memorise the
21st elements and also the ESC? or was it ECS? xD
I can't really remember.
Well, it started like this.
My chemistry teacher [Tc. Anizan] gave each and everyone of us a piece of blank white A4 paper and were told to fold into half and write the number
one and
Then he started by telling the
front row people to write the elements that he asked for.
Unfortunately, some of them were punished for not completing it all.
So, it was kinda long till our row's turn.
Including Belle, Sharlyn, Karen, Sunny, Jeremiah and others.
HALELUJAH i've got it all correct! =D
[thats because we were memorising like mad when teacher was evily punishing the others]So yeaaah. We were soo crazy about
Chemistry i tell you.
We even
create a song for it to make us memorise them much more easier. *winks winks*
Thanks to Elle and Shar for the song editing skills~ haha.
OH YEAH. Not to forget, Sharlyn was asking us 'what is F U C K?' and Sunny replied by saying the
'real meaning' of the question. Then i was like 'nooooooo, F U C K is
Potassium!' Then they were like laughing about it and keep repeating what i said. hahahah. So this Jeremiah was like asking me [play play only] 'Fluorine Urainium Carbon Potassium ME!' and i was like ' NITRATE!! [NO <- is the symbol for nitrate]' hahahahha! FUN TIMES. So yeaaah that was about the
Chemistry Talk. haha.
Anyways, about today, it was aweshum!
No Chemistry + No Additional Mathematics =
TIMTAMS! i mean, Halelujah! =D
It waaaas great yet
boring at the same time. haha.
So then, it was ko-kum [co-curricular activities].
Didn't go to the library for the meeting instead, we went into the hall.
We were somewhere like the backstage of the....stage. Yeah.
And this creepy annoying Fluorine Urainium Carbon Potassium form
two gay boy just scared the hell out of my friend! [Sharlyn]
It's a looong story but just so you kno, he's just an
*Oh and btw, you wont be sinned by cursing people using the 'Chemsitry Talk'
'Shut up, Boron Oxygen Oxygen Boron'Then, it's time to go home!! YAYY.
what the. hahaha.
Talked to Joshua R. and yeah along with my friends.
Had fun laughing out loud with them talking about the
'How to be Emo' video.
HAHA! Omg maaaaaan. so freaking funny!
You guys shud watch it, damn serious.
And yes, i love watchin vids in youtube now. To entertain myself.
Anyways, back to the talk... went home in peace. haha.
OH and Tim, Sher and I had BK after that! YIPPEEE.
And today, was the VERY FIRST DAY i ate beef in BK :O
Bk Mushroom Swiss.
It was good. haha. VERY GOOD.
I need
I only talked to him during ko-kum time. :/
And then we didn't really talk anymore till
Due to the lacking of currency to buy reload card(s)/ due to the do-not-spend-too-much-of-your-time-staring-infront-of-the-big-square-screen-with-many-wonderful-things-behind-it.
Yeah :/
Hope to talk to him tomorrow again. =)
And besides, im really really worried right now :s
i haven't done any of my
projects yet.
Uhrm, exclude Sivic and English.
Now left that freaking Moral project!
FOUR FREAKING ESSAYS that we need, I NEED to write.
I guess thats about it for today.
Update soon and ttfn =)
.imy, do you mm?.
One word.
Ouch. Hurted so badly.
Oh so you're taller than me now huh? xPPERHAPS LOVE
singer : Howl & J
Drama: Princess Hours [Goong]
Korean Version
uhn jeh yuht duhn guhn jee gee uhk nah jeen ah nah
jah kkoon nae muh ree gah nuh roh uh jee ruhp duhn shee jahk
hahn doo buhn ssheek dduh oh reu duhn saeng gahk
jah kkoo neul uh gah suh joh geum dang hwang seu ruh oon ee mah eum
byuhl eel ee ah neel soo eet dah goh
sah soh hahn mah eum ee rah goh
nae gah neh geh jah koo (neh geh jah koo)
mahl eul hah neun geh uh saek hahn guhl
sarang een gah yo geu dae nah wah gaht dah myuhn
shee jahk een gah yo
mahm ee jah koo geu dael sarang hahn dae yo
ohn seh sang ee deud doh rohk soh ree chee neh yo
wae ee jeh yah deul lee jyoh~ OOH~
suh rohl mahn nah gee wee hae ee jeh yah sarang chah jaht dah goh
jee geum nae mah eum eul suhl myung hah ryuh hae doh
nee gah nae gah dweh uh mahm eul neu kkee neun bang buhp ppoong een deh
ee mee nahn nee ahn eh eet neun guhl
nae ahn eh nee gah eet deu shee
oo reen suh roh eh geh (suh roh eh geh)
ee mee geel deul yuh jeen jee mohl lah
Repeat Chorus
saeng gahk hae boh myuhn (saeng gahk hae boh myuhn) mah neun soon gahn sohk eh (sohk eh)
uhl mah nah mah neun (YEAH~) suhl leh eem ee ssuht neun jee
joh geum neu jeun geu mahn keum nahn duh jahl hae jool kkeh yo..
hahm kkeh hahl kkeh yo choo uhk ee dwehl gee uhk mahn suhl mool hahl kkeh yo
dah sheen nae gyuh teh suh dduh nah jee mah yo
jjahl beun soon gahn joh chah doh bool ahn hahn guhl yo
nae geh muh mool luh jwuh yo~ OOH~
geu dael ee ruh geh mah nee (geu toh rohk mah nee)
sarang hah goh ee ssuh yo (geu dae yuh yah mahn) ee mee~
English Version
I don’t know when it all started
When my head became dizzy with thoughts of you
These thoughts would often pop up in my mind
I feel anxious as my heart expands towards you
It’s nothing.. it’s just a little thing
Your words are awkward to me
Is it love? If you feel the same way, is it a beginning?
My heart keeps saying it loves you
It screams out for the whole world to hear
Why has it taken so long for me to hear it~?
We’ve finally met.. finally found love
If I wanted to show you how I feel
The only way would be for you to become me
I’m already inside of you
Just like you’re inside of me
To each other [to each other]
We may already be too accustomed
Repeat Chorus
When I think about it [when I think about it]
I realize how many moments there were when my heart trembled
I’ll try as harder as I was late in realizing my feelings
I’ll be with you, I’ll only give you fond memories
Please don’t ever leave me again
Even the shortest moments without you make me uneasy
Please stay by me~
I already love you so much (you’re the only one)
Im in love with this old korean song. [see, old again haha x] I love this song, cause it relates to what im goin thru right now~ =) If you want me to post the song here, tell me k? =D