i want to know.
Have you ever felt like you love that
person but that
person just don't bother to love you back?
Have you ever felt like you wanna say '
imy' to that
person but something
pulls you back?
Have you ever felt like you need a
hug so bad but no one was there to give it to you?
Have you ever felt like the world is gonna end so soon when that
person does not even bother to talk to you like he/she
did before?
Have you ever
love and
lost somebody, wish there was a chance to say
'i'm sorry'?
It's all about have you ever..
But in the other way round, me, Yes, i
& it feels like the big tall KLCC building just crashed onto me.
Ouch, that hurts
I might just die if it really happens.
But, tho, i may look like nothing has happened to me, but on the
inside, it feels like i need a
I could say
billion times of
sorry to you but it doesn't work
that way.
Sorry, doesn't mean
anything. & it doesn't even cure a bit.
Action, is something.
But even when i say a small
simple sorry, would you even bother to understand whats behind the word? Do you? Even bother?
Do you? Even care?
for more information, log onto this website daily.Okay, scracth that.
I just, just, couldn't let out my feelings to you.
Cause im really really scared that you will just put
down all my hopes & dreams, again.
So i'll sit and pray or maybe even wish that my heart wont be broken, again.
You might
plastered my small broken pieces of my heart & you might break it again.
Thats what im worried about if i get too close to the *
Anyways, im starting to have this inspiration in learning to bake/make cupcakes!
They are
cute and
lovely and fun to eat!
I've inspired by this site
Bakerella.Click and enjoy!
*sometimes i wonder, what if i make a big prodigious cupcake with the shape of a heart and put some writings on it about my life......*
I just realised that i didn't put anymore 'interesting' photos in my blog nowadays.
Maybe, i shud put it, now.
*just to fill up this page. *winks*

Omg man. pimple-less time~

i love youuuuuu!

i miss you, Shayne. :'(

Non-edited. lol.



Everybody loves mentos. ♥

that 'chop' on my hand was the 'entry' to bakat interact 200...something. lol.
Can't remember which year it was.

