Sorry guys for the late update. Been busy, or i can say, lazy these past few days. lol. Well, on the 9th of April was my beloved mommy's birthday! Once again, Happy Belated Burrrffday mom! ♥♥ =D It was great. We had our dinner in May Flower. alrights. & while on the 12th of April, went to Belle's house for a-hang. We planned to watch like movies, REAL movies. but, we ended up watching Anime Series in Elle's laptop. tsk tsk tsk. But it was good, i must say. xD I soooo love Sharlyn's room! So cute & Interesting! haha. alrights, randomness.
Hmm, while one the 13th of April, well.. something that i didn't wish to be happened. & it already did. Which is a really big big sad case for me. *tears. You guys [who knows me], will know about what am i talking right now sooner or later. *sigh. But i'll pray, pray that they're gonna be happy forever. =) like the song says "She's got everything that I have to live without". <- this is so very relates to what I am right now. Luckily, Joshua was there to cheer the whole thing up. I'm glad, I met you Joshua. =) Thanks for being a good friend, supportive & caring. I'll cherish our friednship. & yeah, while on the 14th of April, which is today. Nothing much happened. Normal schooling hours. though I may look happy in school, giggle gaggle & hyper. But, no one knows how hurt my heart was. Till then, I have to look forward, not the past. So I must be strong. Wish me luck people. 'remember, I will always cherish you 'till forever'

Hmm, while one the 13th of April, well.. something that i didn't wish to be happened. & it already did. Which is a really big big sad case for me. *tears. You guys [who knows me], will know about what am i talking right now sooner or later. *sigh. But i'll pray, pray that they're gonna be happy forever. =) like the song says "She's got everything that I have to live without". <- this is so very relates to what I am right now. Luckily, Joshua was there to cheer the whole thing up. I'm glad, I met you Joshua. =) Thanks for being a good friend, supportive & caring. I'll cherish our friednship. & yeah, while on the 14th of April, which is today. Nothing much happened. Normal schooling hours. though I may look happy in school, giggle gaggle & hyper. But, no one knows how hurt my heart was. Till then, I have to look forward, not the past. So I must be strong. Wish me luck people. 'remember, I will always cherish you 'till forever'