acne-less moments man. lol.
is oo:24 a.m. right now and im still awake.
gawd, kill me.
But anyways, i did alot of stuffs
'just now' [28o6o8]
Not gonna say everything that i've done all out here.
'due to my lazyness........................
Anyways, as you can see, it's really clear what i wanna talk about in this post, entry.
yes, everyone have one. All of
But mine, is
fading away.
*[if anyone of you reading this post, do not, i repeat, do not ask who am i refering to this post. tq very much]I don't kno but i can feel like Bad Luck is striking really hard on me now.
*curses* It seems like i never can have the right
thing in the right
Everytime i try so hard to
believe in something, somehow, it will just gt ruin by some annoying rumors.
Yeah, i know i know.
Don't believe in rumors.
But sometimes, i feel like it is
hurted you really bad like a bee just stung
I might
offended you like whothahellcaresabout
But, im here to say, I'm
For every lil'
mistakes i've made.
For every lil'
pain i've made.
For every lil'
scars i create.
But nothing can change my mind from what i'm *
thinking right now.
I'm really sorry to say but you've dissapoint me more than ever.
I....i can't believe this friendship ends so...fast.
Im trying hard to believe
you but, it seems like, i
can't anymore.
I'm sorry.
Soooooo, went to school
late. lol. Around 10 a.m. along with my
praying inside the car for that my Dad wouldn't beat me up for my
bad results. haha. Kidding lah.
Went into the school compound and guess what happened?
The members of CF[Christian Fellowship] went on
lelong war when my dad and i walked in. haha.
All of them were like 'WENDY! PLEASE BUY THESE SANDWICHES!' background people goes like 'wendy wendy wendy wendy wendy wendy wendy' [
it was sunny and some other peeps]
I was like 'i've got no monnnaaay! XD' then my dad started taking out 100 bucks from his wallet and yeah. I was like O_O okay. haha. Bought
three sandwiches.
If you must know, i was the LAST customer. hahahahaha. Im so proud. :p
No lah. Kidding lah. Not proud lah. lah lah lah.
Anyways, went up to Wisma All Saints to get my
Report Card.
It was okay lah. Nothing much.
Well, as i can see, among all the parents that were in my class, mine was the
earliest to go off.
Not much complaints. I mean, no complaints at all. Only for the using-too-much-computer-until-midnight-late. Damn. So yeah.
But anyways, lets not drag all the sadness down as today is my
Borther's Bday! RYAN WONNGGGG, you're one year old now!
Big boy edi! No, you're still a small small boy. :p hahahahah. :p
He's soo cute man.
SOO SOO CUTE. So yes, as his
'second eldest' sis, i shud bring some joy on his Bday,
Today. =) I loveeee you cutie pie! *pinches cheeks*
i'm eating onde-onde now.♥♥
I'm currently sick, right now.
And im suffering the nose-block-ness. lol.
No such word. But yeah, i had the running nose since last monday.
If i'm not mistaken.
Dude, this is so a hard time for me.
I had to go to school with bringing loads of loads of tissue packs.
I used three to five packs today.
Amazingly, i didn't faint.
I even brought vicks! Goodiegawd.
So, tomorrow's gonna be a miserable day for me, and for the rest of you All Saintlians.
Why? 'cause it's gonna be the Judgement Day.
Damn. I can hear the nagging(s) in my ear now.
But lets all just pray and hope my parent and Yours will just be cool with it. XD
Which, it will never happen. haha.
So, everything seems okay i guess. But, nah lets not talk about it here. Ima spoil everything, again. Anyways, imssmticdn. hahaha. Figure that out yourself. Don't ask me. *winks winks*
I love yoooooooou!!
He's, turning to 1 year old tomorrow[27o6o8] and i'm very very the excited! TEEHEE! I couldn't help it but lets just wish him earlier. :p
I don't understand why most of the people that i asked about if they know who is Air Supply, they'll just answer 'No, i don't' or 'who the hell is that?' or 'whaaaat?' or 'huuuuh?' or 'say who?' or ' whaddamadhaaforrrk?' or 'you're gay'.
Oh gawd, AIR SUPPLY IS SOOOOOO FAMOUS! in the oldies
But stiiiiiiiiiiiiiill. T_T
Gawd, that was a gay moment.
haha. :p
Ima post tomorrow. =)
ttfn ♥
All Out of LoveIm lying alone with my head on the phone
Thinking of you till it
hurtsI know you hurt too but what else can we do
Tormented and
torn apartI wish I could carry your smile in my heart
For times when my life seems so
It would make me believe what tomorrow could bring
When today doesnt really know, doesnt really know
all out of love,
Im so lost without you
I know you were
right, believing for
so longIm all out of love, what am I without you
I cant be
too late to say that I was so
I want you to
come back and carry me home
Away from these long,
lonely nights
Im reaching for you, are you
feeling it too?
Does the feeling seem oh, so right?
And what would you say if I called on you now
And said that I
cant hold on?
no easy way, it gets
harder each day
Please love me or Ill be
gone, Ill be
Ooh, what are you thinking of
What are you thinking of
What are you thinking of
What are you thinking of
(repeat chorus)
Two Less Lonely People In the World.I was down my dreams were wearing
When youre lost where do you begin
My heart always seemed to drift from day to day
Looking for the love that
never came my way
Then you
smiled and I reached out to you
I could tell you were
lonely too
One look then it all began for
you and me
The moment that we touched I knew that there would be
Two less lonely people in the worldAnd its gonna be fine
Out of all the people in the world
I just cant believe youre
In my life where everything was
wrongSomething finally went
rightNow theres two less lonely people
In the world
Just to think what I might have missed
Looking back
how did I existI
dreamed, still I never thought Id come this far
miracles come true, I know cause
here we are
Tonight I fell
in love with you
And all the things I
never knew
Seemed to
come to me somehow
Baby, love is
here and now there's
(repeat chorus)
love Air Supply. I love their songs. It
speaks my
heart. Listen to it, it will help to
calm your heart. I don't kno if it works for you, but it works for me. =)
Though life is being really
cruel and treating me loads of
lemons now, but im sure, everything will be alright.
I hope.
p/s: imysmlinmaltb4. =)
haha. First of all, i wanna take this opportunity to tell my
darling about something that MIGHT touch your heart, Sharlyn :')
Thanks for being there alwaaays to suppot me thru my
ups and
downs. Tho i might be abit
self-centered but you kno in my
heart, there's always
you! =) You've been my bestfriend ever since we were in
primary school. And i
cherished every momment we've been thru. We
fought, we
cried, we
laughed and we
smiled. That's
worth it all right. Cause having a bestie like
you, everything is
worth it. =)
All in all, I LOVE YOU MY DEAR. ♥♥♥
So today, went to school. As usuuuuuall. Had a minor fever this morning. Damn. And felt really dizzy too. Damn again. Thought of goin home early already, but as i slept in class for almost four periods, i felt better already. So in the end of the school time, i was high gila [crazy]. haha.
I'm goin to
Air Supply Concert toniiiiiiight. Yes yes, i kno it's an
oldie band but hey! THEY'VE GOT NICE SONGS. Most importantly,
meaningful ones
duh. ahah.
I'm so bored i could die now. haha. kidding joshua, kidding!! xD
Till then, update later aight? ttfn ♥
yeaaaah baby.
Today, was a
fun day.
No, not
in school but at the
We were
sorta like in a
tour or something.
Benjamin was with his
T-album and belle and i? yeah, the
models. haha!
So we did not have
any practise today 'cause the DBKKs were cleaning the whole area and so that goes the
happy juniors playing around. Some even sing along with me! Gaaawsh. It was
Beautiful Soul by the way. haha.
We walked from
beach two until that
so very far of
beach one! It was
tiring yet
itchy. Due to the
many many bushes and
many many trees they have there in the park;
Blood Sucker(s)! - mosquitoes.
So we had ourself
guavas, lots of lots of
guavas. But before that, Ben[my very
gay class monitor] Belle and I were spending most of our time taking pictures. Pretty pretty pictures. I'll post it soon when Ben is online so he can send alll the photos to me. But he's not now.
So yeah, it was
sooooo a fun day! *grins widely*
two songs,
Appreciate &
Please be mine by
Jonas Brothers.
Nice! Download it yo peeps.
Karma's a trip now.
It's the end of the world.
I can't stand all the fake/good/bad dramas in my life.
So many complicating dramas, in life.
Yeah i know, everyone have to face different kinds of dramas everyday in their lives.
But as for me, i feel like dying.
I'm learning everything that has happened in my life.
Today, Yesterday and days to come.
I'm not only learning, it's more like killing myself.
I might regret everything that i've done.
And i might not regret.
But mostly, it's all about love. Sucks.
I love my family and my friends.
wait, maybe i spook too soon about the 'friends'.
I have pretty nice friends.
I love them, i care, i appreciate whatever they have done for me & i will always cherish them.
Just sometimes, sometimes. You put too much of these pretty stuffs on them, they'll just take it as a granted.
Isn't it sad?
Now, i feel like, it's only me myself and I.
Thats all i have for now.
[you stands for everyone that i'm close with. Yes, even my bestfriends.]
everynight i gaze into the dark grey skies
thinking whether the love is still there
knowing that no one cares
maybe i shud take a knife
and put it inside
the heart of mine.
i never ever in my life felt so left out by you
by anyone of you
that i'm close to
back to the old days when you and i
laughed and smiled
thinking about the past, made me cry
'cause all you ever gave me is just another lie.
Now your pulling down my hopes and dreams
giving me fake faces like there's no ending
you even make others believe you
so that your plan of making my life miserable will come true.
So much of my quotes, so much of my time.
So much of this friendship, that i saved it for the rest of my life.
Stay true, will you?
[for all this while, i thought you guys were true. Sadly.]
*Drums rolling*
*screams* *hugs* *jumps with joy*
Ahhhh~ that feelings just passed. And it was all worth it! The staying-back-in-school-for-the-decor-stuffs; it was all worth it! FINALLY, All Saints won again! SOOOO happpy! Soooo, victory! *smiles proudly*
If you must know, we won FOUR AWARDS! including the Overall Award. :D:D:D:D:D:D
Photos will be up sooon.
I'm too lazy, gawd.
Went to 1borneo; bought nothing. As usuall. My sis & my mum bought their tops and laggings. Meet up with Sharlyn and her family after that. Walked all around 1borneo. Which was really tiring; especially with alot of people in a mall. You know, people pushing you and alot of hectic momments yeah. Gawsh. Sharlyn and I went to Jigsaw World Puzzle. We were amazed by the puzzles! It's sooo bootiful! Bad part about this is, it's too expensive man. *sighs* I'll come and get you sometime when i become a millionaire, Puzzles.
Talking about 'puzzles', I'm puzzled by my life and by many many more people. *sighs*
Anyways, went home around 5p.m. Slept in the car, bathed and get dressed for dinner. And we had Bak Kut Teh. I don't kno what does it call in English but, sure all of you asians kno what is that right? If you don't, then you're gay.
So, tomorrow's gonna be IU Day! International Understanding Day. Excited yet assuming that it is sure gonna be an exhausting day. *sighs again* Was told to wear skirt tomorrow with the lime-green tee. GAAWSH. It might look weird but, don't care lah. Gonna wake up really early tomorrow to set up the stall in Centre Point, Palm Square. *sighs again and again* Sounds busy? No? haha.
Sometimes, just sometimes, i feel like i only have fake people around me. It's just that, i can't really have the 'love' feeling that i wanted so badly. Even if im close to reaching that happy ending, someone, somehow will just spoil it; everything. All in all, i just can't really get what i want. :(
*sighs unendingly*
I shud just hide my face.
tu amor, i will always be
tu amor, means the world to me
Esteras siempre en mi corazon
you're the one in my soul
and i live for tu amor, Tu Amor.
I went for an appointment this morning with my mum for my face check-up in SMC . It was Dr Sidhu. It was okay. Well, at least, he gave some useful advices to maintain the acne on my face. AAAND the best part is, he told my mum i can eat any friggin' food i want [but have to control also lah]. I looked at my mum and i grinned at her. haha! :p So, yes! I CAN EAT EGGS NOW. but, still, have to control man. like, DUDEEEE. And now then i remember when my mum told me that i ever meet Dr Sidhu before, and it was SEVEN YEARS agoo. When i was still in primary school with my big faat hot-air balloon face. *covers face*
13th of June
Yesterday, was my beloved Grandma's birthday! Once again, HAPPY BIIIIRTHDAY MAMA! *hugs* It was greaat. We had DURIAN CAKEEE. whee whee eeee. But i didn't take a second round of the cake. Cause due to the growing acnes on my face............................
Yeah, you know what im talking about.
I sooo wanna go to 1borneo today! Tho, i might not buy anything there due to the lacking-of-currancy/income. hahaha.
If you were wondering why im not posting any photos nowadays, cause due to the growing acnes on my face makes me no mood to take picture of myself. DAMN. How sad huuh? *sighs unendingly*
Anyways, i just wanna go to 1borneo.
& i'm currently inlove with this song called Tu Amor.
Yes, i kno it's an old song but i love bringing back old songs :)
fact : He made me smile, shud i forget it?
No, of course. :)
Went to 1Borneo with my Uncle, Popo, Mum & sis.
Wanted to buy presents for my daddy and my grandpa.
But unfortunately, we ended up buying stuffs in Daiso.
Gaaaaawd, so cheap! All items cost RM5.
So, yeah. spent most of 'their' times in that shop la.
I wanted to look around, but, sadly, the shops were halfly close. so yeah. tsssk.
Went to Dome for a coffee.
It was hell expensive!
But it was worth it la. teehee.
That's gonna be my first & my last.
I guess.
Nothing much.
Tomorrow's school and im still awake. :D
So i was told not to take any fried foods for the meantime.
Cause i need to cure and maintain my acne problem! Grrrr!
I can't stand it not eatingeggs, meaats, fried prawwwwns and so on that can causes acne on my face! Especially Chocolates. *screams*
I was suppose to go to SMC(Sabad Medica Centre) for my skin chek-up; Dermatologist. But, unfortunately, my mum thought of something even better than wasting 90 bucks for the check-up. So yes, I drank some awful vegetable blended drink! *pukes* It was oookay lah. I guess. :s
But, i really really really really hope doin this can really really really really cure my acne problem!
Look at the brightside, I can lose some weight at the same time! *giggles*
I guess.
Now is the time for me to say Goodbye to half of my fave foods.
Goodbye, my lovelies.
I will miss you. *sniffs*

I have to start eating more greens.
Forced to cut down on my fried/sweet foods intake.
*stabs self*

This is so not me.
I look like a short-haired ghost. haha.
With the tiger teeth, so wrong.
But i love. :D
p/s: please don't kill me, Acne.
I might die of ravenous soon!
Sometimes i feel like it's not only me you love.
Sometimes i feel like it's not only me you care.
Sometimes i feel like it's not only me you really want to be with.
Sometimes i feel like it's not only me that makes you happy.
Sometimes i feel like it's only a plain Hello with no meanings behind.
Sometimes i felt left out by you.
Sometimes i don't kno if all this is true.
Sometimes you lift me up.
Sometimes you let me fall.
Sometimes you make me feel like im at the top of the world.
Sometimes you make me feel like im only just Her.
Sometimes you make me smile.
Sometimes you make me cry.
Sometimes i thought we were that close to happy ending.
But sometimes i feel like, this is the real 'The End'.
So many sometimes that made my life more complicated than it looks like.
Sometimes, i just wanna be with you.
Sometimes, i don't think you feel the same way as i do.

fact : sometimes Hello will always end with Goodbye.
Sometimes i feel like trying on colour-ed contact lenses.
I wann try green!
But sadly, i don't think i can.
No, not like i wanna have bad eye sight or whatsoever so i could wear pretty contact lenses.
I just never in my life try having coloured eyes before. haha.
Yeah i kno this is pretty much a lame post for that i soooo hype for coloured contact lenses.
One of my discipline teacher in my school, All Saints, Teacher Cynthia.
She alwaays, ALWAAAAYS wear blue contact lenses.
Which is cool, i thought at first.
And it's not that cool at all, i thought for the second.
From my opinion, I think she looks better with Hazel or maybe non-light coloured contact lenses. *grins*
And fyi, i'm just telling what i really feel like about her eyes, not making fun of her and all aite?
So yes, i wonder if they sell any non-degree-coloured-contact-lenses.
Cause if they do, then that will be really awesome for I wanna try it on someday, somehow. *winks*
HI GUUUUYS! :D Sorry for the supeeeer late update guys. Well as you all know, for those we even care to read my posts, that i was at Karambunai for the past two days. :D And well, I couldn't say much about the holls in a resort tho. Why? Cause :
1. It was raining heavily. (so that means, no swimming no fun time at the beach = SADNESS)
2. We didn't do anything much but sit and tv and rain.
Well, i guess thats about it. haha. But luckily, we went for swimming on the next day(Sunday), and it was awessssumhly fun! My sis recorded a video of us playing kiddie's ball in the kiddie's pool. I will post it here when my sis is done with her stuffs.
Andddd, we saw Hong Kong movie starrrrr! well, one of them. lol. I don't kno here name but i get to take picture with her! In the buffett. :)
Well then, around 5 p.m, we went to One Borneo! Sadly, my friends didn't go. :( Was sad but hmmm it's alright. We can still hang around there when there's not much people around. :D
I can't really remember everything that i went thru during my holls. I think, this is the only quarter of my stories in Karambunai. haha.
Anyways, I will post everythingggg that contains faces and movements[pictures & vid] by tomorrow, cause im kinda lazy tonight. :D
Just stay in touch. =)

fact : I love the meal called You. ♥
Friday, June 6, 2008 @ Don't ever ever ever let your childhood dreams fade away. /
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I just watched a video recently on Sherwynna's blog. This is an interesting video about life. Or shud i say, a vide of not giving up your hopes & dreams in life. Well, im not gonna say much, click it & you'll see it for yourself. :)
As i was browsing thru my collections of avatars, i found some interesting pictures that will make you roll on the floor laughing your ass out! *giggles*

Laughters are good!
Hope you enjoyed it ;)
Thursday, June 5, 2008 @ colorings and paintings; made my day. /
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I felt like a lil-primary-school kid today!
Don't ask why.
I'll post the pictures that i took today and you'll kno why i felt like a kid just now.
It was fun! teehee~
Todaaay, is a very wonderful day. Why? Cause i ain't having no tuition for tonight. We're gonna have 'kuo chung' [sticky rice]. *jumps with joy* Okay okay okay. Lets see, do you guys even kno what is 'kuo chung'? It's something thats gotta do with Chinese thing. I don't really kno why we need to do this but, it taste soo good! Especially when my grandmomS making it. *slurps*
I'm not gonna online for two days! or maybe one and a half day. haha. I'm goin to Karambunai for holiday! Yes, i kno, it's kinda late for a nice and comfy holls but, what to do. We have to tolerate my uncle's schedule. So yeap.
'Karambunai ;some say it's heaven'
Do you agree? I don't really agree tho.
hahaha. I still love Rasa Ria. ♥
Message to Joshua : Now it's myyyyy turn to go for a nice comfy holls in Karambunai! WEEHEE! hahaha. :p

Dirty hands!
Green; Elle. Yellow; Mirabelle. Blue; Belle. Red; Me!

I ♥ him so the veryy much! *kisses Ryan's forehead*
And im very exicted! Why? two more days and Hello OneBorneo!! :D
I was thinking.
Why not?
Standing under your umbrella of love.
It has been raining for like two or more days. Cold and windy. More like a, Silent Night, without snow. Yeah. I'm bored. So bored, i could die.
So, since im THAAT bored, i might just put some photos of LOVE. haha. :D

fact : I like disguising myself as a unicorn sometimes.
fact : Love, everyone needs it. So, why not give them one today.
fact : Listen to your heart, when he's callin for you. No one ever have love me like the way you do. ♥

fact : So people told me, Love is the most wonderful thing that has ever happen in one's life. I pretty much agree tho.

fact : He was in his room jamming his ass off his guitar whileas I was missing him, looking thru my window, wishing and praying upon the star.
fact : So i told myself. Everything will be alright, if only he's right here by my side.
Thats about it folks.
Stay loved and stay strong!
I love this song.
You ask me if I love you and I choke on my reply.
I'd rather hurt you honestly
Than mislead you with a lie.
And who am I to judge you
On what you say or do?
I'm only just beginning
To see the real you.
And sometimes when we touch,
The honesty's too much,
And I have to close my eyes and hide.
I wanna hold you till I die,
Till we both break down and cry.
I wanna hold you till the fear in me subsides.
Romance and all its strategy
Leaves me battling with my pride.
But through the insecurity,
Some tenderness survives.
I'm just another writer
Still trapped within my truths;
A hesitant prizefighter
Still trapped within my youth.
At times I'd like to break you
And drive you to your knees
.At times I'd like to break through
And hold you endlessly.
At times I understand you,
And I know how hard you've tried.
I've watched while love commands you,
And I've watched love pass you by.
At times I think we're drifters,
Still searching for a friend,
A brother or a sister.
But then the passion flares again.
*repeat chorus.
I was thinking, is all this worth it?

So, my tuition was suppose to start at 7 p.m but my sis and i left the house late. which was, 7 p.m. *stares sarcastically at the screen*. We thought, well, mostly MY SIS thought that it was okay to left the house late abit, but guess what? It was hella jam! And why jam you ask? Blame the government for this, they raise the petrol price up to
RM2.70! The roads were pretty hectic and jam all the way. *curses*
Luckily, we managed to reach on time. Well, not really ON TIME. Like around 15 minutes late. Woops. My teacher came at 7.30?! Dammit. So we started our class late. He let us go back early, so yeah we did. And so, i thought, goin back early was BETTER. But guess not. My sis and i waited in the car for around 9 something p.m untill around 11 p.m? I can't really remember the time tho.
For the climacs on this part, My sis went to pay the fuel and load it in. I was like sooo relief after she filled the car up with full-tanked fuel. But, i spoke too soon. My sis couldn't start the engine. *curses even more* It was damn chaotic dude i tell you. Noticed that my sis didn't close back the cover of the put-in-the-fuel thingy. I don't kno what they call it but yeah. So, i opened the door[i sat the backseat] and close it just like that. She started with the engine again. and again. and again. ENDLESS. Luckily, there were four or five dudes came to help my sis to push the car to somewhere near the pretrol station. And then, came an unkown Chinese guy driving a nice silky black Harrier and asked what happened.
If you must know, the car were pushed and stopped at CKS. And so, the frantic begins. My mum and dad called my sis and I, like legion times. The man who owns the Harrier car helped us by buying a new battery for the car. Thank Gawd he have a good heart. ♥ [i kinda summarize the story abit]. So we drove home safely. And yes, here i am. Bloging and cursing all the way. Thanks to the government for raising the price of the fuels, NOT.
Cause for YOU guys raise the fuelss' price, there were so many hectic momments on the road that happened just now. Cars crashed, sound pollution of the honks from the impatient drivers and so on.
Back then when we were in the car, listened to sooo many kinds of songs! Oldies, RnB, blues and all. It kinda got me feeling emotionally emo that time. When SOMEONE didn't reply that SOMEONE'S msg and phone calls. *sighs*
I was told to not post any entry about this incident, but oh well sis, I couldn't help it but just let it all out here. *smiles widely* :D
AND i'm goin to school tomorrow, to meet my friends. Has been two days since i met them. haha. Sorry belle and elle. OH YEAH, not to forget, belle have a blog now! SHE BLOGS, finally. Yay for that. *grins*
Belinduuuh ♥ <- click it if you're happy.
So, thats for tonight. Bad one but yeah, at least i've experienced something that do with CARs.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008 @ love isn't about money; materials. /
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Sometimes, we shud not over-do it with/in life. What i mean is, do not
over-used your money for stuffs, expensive stuffs that you really want it cause just for show. Do not
over-limit your time goin out or hanging around with your bunch of 'cool' friends doin nothing but wasting money and time. And many more.
Sometimes, i asked myself, is this really worth doin it?
I don't think so. Honestly, I love spending my times with my family more than that with my friends. No, not because my parents can pay anything that i want them to buy. It's because, i love talking and sharing my feelings with them, their laughters & jokes make my day, no matter where or when. And yes, we, teenagers nowadays like to argue with our parents just cause we wanna hang with our friends or buy stuffs that are expensive/useless. This is not right people! You, WE need some senseeee in yours and OUR brains.
Though your parents may treat you like you don't deserve love or so on, but do something to let them see with their own eyes that you are not just like any other useless child, you are something special. :) hmmm, i kno it's weird writing this entry, but i just felt like letting it out. Telling each and everyone of you of what i feel and whats my opinion. I read
Miraen's blog and it was nice. I actually read it all till end. & i have to agree with her too, about getting all you want (im talking about materials) isn't just it, it's
love from someone who really
cares, especially your family that
So, here i am. writing all down.
All we need is a hug and show everyone that we care and love them from the very bottom of our hearts. =)
yes, i also hacked.. haha.. ;)
just bored.. so yeah, here i am..
hmmm... about Wendy,
caring, helpful, fun to bully.. =p.. jk,
always there, honest, loving..
the way she laughs, makes you laugh even more, haha..
oh, and she easily get kuyak-ed, hahaha..
without her, life is dull, boring, meaningless??
yeah, just wanna let u know, that i appreciate you alot.
oh, by the way, its joshua here.. ;)
Verse 1
I never had the love i want in my life,
was dull, was hurt, i cried.
And though my skies are grey but you kept me in line,
And i don't know, if you'll be mine.
you raise me up when i was down,
what comes around and goes around,
but can't you tell that all i want is you, noow.
All i want is two of us,
make this happen,
never be ashamed,
all i want is two of us,
that's all i wanted,
this love ain't just the same.
Oh, love, peace and happy ending,
all this will remain, if we're together..
Ohh, together.
Verse 2
I listen to my heart, and it only beats for you,
tonight, our dreams, will come true,
This time, we might fall in love, so deeply true,
love was made for only me and you..
*repeat chorus.
You were there for me everynight, everyday & dreams of my life.
and i hope it's reality, for all the words you said to meeeeeee.
*Repeat chorus 2x.
AH, finally. a new song =)
And yes, i wrote it all.

Ah yes, im ina mood to write lyrics! or maybe just A lyric.
Nothing better to do, so, thats it!
I'm gonna ready pen and a piece of paper now. Write it all down.
By the way, Joshua made his own blog!
Joshua R.Click it & check it out. He only made ONE post, which is so uncool. ahah. kidding. :p

So, i watched it. Yes i did. It was great. :D Soooo great! So far, the
best action movie ever! Teehee~
Okay lets talk about way bacck when we were in school. We painted our classroom pretty. Cute flowaaahs. And yes, you got it right.
We. Took. Alot. Of. Photos. Again.
So, around 12 in the afternoon, Belle's mum fetch us and send us to Cathay for moooovie! Which was,
Indiana Jones. Nothing much happened actually. Well, my friends were annoyed by me cause i kept on repeating about how fun
One Borneo would be, what shops were open & what shops WILL open & etc~ They got pretty much fed up of me, especially
Elle. hahahaha. Sorrry, i just can't help it but being so excited about it. Trying so hard not to talk about it. I better keep my mouth shut for... now until when the actuall opening of One Borneo which is on the
7th of June, or 8th. Five more days to go. *waiting*
fact: She walks on sunshine, cries in the rain.
yes, thats the word to describe the mall, Hypermall.
One Borneo. Perfectly fine indeed! Went there with my family just now. After out breakfast. Didn't kno where to go, so their suggestion was,
One Borneo. Thought that no shops will open yet. But whoaah, once you step into that big hall in the mall, eyes were shinning like mad. hahahaha.
I'll list down what i saw : Braun Buffel. Sasa. CK. MNG.
MCKY. Nine West. Habib. Fish&Co. Axezz. Esprit. Eclipse. Levi's.
Fcuk. Mini Toons.
Jigsaw World Puzzle[i ♥ this]. Daiso. Roxy. Quiksilver. Sushi King [♥o♥]. Kenny Rogers. Manhattan Fish Market. Living Cabin. & aloooooooooooooooooooot more!
This, is getting me frenzied(excited).
And they even have this built-in aquairum. Which, im not so sure myself whether it's big or not, or whether it's wide or not. haha. Can't wait for the opening! This, is gonna be so much fun. :D
*it's like im advertising for 1borneo or something. gees.
hahahahaha. but yes, alot of nice clothes, food! *drools*
But wait, for advice or pre-caution, check your pocket before goin there. :p
FINALLY, i bought the
SebaMed skin product!
Hope it's gonna be fine on my skin. *smiles*

look at my bro doin his stunts!

another one!

hahahahahaa. cutee lah! *pinches*
Ryan: mummy, why is jiejie keep on taking picture of me? i shud show her my cute face then. *shows**flashes*

Care gel. Cleansing liquid. Facial tonner.

Starter kit...??!

Can't see?

Combat pimples, blackheads & skin impurities. gaawwsssh~
Seba Med-ness! or shud i say, Seba Madness!